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I would say the Polaris soundtrack from the show Pete & Pete. The band was briefly popular but remained a one hit wonder band. They still tour from what I've heard but barely released much else.
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This album is what made the rock band Creed popular. It was released back in 1997, and in my opinion their best album to date. Do not know if that band is still around today. I remember buying this CD at a music store though.
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Några frågor på det?!

Rävbögen i Finja vill gärna veta!



Vi säger vad vi tycker om Rävbögen "RUNKEN" Bjäffmongo och de andra hednsika och sataniska djurknullarna och perversa monstren som tror att de är djur och beter sig som jävla rovdjur och gömmer sig bakom autism!


Rävbögen viker ut sig på DUMPEN.SE som den uppmärksamhetshora han är!


// Vi på SiVo
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These two Greta albums are a must have for any rock fans, both albums released in the early to mid 1990s. The genre is a mix of grunge and hard rock. The singer was very talented and the drummer went on to play for the band Rage Against The Machine.

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