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Hello endchan I decided I hate myself
To the point I'll find a chubby wife next to obese who's into black men and cheating on her husbands for one. Im too socially awkward to be in the same room as they fuck so I'll get her to record it and then after we watch the tape while she gives me a reassuring hand job and pitty kisses while somewhat engaging in foreplay while getting off to her having the bull finish off on her ass while she is laying tired on the bed exhausted and exposed of being owned. I don't deserve real love but it's mixed with jerking off which developed this fetish I have. I'll never be disconnected from this ugly world I'll always be apart of it might as well give into nature's demands. After all nature always wins, right?.you fucking naturalist supporting cock suckers? Why let technology help us to not be so filthy when we can live for a while life time in misery stripped away from what the soul wants.

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