/baaa2/ - Autism

Dunking on the mentally ill

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Yonkers Stalked me, Groomed me, Brainwashed me, Manipulated me, Pranked me and Forced me Against My Will to post these images. He gave me PDD. He HURT me. It's all his fault. Poopcat MADE me do it, I swear! I never did anything wrong. I am innocent. Macker is a bully. He made me sad and cry.

> That's the end of it.
How'd you figure? The only way I see it being the end of it is if you stop coming here to talk to me.
It seems you won't be doing that, so there's no end in sight.
Ironic really since we're on Endchan.

> 28686
You're the one that keeps calling me "Jordan" and prompting to reply first 
That's not my comment. That's the same guy that poorly impersonates me. 
> yet he keeps comi- 
I'm not. But if I want you to STOP posting, I don't WANT you POSTING. Didn't you fucking learn this when you were a student? Has school NOT taught you about BOUNDARIES?!

Those are some very serious allegations: You should report them to the Police and Proper Authorities, Jordan.

They will need to survey all of your electronic devices to find evidence of your claims. Are you willing to do that, or will you just continue to make false accusations that you cannot prove?

Why does “the angry anon” respond to these posts at all? What are they trying to hide and/or prevent from happening, we all wonder?

Jordan: If you think you'd rather talk to him about it every single day of your life and whine like a bitch rather than tell the police, then that's your problem, and no one else's.

→ No one is going to accept your “Victim Card” any longer.

“Yeah... gotta go with Klim on this one, Jordan.”

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his words were
> a fucking rando contacted and acted horny to me, not only, but they recorded themselves on the fucking bathroom and moaning. its their fault for doing it, i've never told boss to be weird
for some reason he thought that this bit of information somehow makes his erps over a month with the 13 yo makes it better and not worse
> why were you sex chatting with a minor
> no no you dont get it i was sex chatting for long enough without breaking contact when it got inappropriate that the minor sends me toilet clips
to quote klim
> its the kids fault for being so damn sexy
geordie really is going further and further down that pzds rabbit hole aint he

"A rando contacted me and sent toilet clips"

And Macker didn't immediately cut them off? He continued for almost a year before the 13 year old turned against him? And then Macker started blaming everythin on the 13 year old?

dont look good does it
on very rare occasions a targeted attack might involve a malicious actor sending criminal material to their target
but geordie was in contact with this minor for at least a month of erotic roleplaying in discord either before or after this
> bathroom clip
neither option makes him look any less pedo groomy

he recordedd himself lmao 
> what kind of  frie- 
nigga i did not make him go to the toilet. fuck off. i can't groom if i'm not the one asking him this type of stuff 
you know  b y recording i meant audio, ohbviously. not their actual real self showing their fucking body 
> somehow make his- 
i dont do erp at all. i never said to "can i please do this with you?" to him, because i didnt. stop twisting words for once you fucking larping  fag 
> no no you don-t 

Again, why did you not immediately cut the 13 year old off when things got weird?

Why was this going on for a year?(The screenshot the anon brings up shows different dates, showing it's been going on for at least a month)

That highly suggests your guilt.

you already admitted to it geordie
you should have said it looked fake the first 20 or so times it was posted
not only were you able to identify that it was you
you were also able to put a name to the other poster
if it was all just made up why would you think that the person without a name was the one you kept saying

> Again, why did you- 

Kill yourself. 
You asked the same thing. I did not have any fucking plans for this boss faggot yet you still seem to act like otherwise. 
Why do you even expect me to answer when you're just going to be angry again. 
> durr, guil- 
Not guilty of doing something I hadn't. Because I know I didn't. 
I only existed because I watch animation live action shows and other shit a groomer doesn't do.  So stop comparing me to shit I'm not and, again, die. Your neighbor  hates you. 
> going for a month 
wasnt this from last year 
either way 
it's still fake 
not something i have intended. 
now, please. go die, girl. no one likes you. kill kill kill

How are trolls on a 4chan knockoff constructing better arguments than me?

Bravo, anon.

