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I went to a cafe next to a mosque in Las Vegas. There were two guys sitting at a corner table, discussing a sinister operation during a large upcoming event. They were laughing, saying that nobody could do anything in the US for such an operation because everyone is so overweight. An interesting detail that I managed to overhear was that they mentioned using a gel-like substance in a fat suit, without any metallic or obvious parts that would trigger security. They also mentioned making it partially sensitive, so it could be triggered by a hard slap on a specific part of the suit.

I posted this here because I don't know where I could share this information.
Report what you hear to the FBI and local cops, then they can take the surveillance footage nearby and hopefully have you identify them on camera. Otherwise I don't know. It's extremely idiotic to say Americans "can't do anything" though, "everyone is fat in America" is simply just a meme used to slander us. The sad truth is even if there were some terror attack most Americans probably wouldn't care very much. Most would see it on the news and shrug and in about a day later everyone would go back to whatever it is they were doing. Furthermore it won't do anything to stop our government from bombing Iran or Gaza, they keep on doing whatever they want whether citizens like it or not.

Honestly it doesn't matter, no amount of terror attacks is going to get us to bow down to Islam or relinquish any of our rights. All it will do is increase gun sales, prepping mentality and those reporting possible hostile threats to the US government (whether or not they do anything about it). And even if some 'Allah Akbar!' is successful in a major terror attack how much you want to bank on it being another State-sponsored false flag operation to push us further into destabilizing wars with the Middle East?

The smartest thing Islam can do, for now, is wait until the USSA collapses economically, and then when our ZOG government's foreign policy becomes neutered, you can bring total war to Israel, which is your real enemy.

I'm just telling you an unwanted truth. Most Americans will shrug off the attacks because of their extremely low attention spans. Just like all those mass school shootings, one week later most don't even remember any of the details. The same would happen in any Islam attack (just like in Britain!) People shrug it off and move on with their lives. As for the US government, they really don't give a rats ass either, they exist to keep leaching off public wealth and continue their power trip and lust for global hegemony (which will never happen but logic does not matter to hubris control freaks).

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