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Well the first step is having a distinction between what you mentally want and what you sexually want. In your mind it should be clear that having sex with kids is wrong, even if it arouses you.

Second step is to realise and learn what happens to children who are sexually abused, how it effects them mentally ( most of them because faggots or kill themselves later in life over it )

Third step should be you thinking, if you are so obsessed with children, you should instead try and find a wife so you can have children of your own. but you should only love them with your heart, hopefully you would have realised that.

Thats my advice. I suffered the same problem, turns out, it was just an obsession and loneliness that turned me into what I was. Stop pornography too, of all sorts. At the very least try to refrain from looking at it.

i agree with the first and second points, third is too much for an anti-social individual, im already capable of loving girls with my heart i will never hurt them.

honestly didn't expect anyone to take my semi ironic post seriously and provide advice it's much appreciated.

You can't "cure yourself" of you you are but if it was caused by pornography just stop viewing and using pornography 

It's not your fault. Pornography is made to arouse the audience. If you feel guilty just feel it to help quit.

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