Also, Macker. Elaborate why or how it looks fake? And who cares if the 13 year old gets angry, you still shouldn't have engaged(which just further shatters your "poor me" story in this situation)

> becuase the child will get angry if i break off the sex chat
you are supposed to be an adult geordie
that comes with the responsibility to not groom kiddies
> the kiddy was asking for it
is very much not the defense you want to be taking here

> I did not have any fucking plans
you just casually fell into a month of erotic roleplaying with the minor who either before or after this sent you bathroom videos
ye that makes sense then
sounds fine
> wasnt this from last year
> it's still fake
just going to let that one sit

and now hes pdding hard
hoping that random shit will change the topic
but im remembering this one geordie
im saving it
and every time i see you im going to bring it back up
have fun

> with nothing to do in life.
Tbh, true. You sometimes spend your life from sun to sun, working with nothing in-between, but sleep cleaning your room and washing clothes. And making yourself presentable before taking off. To repeat it all over again.

If you were busy with your play pretend PDD nonsense and didn't devote any time to grooming kids, then there wouldn't be a discussion.
Go do the LTPDD or whatever and stop trying to groom minors and see how much better your internet experience is.

How the fuck is it stolen? 
I've commissioned a friend to do it, not once had I "stole" a design that I literally created lol, I just had someone else finish the job. Plus my first try on it looked like Wix Madefor but without Wix-like design on it. 

But then again, you have no fucking experience in ANYTHING, including fonts, so why should I even tell you proper design? 
I already changed the name, its' Mountain OS now. 
Shut up. 
Apple doesn't run like Windows or Linux.

> I've commissioned a friend to do it
Jordan is too busy grooming underage boys, so he doesn't have time to create his own fonts anymore.
> Commissioned
How full was the diaper?
So sad.

> Mountain OS
Mountain of Bullshit.

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wrong again, i never groomed. plsu how is commissioning someone older than me grooming??? not to mention it's fucking FREE, dumbass. 
> so he doesn't have time to- 
ding ding, made a font :3 
i love how wrong i prove you. 
> of bull- 
No, it's a fucking OPERATING SYSTEM, modeled AFTER FUCKING LINUX, but mostly looks like WINDOWS. 
> y-y-you took the- 
> how fu- 
how full is your head that you have to think about letters shitting themselves 
no wonder we have alpahbet lore fetishizing weirdos thanks to you. Kill yourself.

literally how, you're just using other people's fonts that have nothing to do with actual efforted bespoke products. what a way to prove my point, that you have no study in typefaces. 
> spend all your time on that and stop doing what i've never done at all. not to mention i have to call teenagers 'kids' because i think everyone is below 13 or other dumb shit cuz i am dumb 
spend your time getting help on your speech so you don't speak the absolute brainrot you just spat out :)

you really can't spot anyone, god fuck off. 

also what dumbo decides to shoot at a FUCKING RALLY? how does someone just spend that much time acquiring some random gun and then trying to shoot president at the upper ear? this is stupid, i dont exactly think trump did anything to be "deservingly" assassinated... hate the man you want but please, for the love of god and mary don't do that. fuck you, thomas. 

there, how's that for "spotting" someone? maybe have a bit sympathy for trump for once

Okay then, let's put it on the line. Each time I name a minor you're in contact with, you name one I'm in contact with. That should be easy if I'm projecting because it would mean I am in contact with minors like you are wouldn't it?
1. Cooper.
Your turn.

> trying to shoot president at the upper ear?
Trump isn't even the current president.
> also what dumbo decides to shoot at a FUCKING RALLY? how does someone just spend that much time acquiring some random gun
You every time you threaten us with hit men, and what not.

It's still your turn Jordan, it's 6 - 0 so far! Want to post some minors I'm in contact with to back up your claims of projection, or were you just PDDing and parroting words you don't really understand that have been used on you?
I have more names to add, but want to give you a chance as this is very one sided.

He might have developmental disorders, but sooner or later surely he's going to see that all he is capable of doing is adding more evidence against himself. Each post is another shovel of dirt towards the earth's core.

