/baaa2/ - Autism

Dunking on the mentally ill

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A quick question to confirm:


Did he lick his OWN poop?

If not... was it someone else's' poop? If so, the ramifications of such a concept are simply horrifically staggering.

We all know that Jordan has acknowledged as a fact that he licked poop and that it tasted like a pill. That goes without saying.

The question that needs confirmation is: WHO'S poop did he lick?

> waaaah! being into FICTIONAL, NOT REAL, furry characters not resembling ANY real traits of a real dog is zoophilia!! waaah waah! 
go drink a bottle and go to sleep, idiot 
being into FAKE, and fictional cartoons does not make you a sick fuck. stop acting like a puritan and a hypocrite, since you basically are doing the same thing. you even thought my character was a cub when he isnt lol 
My god... you're such an ignorant, ungrateful and naive retard. Even for a confirmed sick fuck like you. 
Drawing ethelbert the tiger =/= irl animal, you fucking cunt. It's JUST a cartoon. How much can I stress it into your unhealthy brain? 
> h-he refuses to- 
> s-stole- 
Holy fuck you don't know what fair use is too, yep. you're also retarded for a creep like yourself. remember when you posted a REAL underage girl? how about i bring that up again to let everyone know what a psychotic liar you are

just... why? 
why the fuck do you think liking cartoons is suddenly "muh real" to you? 
i didnt even believe anime was real too, so uh. good fucking job making yourself even a bigger fool compared to me in 2016 or any other year

A Perspective of Jordan Manuel Rivera.
There is nothing but sorrow and pity when you think about his life. It is a horrid tale of a mental disability, family strife, and complete social isolation.
The saddest part about it must be that… we here are the closest thing he has to ‘friends.’ This place is all he knows where he can connect with other people, albeit in a hostile and negative place for him. Despite what he says, Jordan must feel so very lonely and isolated. He feels safe here, despite all the negatives; he can come here and be with other people (for what he feels) is ‘socialization’. He knows that he will not get banned. He cannot go anywhere else, because places that are new or different scare him - even online. Other places will simply ignore him or ban him for his negative abusive behaviour – and he knows this; so this must be why he keeps coming here. We are his ‘safety net’.
Here is where Jordan does not have to face the practical realities of his life. If he was ‘cured’ / ‘helped’ etc, he would have to change the way he thinks, acts, and deals with realities. It seems that, for Jordan, such a course simply terrifies him into inaction. Hence why he refuses to a] acknowledge his mental health conditions and b] refuse to actively participate in any professional psychological counselling, designed specifically to help him live a more effective, positive happy life. In other words: He is happy to stay as he is, so he does not have to face the realities of life: housing, employment, personal responsibilities etc.
He cannot be happy living the way he does. That is so sad.
We here all know Jordan will react negatively and with open aggressive hostility to this post, and the hundreds of posts of similar ilk from many and various people over the years. That is all he knows how to react to things he does not either understand, want to understand, or does not want to believe is true to him. That he reacts like this shows that he must have experienced or witnessed some extremely serious negative physical and verbal abuse in his lifetime. Somehow, in his mind, he considers his negative hostility to be a perfectly normal way to respond to others. That is sad for him, and one of the main reasons why he is so isolated and unable to make any real ‘friends’: he simply drives them away with this hostility; even toward those people who are positively trying to help him.
Jordan: Pity the Fool, the creator of your situation: Yourself.


We can't wait for his pure PDD autistic retard sperg rage response to all of these latest day's worth of shit revealing what he's done... oh, don't forget the screaming denials, outright lies and childish delusional bullshit etc etc.

