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thats not you, retard 
also OP you might wanna be careful here. besides being scared" of me, you should be more worried about a literal grandpa stalking me, and saving my pictures from when i was a kid, and saves almost every bit of my drawing like a fucking obsessed hoardin creep

U mad bro mordy? You're already defending mittens so what's the point mordy, is this enough for you know that mittens is a terrible person or you're still not believing me dude
> calling me one of my friend's name 
> terrible person 
nah man that's you. also why are you into nsfw at 14 years old lol, nasty troll 
> getting people to believe your shitty story made by a shitty 18 year old 
yeah yeah how about i just take your characters you stupid whining bastard. i'm also not mordecai, so why call me that? delete the video
It's on the internet now. If it gets deleted, then it can just be uploaded somewhere else.
The internet is forever Jordon, how do you still fail to realize this after 5 years?
you wish the internet was forever, but say that to an asteroid soon to hit us humans. 
also i personally believe uploading someone else's work without permission isn't really something worth of an archival. UNLESS they even state you're free to upload it, and if they're comfortable!! and i do not feel comfortable having unwanted recordings that should've just been lost. 
> calling me anon when you know damn well who i am 
ok moron
Calling out people for their unforgivable/reprehensible/annoying actions is not "retarded". It's advising them to stop doing it sdo they dont look like a bigger idiot in the future. 
For example I call klim a pedo and tell him to stop replying/ being a broken record because if he keeps doing it he's going to be forgotten, and going to die a sad, yet deservingly painful death. Because he creeps on me. If he wants me to stop, then he needs to permanently leave the internet. And so do some other people. 
if that person isn't a p-word then they should still stop being annoying.
Being attracted to fiction cartoons is not "minor attraction", idiot. 
"Minor" in cartoon only means / applies to SMALLER role, aka not a major one. 
It strictly has nothing to do with age AT ALL. Do research instead of being an oblivious, lying asshole
You should move to a country more accepting of pedophilia. Your minor attraction is not defendable by your country's laws. https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?hl=false&edition=prelim&req=granuleid%3AUSC-prelim-title18-section1466A

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