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We have 34 trillion dollars of national debt and we cannot even have standard modern reliable vehicles? The state of this country is absolute garbage today. Better keep and be able to maintain your older vehicles, they'll be the only ones able to commute without headaches and huge financial setbacks.

No way in hell I'd ever take a loan to purchase one of these newer vehicles.
Got to love this one too:


Headline should be renamed more accurately IMO:
"New Vehicle Regulations To Curb Climate Change Create Spontaneous Fires Causing More Climate Change, Inb4 Repeat."
It seems like the EV craze has peaked already. Growth in gas cars is now far higher than electrics, flipping a trend from 12 months ago. Finally, consumers are figuring it out. [The EV] is a good second car, provided youā€™re driving in your own town, you have a hook-up at home and can charge it overnight, and you donā€™t suddenly have to go out of town. Itā€™s a toy, sometimes a fun one, but not a real car. For that, you need gas.

The idea that this car is going to transition the United States to ā€œclean energyā€ is absurd. If every car were electric, the grid would crash and rationing would be the norm. And maybe thatā€™s the whole point. You drive only with permission. Nothing about your transportation is within your control. Authorities will decide everything for you. Itā€™s a perfect strategy for creating a society of dependents.

Fortunately, consumers arenā€™t playing along. We still live with the remnants of a capitalist system whereby manufacturers have to make profits. So thatā€™s a serious problem for the whole EV industry. It could very well collapse in 2024. That is, if not bailed out by corrupt governments once again.

we can
but the new model is subscription based
you can't use it unless you stay as a customer and renew your right to use our product
Which is exactly why so many Americans are refusing and will continue to buy this JUNK.

It's this simple: if I buy a product from you, it should be owned by ME - not you. Because I paid you for it. Once you pay for that product, ownership is therefore transferred. Unless you are renting it, that is. If I want to rent a vehicle, I'll go to a car rental, not a car dealership!

So it's this simple: if I buy something, it will be something I will own and be able to access anytime, anywhere I please. If that is not possible, fuck your scam merchant racket I won't be a customer! Got it? This is the way it's always been in economics and people know all this modern JUNK is a big fat scam!
Which is exactly why so many Americans are refusing and will continue [refusing] to buy this JUNK. Fixed.

I am absolutely stunned today how ignorant some people are about these scams. It's not a very good product if you don't have the right to use it when you want to! That is a scam and it ain't worth shit to me.
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It's all becoming junk. Spyware-infested garbage. I'm going to be buying some backup older appliances at thrift shops, keeping anything old I still have until it stops working and can no longer be repaired. I'm not buying or supporting any appliance that needs to be connected to the internet to work, fuck that!
Consumers will catch on once they realize their appliances won't work because 'X, Y, Z' and it's all internet related. I mean, fuck, you'd have to have an IQ around 60 not to realize it by then!
THIS is why they want "updates", all these new car models are BOTNETS. Govt-approved mobile prison surveillance cells:

ā€˜Modern cars are a privacy nightmare,ā€™ the worst Mozillaā€™s seen.

A new study from the Mozilla Foundation found that all 25 of the car brands it reviewed had glaring privacy concerns, even compared to the makers of sex toys and mental health apps.

I'm going to be buying a couple extra older flat screen plasma TVs very soon as my family can still use those without any internet or any remote intervention. We still use DVDs and external USB drives with digital media because we enjoy owning the content physically and it's nice having backups that cannot be easily taken away from us. Newer TVs are now mandating online registration and subscription just like the modern vehicles *puke*!!! Welcome to the death of free market capitalism where governments run the economy and dictate what can or cannot be manufactured and destroy consumer choice. Only way out will be to flee to the older tech and have a couple backups for redundancy.
It's not just EVs anymore, they are actually putting tons of bloatware (corporate spyware) in ALL modern vehicles. Even worse. All that corporate spyware; and we should call it for what it is: spyware; mandates you "update" it routinely (what it's really doing is stealing tons of info from driver's mobile devices, and hidden car cams/mic!) and if you refuse, you cannot drive anymore.

So fuck no, I won't be spending any money on any modern spyware-ridden update-to-drive vehicle in the future. I rather drive old clunkers, at least they work and drivers actually own them.  Fucking country is going the way of communist Cuba.  Black market will likely be fixing up old clunkers in the future.
Biden Caught In Huge Rigging Of EV Carbon Credits At Taxpayer Expense

Government-run 'economy' go figure.
A State-regulated market ruins everything, it's official.

Next comes mandatory alcohol breathalyzers installed in the vehicles which will determine whether or not you can drive.
More than half of American "GDP" is debt the government spends to regulate the market and that's part of the entire economic fraud right there. During the 1980s and earlier the US did not count debt as GDP but today we do to hoax plebs into believing we still have a free market and real economy. We actually don't. The days of free market capitalism are far gone.
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USSA imports third world slave labor from the open borders today. One of the reasons labor wages are low today. The other major reason is because, back in 1971, Nixon got the US Dollar off the gold standard. This was the beginning of the fiat dollar, by 1974 known as the "US petrodollar" after OPEC initiated US Dollar for oil trade. It wasn't long until the US government started to abuse the global reserve currency status and overspend into fiscal insolvency. The same fate as many other past fallen empires.
Price inflation is only the symptom, not the cause. When your currency is devalued (via reckless spending and debt insolvency) this devalues the purchasing power of the fiat currency. As the purchasing power devalues the cost for commodities, goods and services go up, making everything more expensive. The only way to keep inflation under control is to cut spending and stop going into too much debt. However good luck convincing politicians and our government to ever do such a thing. They'd rather keep their empire even if it means bankrupting the nation and ruling over our ashes. That's always the price people pay for building an empire. That's why our Founding Fathers were dead against empires and central banking.
We are not allowed to make anything new that works properly because
> how dare average plebs have anything functionally convenient without being ripped off and price gouged into financial oblivion!?
This is the literally the primitive mindset of bureaucrats and oligarchs in the US today.
Worthless shit. If I'm going to buy something it's going to be something I own and only I can modify.

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