LIKE DO YOU NOT KNOW WHAT CRACK PORN IS. DO YOU NOT KNOW THAT IT'S JUST A STUPID FUCKING GREEN TANK THAT DOESNT REPRESENT ANYONE, SO IT'S UH, NOT LIKE NONCON?? UNLESS I HAVE A PHOTOGRAPH OF WHAT YOU LOOK LIKE TO MAKE "REVENGE SHIT" (which i will not) maybe you should uh, STOP saying that so much? I dont give a fuck if you hate cub or loli (thats beside the point,) but if you're a grown adult (or person) expecting not to get any porn drawn then you need to leave the internet. Accept the fact that, no matter what, jujst about millions of things obscure or not WILL get porn made out of. AS LONG AS ITS NOT REAL WORLD SHIT that is!!! 

Either way whining about your character getting porn art at all is just stupid and nuts

For the "Crack porn" it's basically Macker's way of saying "revenge porn", especially when the context is given.

he's basically saying it's okay to draw porn of someone without their consent. 

He says "adults don't have to consent for me to publicly have sexual fantasies of them", hinting something really sinister about his morale(What will he do to a minor's consent, then?). Adding how he's drawing porn of me, clearly out of spite, and defending/justifying it, just further enforces my disdain for him as a "person".

And "fursonas are not real people". A fursona may not exist by itself, but it's still used to represent someone online, someone that DOES exist. Fursonas are designed to represent an actual person online, in art, or other forms of media, without showing the person's face. A fursona DOES represent someone.

Also, if he thinks my sona "doesn't represent me", and therefore believes it's okay to draw revenge porn of me.

Then that means it's okay for me to draw gore of his Mittens sona, because according to his logic, it doesn't represent him.

I guess it's him making up words.

As for me finding thsi board, I was already dealing with Geordie, and he sent me the link to this board during a heated argument.

Or are you asking how I saw him, in this board? Well, he constantly pesters everyone here, I don't remember what was the first message from him that I saw, however.

4chan drawthreads have their own peeps he beefs with, like Scetic, Ren, and a few others. Going as far as to call him and visit us. While preying on Fig and Pettan. The little we know about on discord, from rot and cuhcord are gone. Here you can clearly see how /baaa2/'s members interact and have no issue with others.

> Geordie in our board's wild the first time?
We call Geordie spotting in the wild because he isn't on our board, so it's catching him posting online on other sites wildlife to us.

I saw him on Youtube.

I was talking on someone's community post regarding a particurlarly problematic minor(one that drew loli/shota and described a toddler character as "mature for their age").

I said something in the lines of "She's too far gone, she's likely already grooming other kids", and then Geordie(and possibly one of his other cupcakes) started saying "It's fiction, minors can draw NSFW" shit like that.

Arguments got heated, and I blocked the two on Youtube, and shit got worse from there. Now Geordie's making new accounts to harass and smear me on multiple sites.

you can't do revenge art on a fiction character 
there is no "someone" or even consent given/asked for 
i mean i got porn "without consent" too as a minor, but i didnt give a fuck because i also sexualized my character(s) when i was 15. 
there is nothing sinister telling you to stop and back off from my friends. 
Fursonas don't represent anyone. Fiction can't represent anything. They aren't real. Grow up 
Well for how you act, you deserve porn of your stupid sona 
Although none of my character can be gored :) 
Pinkwave isn't problematic, lmao.

klim pretends to be a pdd pzds in order to hide
but geordies pdd prevents him from pretending not to be a pdd pzds
so its a one way relationship
but its not like klims pretending can do any damage
geordie is already an avid defender of pedo and zoo who eats poopies and has a button mushroom
what could an imposter possibly think of that would affect geordies repuation

No, klim poorly pretends because he thinks in his head he's a 20 year old, he is not. 
He is an 80 year old FREAK. 
> avid defender of- 
Fiction art. 
Not pedophilia. Pedophilia is attraction to real children, not cartoons. There's even species that don't even qualify as children yet you also hate those kind too, piss the hell off. 
Representation is NOT a thing in media.

You're arguing with everyone in your country except the people who are minor attracted. Yes, it's "us". Everyone on this board who isn't a pedo like you. Did you ask the people who wrote the laws to change them yet so that your pedophilia can be legal? 

