/baaa2/ - Autism

Dunking on the mentally ill

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> You cannot watch someone who has blocked you.
God damn it. Why? 
What the fuck? No they don't... can you STOP comparing my stuff to those who suffer irl? Even with depression? Dont ever fucking compare my work to pharmacy againy you pedo
what voice 
i am not recording my voice 
i do not hear anybody 
i am not the crazy one at all 
i have never had any symptoms of anxiety, insomnees, or any of that crap 
me arguing and calling you out is not a symptom of anxiety😃
Your illness makes you encroach and latch onto individuals that unwillingly interact with you. And as I stated, too bad so sad, you can't have those very features you complain about on here. It's not like anyone is hanging out on your boards after all.
No I'm not. Maybe stop projecting your own problems on me. 
I'm not stupid, and your "memes" are terrible. 
..Autism isn't a illness, anon. Latch onto whom? Literally nobody. 
> unwilli- 
It's only "unwilling" because you have excessive paranoia. You thin you're going to "regret" talking to someone??? Who doesn't even pose as a threat to human life?? Take zoloft you scared idiot.
> It's only "unwilling" because you have excessive paranoia. You thin you're going to "regret" talking to someone??? Who doesn't even pose as a threat to human life??
Which is why you love us. We don't pose a threat.
> Take zoloft you scared idiot.
Are you taking zoloft as well?
> I dont love you guys??
Anywhere else, you go blocks, bans, kicks, or ignores you. You're like my dog at the end of the day. I come back from work and he is happy to see me. Maybe Carmen needs to take you on walks.
> poopies eating frequency about the same tho
Even my dog knows to hold it in, or go in the corner if I'm gone too long. And that fucker is pushing his old age. Idk what that says about Geordie pissing and shitting everywhere.
Yes, they can. In fact, they can to the point that medical experts have to discuss how to handle it. https://ep.bmj.com/content/103/3/141
What needs to stop is your PDD brain thinking that your obsession with whacking it proves you don't have the mind of a child.
Answer my question instead of being untreated. 
So... then it's not a mental age thinking of it. It's a physical adult thinking of those things, not a child. 
> rambling about something i dont have at all, and a nonexistent "obsession" 
Mate I've never mentioned PDD, stop thinking everything is about three letters and their non sequitors.

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