I mean, look at the discord recordings, anytime he got caught he'd go from begging them not to record and share it. Knowing what he did was wrong. To flipping a switch and threatening them. Saying it was ghosts. He realizes what he's done, and continues. Our boy don't care about anything than trying to groom everything that he perceives a child, plenty of us he's tried to erp with, and nothing gave. So we were technically just his practice.

Like a dry run, I see. Test out what he can get away with so that he has a proper set of skills for using on the minors.
What doesn't help is that his choice of victims seem to be generally on the slow side too. Probably nowhere near as retarded as Jordan but usually functioning on a lower speed than their ages would suggest.

You aren't supposed to even contact minors??? LMAO why attack me if you're doing the same thing. 
> you don't really understa- 
researc exists 
i know what a martyr is 
and a non-believer. 
What are you talking about. If this is about byte well I've not really done anything remotely to them. There isn't anything """against""" me. 
And what core? Yeah I'm gonna go underground but I won't do that by keeping ideas in my head and burry myself alive. Nope. 
What is there to get caught from if nobody actually jerked off, and been horny to minors. Stop thinking me being naive is "grooming" please. I have not asked nor said anything to these "people" for sexual favors. 
No shit it wasn't ghosts, but I still never came to a guy named Rot or Tempest. I never came to his friends.
Because I strictly never said anything about. 
> i mean, look at- 
yes we know you're dwelling further, we don't care. not everything has to be released or found. it can be lost media, just like the batman and dracula movie. Some things remain to be better lost. 
> our boy don't car- 
I do care, otherwise I would've not made a new LTN ident. Stop thinking I CAN'T do ssomething, or rather "can". I cannot groom because I literally never ask teens for fucking dick pics or to be sexual partners. None of this is like that. I am not like George Clooney, Jimmy Saville, Dr Disrespecting Your Mom, or any of thes efucking cunts I've never heard of nor contact3ed in my life. I am not a person whodesires attention nor fame to just being on every unwanted video. It's already annoying having to hear "todaty i'm going to be talking about one of most famous blah blah blah, and he's blah blah bitch, da da da da stuff about things he never edone but we see it as that anyway. blah blah blah" 

it's fucking annoying to have to be in a commentary video. it's one thing for someone to make, it's another to have an undesired person. i am not worth for any video or your attention. 
it isnt hard for someone with even half a brain to understand i do not want to be in a video. i do not want famous. i do not wanna be hollywood's next thing. please. let me be private. let me die a orchestration or something, let me guitar without anyone belittling me. please. you are all the definition of how the internet has gotten into utter pure bullshit. just leave us alone

> You aren't supposed to even contact minors??? LMAO why attack me if you're doing the same thing.
Oh dear Jordan, PDD makes it very difficult to keep track of what's going on, doesn't it? I'll try to explain the situation so that you might understand.
You accused me of projection when I said you were in contact with minors, so that means you think I am in contact with minors and would be able to prove it.
Since I am not in contact with minors, I offered a challenge: I post the names of minors you are in contact with and you post the names of minors you think I am in contact with.
Since there is no way for you to win the game, it is currently 6 to 0 because you didn't list any minors yet since I am not projecting.
Did that help, or was that too many words?

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> Stop thinking me being naive is "grooming" 
You got it twisted, your victims are the naive ones. It's your responsibility as an adult to not encourage that kind of behavior. Instead you indulge on it, allowing them to think it's appropriate to behave this way with you.
> Because I strictly never said anything about.
You didn't have to say it, they all knew and shared it to us.
> not everything has to be released or found.
Simply don't put yourself into those situations, and there is nothing to find. But you can't help yourself.
> I am not like George Clooney, Jimmy Saville, Dr Disrespecting Your Mom, or any of thes efucking cunts I've never heard of nor contact3ed in my life.
Nobody knows what you're on about, if you've never heard of them, then how do you know their names. Fucking PDD ffs.
> it isnt hard for someone with even half a brain to understand i do not want to be in a video. i do not want famous. i do not wanna be hollywood's next thing
Either lay off your meds when posting here or take more of them. You're making no sense.
> et me be private. let me die a orchestration or something, let me guitar without anyone belittling me. please
Imageboards are a public space, retard. If you want privacy go unindex your own board.
> guitar
Geordie you screeching at 4 in the morning to wake up Joshie and Carmen isn't music to their ears.

