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thumbnail of secretboard1.png
thumbnail of secretboard1.png
secretboar... png
(565.41 KB, 727x1617)
I've been working on getting a p2p imageboard functioning for a while and I decided to start fresh more recently with a new project. It's still not fully featured per se, but I feel like releasing it in it's current form since it's still functional and I want to see if it works in the wild. Hopefully you'll be able to see the existing boards and start posting.

To install:
> install node and yarn (or npm instead of yarn)
> run "yarn build" to get the dependencies 
> run "yarn start" to start the server

And you can add whatever boards you like.
This basically works like a torrent. Moderation is local, so you can delete files and posts that you don't like, but it won't be deleted for others necessarily (unless everyone else blocks them and there are no more seeders). "Subscribing" to others as moderators so you can trust them to delete for you is also possible I just haven't hooked it all up yet.

Could you give a more technically detailed description of how your p2p tech works? Like where are content hosted and when do you create socket connections to peers etc...

If I like your solution I will try it out.