The United States government is smarter than a developmentally challenged pedo, they already thought of that and wrote it in the rules. Go back and read again:
> including a drawing, cartoon,
> Nonrequired Element of Offense.-It is not a required element of any offense under this section that the minor depicted actually exist.

In response to the "different tank furry"(who geordie named "Maryla").

It's not that different.

Maryla's design doesn't stray too much from my design, both characters(his and mine) suspiciously end in "yla", and the only thing I've seen him do was draw porn of it(as he says it's okay to draw porn of real people's fursonas without their consent).

A friend noticed this, and pointed out all these red flags(he thinks it's a cheap loophole to continue harassing me), and Geordie blocked him, confirming our suspicions.

Or anything, really. At least have a place where I can read out the whole thing.
It's kinda hard to trust you guys for someone who has no experience or affiliation with the drawthread, or /b/, or the chans at all.

The WHOLE thing would take up way too much space.
it's been tried, done, server deleted etc etc over the years. Catch-22.

I have 122 pages of stuff about him collected over the past 2-ish years. I had about the same of other stuff before his "Carmen Stream" breakdown two year ago, but I deleted it all out of pity for him, thinking eveything would change for the better for him.

It's only got worse.
I am STILL trying to wrap my head around Poopcat's (ie. Yonkers) latest "adventure" (06/11/2023)... help me out if I'm wrong:

He was "was trying to set up a toilet cam in (his) house"; he "accidentally let it come in contact (with) a little too much shower water and getting wet".

He says he "still has (the laptop), but it doesn't boot correctly... (and that) having no laptop kinda sucks honestly; (I've) been trying to dry it for 3 days straight".  (NB. His own words quoted).

This 100% pure Yonkers in action:
[] Toilet Cam (what???)
[] Gets his laptop wet in the shower
[] Now laptop won't Boot-Up

Setting up a toilet cam, of course! D'oh! EVERYBODY does that... it's totally normal and not retarded at all, OK?

> try setting up a toilet cam in the shower with your laptop so you can watch yourself (and/or whole family?) shit
> accidentally turn on the shower and get the laptop wet, breaking it
> get upset because now you can't reply to trolls on 4chan and jerk off to diapers
just another day in the life of the faecal feline

“Just Gimmie Some Poop”: https://files.catbox.moe/ow9ojo.mp4 

Now, of course, he is wildly denying it happened at all…

This is beyond... this is... oh holy shitballs, my sides!

(Source: https://endchan.org/baaa2/res/13185.html )

You're a moron if you think US is the way it is in your brain. Piss off 
Her name isn't even maryla. It wasnt even supposed to represent you.
And stop calling me Geordie, please. My name doesnt start with a fucking G and it's not George. It's jordan. 
> without their conse- 
You're an adult. Piss the hell off. Either way no one is drawing your shit. So don't test us. 
Your shitty "red flag" speech is also useless too. Stop trying to target you and your friends at me

Sorry, but it seems nobody can be bothered. The best you can hope for are the screenshots or archive links that are provided as and when. However, if you want info on any single event that Jordan has been accused of, then there is always someone who can point you to proof.

She was supposed to be named something else, and look entirely different (i mean she's a flufferian, not a fucking limbless tank.) 
Why I even get inspired by the enemies that hate me is beyond answering. What do you expect Autism to do? 
All I ask is you stop harassing me. Or even finding me at all. This is getting creepier than the time I was  on Family Guy. 
There's not a law that says "element of offense". Don't try again, Velma.