You're the one being twisted yourself, you even twist yourself in a knot. Literally. 
I do not have victims. I am not Dr. Disrespect or Kris Tyson. 
I have not encouraged behavior from anybody here. 
> Instead you- 
I indulge in designing vector arts, logos and even concepts. And I draw on MsPaint, we get it. And that you find my art style "shit". 
I understand. You don't need to re-iterate the same lie again. 
Teenagers are not my problem, honestly. I did not make them the way they are, and I was also one of them too... I've jerked since 2019/2020. I didn't make other teens this way, it was obviously them going thru puberty as I. 
Aint their problem. 
> You didn't have to- 
Sit motionlessly and think the world is crumbling apart? Yeah we don't have robots here yet buddy calm down. 
> Simply don't put yourse- 
Never did. 
You were the one that wanted to see me suffer, and I broke that cycle. 
I did not do any literal masturbation or actual pedophilia to these TEENAGERS that you're mumbling about. I do not like Rot, Dan, or whoever Tempest are. I do not jerk off to them or their faces. I know it is weird. I had not engaged in behavior that wasn't even remotely committed, and there are no secret cameras either. Stop thinking this shit is the future, dawg. I know there isn't a fucking ghost but I dont jerk to literal minors. Being into fictional cartoons isnt the same damn thing and you know it. 
> and there is nothing to find 
So why keep bothering to find the same thing, we all know some elder guy is reposting the same video about 2 years ago. I dont' even do streamyards anymore. 
> nobody knows what you're on about 
look them up if you wanna know what a controversial freak is. 
> f-f-fucking PDD- 
NO IT ISN'T PDD BECAUSE IT'S NOTHING PERVASIVE TO TALK ABOUT AN ONGOING TOPIC??? Just because commentaries exist doesn't mean it has to do with a fucking disorder I dont fucking have at all. I don't have delays in speaking to any person bad or not. If you're going to argue so bad don't use a fucking mental disorder in this, especially on someone who doesn't have these things. 
> either lay off your- 
YOU lay off your fucking meds because you dont understand the point I making. If someone declares not to be in a recording you don't fucking violate that. Simple as, its exactly the same way a stranger has their entire face uncensored.
It's violating privacy, Lemonz. 
> are a public spa- 
I'm not talking about your retarded 4chan database. I'm talking about other sites that are private. 
> you scree- 
No I'm actually a quiet person irl, I don't even wake up anybody. 
> geor- 
I'm not george not jordie sparks. You know my real name, stop playing around. Or is this the "so called anonymous board"? 
Words can't speak, can they?

> I am not Dr. Disrespect or Kris Tyson.
Again, no idea who any of these people that live in your head are.
> I have not encouraged behavior from anybody here.
But you have on other sites.
> You don't need to re-iterate the same lie again.
I'm not the one with pdd.
> Teenagers are not my problem
We know, they're your prey.
> Sit motionlessly and think the world is crumbling apart
You could have paid attention to school instead, focused on eating healthy, improved your hygiene even.
> Never did.
Then how does this board know you exist?
> there are no secret cameras either
Only toilet cams
> Being into fictional cartoons isnt the same damn thing and you know it.
Do that degen horror show in private. You instead forced it on Rot and his pals, to the point they started recording you to get you to back off.
> look them up if you wanna know what a controversial freak is.
I am not looking up anything you show interest in. Keep your disgusting ways to yourself.
> Just because commentaries 
What commentaries? Did you take the wrong combination of meds this time?
>  If someone declares not to be in a recording you don't fucking violate that.
Or you could do the logical thing, and close the tab.
> I'm  not talking about your retarded 4chan database.
I'm not from 4chan.
> I'm talking about other sites that are private.
Stick to discord, I'm not going anywhere near that homosex hide out.
> No I'm actually a quiet person irl, I don't even wake up anybody
Every single recording of you, proves otherwise.
> You know my real name,

