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The concept is simple. A place where people can create and discover topics in a structured way. Each topic serves as a digital room where people can post content such as text, images, webm and voice chat. Each topic can have subtopics related to the parent topic but of more specific nature. Subtopics can again have subtopics etc.

Everyone can make topic room about anything at all and everyone can post content. You can post anonymously without logging in.

Hopefully you could try it out and let me know what you think. Maybe try to do some posts or make new topics about something you care about. Experiment all you want. Any feedback and suggestions for improvement are highly appreciated.

The site is: https://depvana.com

feedback: https://depvana.com/topic/4

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> A place where people can create and discover topics
> You can post anonymously without logging in
> where people can post content such as text, images, webm
Sounds very similar to image boards like this one, except for
> voice chat
Voice chat tends to be used by normies. I think that would be the only significant difference other than the layout is a bit different.

It looks like a cool site. Only issue you may eventually have is spam bots and the assholes who eventually start posting CP or other illegal content which you'll be compelled to delete for legal reasons.

Thanks for trying it out and your kind words. Your feedback is highly appreciated. 

The intention is definitely not to make something similar to image boards. I think image boards are great at what they do as is.

The idea evolves more around setting topics in structure. That is, you can make subtopics under a topic which again can have subtopics. This makes it easy to create and discover new subtopics and progress into more and more specific aspects in a structured way. If you try making a topic and subtopic I hope the intention will be more clear.

Anyway, I hope to hear from you again on depvana and let me know if the project is heading in the right direction or something could have been done better. best,

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Kinda like a forum OP? or reddit, but I'm not saying that in a mean or insulting way though since reddit does something similar to what you want It could work if it's niche enough. 

You just get volunteer mods and shit like cloudflare/basedflare to prevent that. 

And just put a disclaimer that every poster is responsible for their own post and the website can't control what other people post. Just to wash your hands clean of what other people do in the site.

Hey, pleasure to hear from you, were did we meet?

Site is going great in my humble opinion. Slow and steady progress. Most importantly though, how do you think the site is going? 

Have you tried it lately? Would love to hear about your experience using its features and any thoughts you may have on it. Cheers,

Thank you. I would not see it as a forum. If you try it out I am sure the distinction will be clear. If anything, you can see it as a new take on a mixture of discord/reddit where topic rooms can spiral into subtopic rooms.  

Reddits problem is that there is no structure on its subreddits. Just one long list of sporadic posts that should have been divided into subtopics. Discovering subtopics of subtopics or treat anything in a structured way is next to impossible. I hope Depvana solves this.

That being said, reddit has become a hostile platform with suffocating censorship and moderation. Horrible tracking and analytics of its users. Incomprehensible karma points. Just to list a few.  

Can I convince you to try it out? Experiment all you want, make some post and create a topic and let me know what you think. Your feedback is highly appreciated. We need to test out new sites otherwise we are stuck on facebook and reddit forever. Cheers,

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i first saw you post on bant
i haven't used it until i found this thread and i will say it looks good, maybe you could fill the space on the sides with some stuff, either qol things or just expand the post window so it looks less empty

i will be honest i didnt get how the subtopics things would work at first because i didn't see "subtopics" written on the side panel (my bad -.-) so i thought it would be something dumb like a post having the name of the subtopic next to it but still being mixed in with everything else, it's a good idea imo, it will help keeping the place clean by separating what would be the equivalent of generals on 4chan from more generic posts

one thing, i dont know if this is an issue on my end, or if it's because it's still unimplemented but the subtopics panel has some "..." buttons which i assume are there to open a hamburger menu, however they don't seem to be functional

good luck

Awesome, thank you. Good idea with the empty space. I will think of something to fill it, while still hopefully preserve simplicity. I encourage you to make some posts or create a topic if you ever feel like doing so. Is that something I can convince you to do?     

Anyway, I hope to hear from you again from time to time and your feedback is much appreciated and will affect the direction of the project. Best,

This site needs two topic threads: movies and music. Maybe a TV thread and DIY hobby thread as well. I did contribute some more replies recently. It does however need some more diverse topic threads but I do not wish to register just to create more of them. Maybe the owner or someone else will?

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I commented on my speculation. Keep in mind this is just a theory of mine, I do not actually know if it is true or could ever be proven true. I do however find the universe fascinating and have an open mind about other theories out there.

I like this site very much, huge potential, just keep out the bad actors and it will remain good. Will be posting some of my own thoughts from now on, enjoy the financial and economic threads btw.

> So I come back here after a couple days and /b/ is loaded full of nonsense again.

Yeah well it's /b/ so that's to be expected. Just ignore those threads, bump good ones like this one (or make your own), and whatever lol

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This website was going soooooo well, guess what?

Retards are now spamming it up with garbage!

Because, you know, I guess we don't deserve to have any decent content and sane conversation without it being sabotaged and interrupted by those of very low, low IQ.

I would encourage OP to delete the spam for the sake of website's integrity. If it's a bunch of nonsense posted it deserves to be deleted.

Thanks anon!

I think some people are born to be retarded assholes, and it will never change. Hopefully they know who they are and what they are, and change, but chances are they won't, and choose to remain retarded assholes.

Great site by the way, I will continue posting there too.

Hope to see more threads created soon. Maybe one for news & geo-politics (although debates could get heated lol). Maybe another for promoting good TV shows and movies. I don't have any registered accounts so I'll have to wait for some to be created.

Thanks for chiming in. There is already a Movies/TV topic that I think should serve the purpose, or do you prefer a more specific promotion topic?

I agree with the news and politics. A topic for both of them will be coming today. Heated debates are allowed and encouraged. We are aiming for no censorship, as in, if it's allowed by US law it goes.

If you don't mind me asking. What is the reason for you not having and account? You just fill in a username with no verification needed. With an account you get notifications when someone replies to your posts and you can create any topic you care about. Is there something in the signup process we need to improve on, or is it more a ideological decision? Cheers,

A general inquiry:
Do you guys prefer posts on a topic being sorted by date in ascending or descending order? In other words, should newest posts be found at the top or at the bottom?

Yeah I agree. Some people are just born with defunct neural brain wiring, as is the case with this Sage Guy. I think of people like that as mindless non player characters, where any attempt to reason with them is futile.

Haters gonna hate but a lot of the time they hate you because you are doing or saying something right. Cowards often hate people who are not cowards like themselves. It makes them seethe knowing they themselves cannot compete on a fair level.

Voice to text reminds me of what happened when 8kun added that option. Low and behold after being adopted there were these normie hate spammers using their phones with the voice option trolling the boards all day long, yelling into their phones, converting to text, often times the text not even coming out correctly, and them having to re-iterate and correct what they previously said. That option just seems to attract the most obnoxious people out there. You can go for it if you so choose but I fear it will attract a user base that would be better suited elsewhere on normie platforms. Then again I understand you do desire wider reach so there is always a risk of attracting scumbags.

Thank you, I appreciate your take on it. Just to clarify, voice chat on depvana is just for voice and hence no voice to text option. Every topic has a voice channel people can join should they choose. In this channel people who joined can talk to each other.

Sometimes I try to visit this site and it will not load. That happened early this morning. It typically happens in the early hours, and eventually loads fine during the day and afternoon hours. Why is that?

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