I already have a wiki, we don't need another fake one. 
Except the Starruko (mann) wiki is more genuine than Scetic's, and doesn't use outdated info (despite some files missing or lost media due to the March 21 crash

> trying to be "nice" and pretending to "care" 
Fuck off. I have changed, because if anything you told me to stop ebing in the drawthreads; that's what I did. You told me to stop pisting on bant, I did that. 
Hell I even fucked off from your channel and presence for some time, yet you still want me so badly.
You don't feel pity, you're the one that got worse because you won't leave me alone like a normal person. 
You saved my recent pics (lost or not) all the time to this day. 
This gaslighting shit will NOT work again.

and no i dont have a toilet cam, all i did was accidentally bring it to the bathroom because i was gonna shower. it was on the sink since june 7-ish. then it got wet (again by accident) because i realized laptops werent all waterproof when it comes to that nuch water dammage. 
i then took it to get fixed for 4 months last year, and YES it actually STILL works. but i primarily use a bigger computer despite the differing brand. 
If you wanna get your shitty story right maybe dont be incorrect on it. Don't use blaming techniques or lies on it. either way i still dont want you objectifying or being weird to my life. 

And toilet cams are used for porn not general use you idiot. I never use the toilet for any camera. I know I may be horny if anything, but NOT to the extent of recording.

What "issues"? Calling real thieves and pedos out? 
Am I a "puritan" for not being pro-para? Fuck off. 
None of these are issues, its what normal people do. Call out others for anything that is deemed dangerous or annoying.
Go make someone *else* worth of popularity, because I kindly don't want your offer. No one does. I don't need weens or frat boys on my ass either. I do NOT want publicity.

I've blocked those people, actually. I do not hassle at all. 
I've already been on few weeks ignoreing the people I hate. They've rebranded their purpose to one each other. Mark dellis is now a font archive/uploader thing, wallabays was just a test, and the others? Man they're just bystanders

I'm thinking of making a lengthy google doc detailing the timeline, if possible. However, because I don't really follow the shenanigans a lot, I'd need some help with getting the info and all that.

I'm unsure if asking you here would be convenient since I was hoping for it to be one-on-one, but if there is no other way, I suppose I could ignore geordie.

Thanks. Yes, just ignore Jordan when doing this.
A timeline is an interesting idea.
I had a zillion things you can add to it
It'd be pretty bizarre reading, because of all the bizarre things he has said and done.

Here's some stuff when dealing with him for starters:

Yonkers von Poopcat d’Mittens El Macker Official©®™ Tactics and Techniques: https://rb.gy/oxxjt7

“Tried, True and Tested”

I'd appreciate if I also had sources too, just so that the doc doesn't feel completely bluff.

I'm thinking of screencaps of the event in action or something like that. That would help give it some plausibility.

Just about everything he can be accused of is based on a screenshot and these screenshots nearly always correspond to archive posts or videos, so authentication shouldn't be difficult. The only potentially shaky things will be from previous altchans that have been shut down.

He would make threads talking to himself and calling himself "Ralsei", spamming the catalog and posting his weirdo animal child diaper fetish porn https://archived.moe/bant/search/username/ralsei/page/17/
Occasionally he would post so much on the slow 4chan board /bant/ that the entire front page would be filled with his nonsense.

Yes, he started on 8Chan years ago, then 4chan's Bant, with a whole swag of other names.

So… WHO does he want to be known as TODAY? Let’s play along with his childish little Game!

➽ [●] Jordan Manuel Rivera, aka.

Yonkers / Meow Meow Kitty / Bell Cat / Woody / gwow19 / Macker Mellamental Relashni / Lil’ Macker / Starcat / Lil’ Dalla Mane / Woody Woodpecker / Evil Dark Lord / Scarfy / woodyentgroup / dvdcollection123 / dvdrocks / Jay Dane / Asriel / blandsupestar / GangsterWoody / Ralsei / Typical-Warrior / Starzy the Starcat / Geordie / Starruko / Mittens / Shmarty / merkakol / merka1arts / Hallyguy981 / Spinny Kitty / merka / kamaki / wallabays / Nethernets / BakutheCat / quindle …

YES! There are the names he has actually called himself and has demanded everybody else call him, over these last few years… it’s clearly all just a childish game for him.