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Not your problems. 
> that live in- 
They aren't living in my head, this freak is real. Maybe if you had kept up with the news often you wouldn't be calling him fake now, would you? 
And no I haven't encouraged whatever you're yapping about, and none of my post read like a disorder you're repeating to yourself. Stop drinking so much, Lemon. 
No, they aren't prey at all. 
> then how does this- 
you literally fucking created baaa2 since 4 fucking years now 
> only to- 
No. There weren't any, you pervert. 
> you instead for- 
People were laughing because they'd rather force me into servers I don't like. 
> what commentar- 
See? This is exactly what I mean when you have a problem. You don't browse a lot of Youtube. Do you assume all pedos and zoos are innocent then? 
> you could've paid atte- 
I've paid attention more than you ever did. I don't desire to be some stranger's favorite anyway. 

I'm not going to read the rest of your half quotes because you clearly dont understand the internet has changed, but so did the world. 
Closing the tab would only make them want more from me. They want to violate privacy. 
> Proves otherwi- 
Then why aren't there any family voices? 
Exactly I don't bother people nor force them to be in the room I talk at, and I don't wake up neighbors. Replaying the same old recordings doesn't prove "otherwise". Fucking grow up and be mature instead of uncultured, or get a life outside the net and fuck off from this board. Ignoring these problems will just make your life worse. So either leave baaa2 behind (close it) or stay here, stuck for all eternity til you die, and suffer with your ongoing drinking problems.

The reason you don't truly read right is because you spend your time being absolutely fucking braindead from either the lack of research you don't do at all, or the drunk drinking. 
What I have told you is why the internet sucks, you're part of its problem

> Maybe if you had kept up with the news often you wouldn't be calling him fake now, would you?
I don't consider whatever is going on in your head to be news, no.
> No, they aren't prey at all
Just play things to corrupt.
> you literally fucking created baaa2 since 4 fucking years now
How do you not remember Saggot?
> People were laughing because they'd rather force me into servers I don't like.
How do you get forced online to join things you don't like, unless pdd.
> This is exactly what I mean when you have a problem. You don't browse a lot of Youtube
Why are you bringing up youtube? It's not my fault you spew out whatever pops into your head at me.
> I don't desire to be some stranger's favorite anyway.
Trust, you're not even Carmen's fav son.
> Closing the tab would only make them want more from me. They want to violate privacy
Then don't reopen the tab, idiot.
> Then why aren't there any family voices?
Because when you autirage, they stay clear of you on fears you'll take it out on them. Joshie don't want his door broken down and his room stolen like Carmen endured.

you're wrong because you're inherently retarded. 
because like many other fags saggot is a nobody 
> just pl- 
> how do you- 
Do your mom. 
> it's not your fau- 
Your fault then. 
> autira- 
not a word. I do not take out things on people??? Can you live in the present times instead of objectifying me as some random evil man?

> because like many other fags saggot is a nobody
Minus the fact, he's the one that created /baaa2/. You can't even get this board's history right.
> No.
> Your fault then
I don't control the nonsense nor impulses you have. Don't put your sinister actions on me.
> some random evil man
You'd have to be self aware to be considered anything other than a drooling retard that mindlessly indulges on every impulse that crosses it's mind, it's why you're morbidly obese, sexually depraved, and lack self control in general.

I just like asking that question. Anyone who wasn't a groomer would be able to come up with reasons, but he is only able to ignore the question or lie about what he has left proof of everywhere he goes.
Each reutterance of the question is a ball thrown up for him to fumble again and again.

> selfish desires 
nigga when is drawing for other people a selfish "desire"? 
how the fuck is simply talking "grooming" you actual braindead tard lol 
why are you broken? 
> durr, loli/shot 
you do know i like *cub* right. didnt you say i was a cub fan? 
Anyone who wasn't a broken darkie would be able to shut up, but you're only able to keep yapping. 
watnai doesn't have olympics or teams

> evading the question
Thank you for proving mine. I'm not one of those minors you're in contact with, you aren't going to be able to shake me off the topic.
On that note, why are you in contact with all those minors?

I didn't say inappropriate, why did you assume it was inappropriate? I asked WHY you are in contact with all those minors and you have done everything you could to avoid answering. Why are you in contact with all those minors, Jordan?

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