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This is not a recommendation and in no way am I saying you should do so.... BUT.... if I myself were to commit suicide I would find a large body of water, with a bridge or dock overhead, having a 10mm by my side, walk to the nearest edge and blow my brains out. Even if the bullet happened to miss a vital part of my brain my body would still drown in the water as a fail-safe, unrecoverable, death.

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it's so disgusting to think about violent situations like this. I mean I laugh when I watch rekt videos, but I think the brain can't stand the horror anymore and takes it as a joke. Imagining yourself doing that, it reminds you of how absolutely disgusting it's to be an organism

i know from experience its useless to try to talk you out of it so just check out sanctioned-suicide.net might take a day or two to get approved but all necessary info is on there

Suicide should be the last option only reserved if nothing in your life can be corrected due to extreme circumstances. In no way do I condone doing so, but sadly there are some people who have fucked up their lives and can see no other option. Therefore, if anyone had to do it, do it quickly and swiftly without pain. The only "pain" you would feel from a 10mm through to the back of your skull would be a split micro-second, not enough time for your nerves to even register that "pain" before you were dead. I say 10mm rounds rather than 9mm because some people have survived 9mm & .38 rounds to the head in some rare cases.

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i have known exactly 3 dudes who committed suicide, two teenagers and the last a married adult with children. 
two of them hanged themselves and the last one took rat poison. I didn't approve of it before either, but now I think it's a good thing. People are not worth it, it doesn't matter

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