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So the brand new season of Beavis and Butthead are out and the last season from 2022 was hilarious from what I recall. Is ANYONE sharing this yet!? Can't seem to find this on p2p or bit torrent! Seriously, where the fuck is everyone these days!? Come on! If this were just 10 years ago all this shit would have been available for anyone looking to download it.

I found some anons sharing it but they don't title it Season 10. That's why it may be hard to find right now. Search up the titles of the episodes and typically different video formats will show up.

Watched the entire new season. The entire season is only around 3 hours if that, 20x ~10 minutes episodes. Some of them were funny, others were pretty lame. My favorite episodes of this new season were Pardon Our Dust, Tobacco Farmers, Sad Boys, Spring Break, Stolen Valor and Hoarders. There were some hilarious moments in those episodes.

Honestly I would have no problem paying for it. IF this season were on DVD set. It's not. I did buy the DVD set of the original '90s series. These new seasons are stream only and I do not pay for streaming services because my internet is too slow and shitty to keep up with streaming because I live rural and rely on satellite internet. If you ever had a satellite connection you'd know there are heavy bandwidth caps, it's much slower than cable and the connection stability depends on weather conditions out here. Streaming would buffer to much and might even cut in and out at times. So I have to stick with downloading, or buying DVDs.

they likely won't relese it because of the copyright shit over youtube, just like how the old show cut 80% of the episode to avoid the music when released on DVD

sad, you're right the new season was fucking hilarious, only good shit on TV in five years

I simply download most stuff and store it on offline backup drives. I can access the files on another offline laptop or my old plasma TV set without any internet connection needed. If there happens to be a virus, so what? It's not like they can ping my IP address or be compromised remotely.

Maybe, but I just use p2p, bit torrent and backup external drives. It's a lot easier and with all the modern TVs you can plug those drives into the USB ports and play most of those video files on the TV set uninterrupted, sitting comfy on a couch or laying down on a bed.



NEW 2024 episodes are a go!

The destruction of the US is completely planned and scripted.

Doesn't the fact that the 2000 page Patriot Act was written and passed immediately after 9/11 seem odd?

Doesn't the fact that all the governments in the world were immediately prepared for the virus with masks, thermometers, checkpoints, curfews, border closures, house arrests, and bailouts make you wonder?

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