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It's horrible but what do you expect average people to do when living under corrupt cruel governments that could care less about their own citizenry and consider us to be expendable and replaceable subjects as well? Looks like the civilized world is being rapidly and deliberately destabilized, prepare accordingly if you have not done so already.
I remember back in the day when I was young everyone thought the 21st century would be some kind of high tech utopia with flying cars, hovering skateboards and interactive hologram media for entertainment and pleasure. But nahhhhhh... this new century is repeating the same negative corrupt despotic bullshit as most the 20th century which was filled with horrible atrocity and misery. What's worse is governments actively participate in it while denying any involvement and claiming to be stables of "muh democracy!" So very, very sad and utterly pathetic.
Maybe their hell will be reincarnation into some future victims other despotic leaders like themselves will kill for profit like they did in their past life? Would be the best kind of karma.
We are witnessing mass murder for profit.  They want to steal all the Palestinian houses,land, and goods.
1. To end the conflict in Gaza: Israeli guys kill guys in Gaza and rape all girls and women in Gaza
2. To end Ukrainian War: Russia makes Ukraine their colony
Our own corrupt government is filled with terrorists, who the fuck do you think did 9/11? America's government was fully hijacked when the neo-cons took control over America (circa 2000) and they are still running the country into the ground today.
Tucker Carlson and Mike Benz Interview

https://www.bitchute.com/video/0lceEAgLS5l1/ [Embed]

If you care to know who is running all the Western NGOs, the media, all the public institutions, how it all connects and is funded by the same neo-cons, the details how it all works and is funded and by whom, this is the interview that explains it all and blows their 'national security' state wide open.
Quran says raping and enslaving female non-Muslims is okay and killing male non-Muslims is also okay.

So Muslims raped many female Christians and killed many male Christians.
I'm glad Israel isn't stopping at the sandnigger beach, they seem to be preparing to clean up Iran as well.  Kill Every Nigger On Earth
The yids are already pulling out of that shithole in the south of the gaza strip. Muslims will have enough children in the next couple years to make up for lost numbers. Meanwhile the Israelis just got the whole United Nations to call them out for war crimes.

Islam 1 - 0 Israel
There's nothing we can do about it. I'm thousands of miles away living my own life just trying to stay safe and live within my means. The hell if I'm going to join some online "resistance" group that turns out to be mostly antifa and glow niggers waiting to set me up and drag me into the crooked prison industrial complex racket. And like hell I'm going to be cannon fodder for any government wars.
War gets less and less terrible only when enough citizens reject the wars and refuse to fight the governments' wars. That's the only safety net we have today.
And more people in the West see this and more and more will simply refuse to join the military and fight for your wars. Congratulations.

Inb4 >we'll draft you
Not if enough angry disgruntled citizens are willing to kill the draft enforcers they can't.

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