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thumbnail of 1711297673897722.webm
1711297673897722 webm
(3.87 MB, 1920x1080 vp9)
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thumbnail of 1711472898880593.webm
1711472898... webm
(3.72 MB, 606x1080 vp9)
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thumbnail of 1711565496553659.webm
1711565496553659 webm
(2.91 MB, 720x480 vp8)
thumbnail of 1712157682553992.webm
thumbnail of 1712157682553992.webm
1712157682553992 webm
(1.86 MB, 640x360 vp8)
WEBM porn thread.

Rules: No gay porn. No tranny porn. No CP, no scat, no gore, no other extreme fetishes or anything illegal. Ages 18+ only. Straight softcore and hardcore porn welcome. Lesbians welcome if the women are hot.

If you post some good ones, I'll post more of the good ones I have saved. If not, this thread will be left to die.

Go for it.

If you're straight most of these videos would not seem ugly to you.

You can find plenty of the most gross shit posted on 4chan /gif/, the majority of /gif/ is fag-tier gross shit. The reason for this thread was to post all the straight normal porn with hot chicks, females almost any straight man on Earth would be willing to fuck.

Q everyone, I just started exploring the darknet, I’m trying to find paid content with fetish/slave/extreme porn content, but on the darknet it’s a scam or expensive subscriptions, I heard that you can buy subscriptions in Telegram and it will be even cheaper, is there anyone who can help me with this?

My son you can find average shit like that in the clearnet lol only fun thing about the darknet is the cp and drugs which could also be found in the clearnet if you know where to look all the good shits usually behind closed doors or real obscure go look for it you'll find it

I don't want to spend more of my money and time getting into relationships just to fuck whores anymore, I rather just jack off to porn and save what money I still have and not put up with the 'yap yap yap' 'do this do that' 'lets go out again' 'buy this for me buy that for me' routine. When you get older you will understand.

You're just weak and pretty young from what I've seen you just want what is easy to handle because you're not man enough to commit and grow in a full relationship get out your confort zone boy you'll thank me later son

Create webm/gif/whatever board, or claim an existing one, moderate it to your liking.
We were discussing if we should intervene here. We understand the point of OP, but OP's requests aren't binding and no post breaks global rules.

thumbnail of 4chanslideshow.topic.jpg
thumbnail of 4chanslideshow.topic.jpg
4chanslideshow.topic jpg
(170.54 KB, 1024x768)
4chan Video Slideshow - Check out my webapp that lets you auto play 4chan videos one by one. 

Add 4chan urls of threads with videos (e.g. /gif) - as many   as you like. The webapp will play all the mp4 videos it finds in a slideshow. Use the app here: https://depvana.com/topic/344

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