> making up stuff again 
How could you get any more stupider? 
first off its called "roleplay" 
no shit i would write to me a roleplay because i couldnt do it with anyone else. what did you expect my young autistic self to do, nothing?? piss off. its not easy to make your own chan board for these things 
> weirdo animal chi- 
Now see this is the part where you sound like  a maniac. 
I only did 8chan after I got banned. Then I left 
And half those names arent even my screen names / are just one off drawings 
and who is quindle? 
Too late, already know about Session. 
That person is a trans girl now, dont bring her into this. As I said before this document shit aint worth too

> I've blocked those people, actually. I do not hassle at all.
I've already been on few weeks ignoreing the people I hate. They've rebranded their purpose to one each other. Mark dellis is now a font archive/uploader thing, wallabays was just a test, and the others? Man they're just bystanders
Seriously, what the fuck are you even on about even. I have the dreaded PDD.

Not insane. Not crazy, a fool, stupid, PDD, or even "nuts". 
Those are predictable insults and are not affective towards someone who knows better than you. 
> calling me poopcat or starruko 
> thinking autism is "suffering" 
Not really. I don't suffer, because I know not to hurt myself. Autistics don't do that, do they? Now shut up.

That should do it, he'll be back soon.

You can see it, in the clouds up in the sky.
Klim! Floats by in clusters in our water supply.
Klim! It's in all of us, man. Our pores, and in our hair.
Klim! What we conceal in those corny clothes we wear.
Klim is all.
Klim is divine.
Klim is in control.
Klim whips and chains our soul.
We carry credit cards.
We live in fear of art.
Klim is the Om.
Klim is revolution.
Klim is the tapeworm,
in the bottle of cheap tequila.
That comes alive at night,
And sneaks up and bite our nipples.

Oh no, you're a fucking patient escapee that likes to assume things happen to them. Fucking what do you mean by "screen recording"? 
Also I linked you the site as a joke, Thyla. I didn't actually want you to go here. 
I've never been taunted, retard 
Did it happen? No. Because I didn't suddenly get super strength and acted like fucking Spiderman. I can't fucking shoot webs from my  hands; and I'm not suicidal, bro. Fuck, you're beyond retarded.

it'll never be canon lore no matter how you paint it. using other peopole's videos and photos, as well as shitty AI stunts is not going to market this as "canon lore". you have no grasp at "canon" or "lore", and you never will. please stop using those words as you dont understand them, at all.

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🙄 inb4 Jordan’s childish retarded PDD screaming-sperg-out Autistic paranoid delusional BULLSHIT nonsense AAAA klim did it no u pure PDD autistic retard sperg rage response to all of this latest shit revealing what he's done (as usual)... oh, don't forget the screaming dismissive denials, outright lies, misdirected nonsense and childish delusional bullshit gibberish yaddah yaddah yaddah… 🙄

I've  gotta get out before Klim has sung
(Get on out just get on out)
When Diddle's starts speaking I know I've been hung
(Get on out just get on out)
For the mirror keeps screeching squirt juice in the eye
(Keep wondering why keep wondering why)
Keep throwing lemons til they figure I'm right
(keep wondering why.)
Now space has got neighbors and places to spook
(Getting out there, slaying out there)
Ladies to swoon and Carmen to spoon
(Slayimg outthrre, come on yall!)

lol all true
he disappear for months at a time
ay do you think he military service
maybe he will appear on the news after a fursecution
mexico already know how to deal with fat retarded diddlers who never work
but now that orange emperor is sending them back they going to have to deal with more than just the boy

> ay do you think he military service

> maybe he will appear on the news after a fursecution

At least then he'd have no choice but to acknowledge our reasoning tbh.
> but now that orange emperor is sending them back they going to have to deal with more than just the boy

Will Joshie be joining his brother?

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