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Dunking on the mentally ill

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> i've stopped going on 4chan, and putting images on page 11 threads, 
lol what year is this diddles
i aint even been on 4chit for years what has that got to do with anything
> you're still going after me
all i am doing is posting examples of you tryina diddle kids
if you aint keep providing that content i aint keep posting it
> is this not unhealthy
diddling is very unhealthy
> still dont do that. at all.
> and i dont shit my pants.
> 2025 is horrible, resolutions are horrible, as well as living on planet earth.
2025 is the year of diddles deaths 37 thru 912 got it
let me know when diddles stops dying
but in the meantime ima keep posting all the diddling all the diddles do
i was on bant and you came and shitted it up
i left and came here and you followed me and shitted it up
whos stalking who ay diddles
im too old for you
im over 18 you should move on lol
> nope
then i wont be able to post all the examples of you tryna do it
problem solved
whats the problem ay diddles
no, i've only been on bant because i was bored. simple as. 
now it's an unusable wasteland with fucking shit boring memes filled to the brim.  
no one "shat up" anything. 
you harassed me for simply liking diaper art, which isn't even messy diaper art. but you still think anything comically oversized is 'le bad' and all else. 
> who- 
you keep stalking me. 
> then i wo- 
but i dont have any examples. it is fake. you are living in a dream, and must be euthanized for it
imagine taking satire comments seriously? you took the damn 'bait' again, asshole. 

> insa- 

Aren't you the guy who stole numerous of my arts, and other peoples arts (including a minor's), and then make unwanted edits out of them? 
Aren't you the one who keeps stalking my furaffinity, youtube, and deviantart accounts until I got you to actually stop? 
Aren't you the one that keeps "following" me on 4chan despite never being there? 
Aren't you also the same one that fantasizes me in unrealistic situations like "tard wrangling"? Call me repetitive names, sexualize me (ironic or not, inexcusible) and thought I was your lover? 

Piss off and die already. I'm not even playing with you anymore.
I am at work, which is litearlly ONLINE work. 

The first step to being online without anyone BUGGERING you at ALL is to delete any accounts that distract you. As well as vanishing (considering that, deviantart is a broken SHIT site and is unbearable anymore; i wouldnt be surprised this is the first one i delete). 

And I've told you that I've done my cartoons already; they just won't be le high budget or released publicly. They won't even be on a website I've had in the progress for "le 6 years", lol. After all, ATC isn't public.

Go ahead and take that SARCASTIC part out of context, since you like to be a fucking nuisance and a creep. You don't even cease to surprise me anymore.
> You're just jealous that I have alltime freetime
lol ikr
im also jealous that you got all them little boys
im also jealous of your pdd
im also jealous of your no money
you got me
i wish i was you diddles
i want your life
> What diddlebait?
the diddlebait that gets posted on
to lure in little boys for you to diddle just to name a few
thumbnail of diddlesbot.jpg
thumbnail of diddlesbot.jpg
diddlesbot jpg
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thumbnail of diddlers defense.png
thumbnail of diddlers defense.png
diddlers defense png
(20.87 KB, 308x145)
> i dont little boys

> i dont pdd

you dont english lol
efl word hard me go diddle wordy wordy i no pdd me no poopielick not diddle lil boys no we be no what ever had a dream that was so real and
> i do no money because

ye we know
disableds dont do money
they do tardlife

see previous post

let me guess diddles
is markdellis a ghost maybe
you done this too many times diddles 807
> pedophilic pretending

lol now we got to the bottom of the matter
this is why diddles dont like the k man
he knows hes only pretending to be a pedo
as a proud genuine pedo diddles finds that kind of larping offensive
> i'm already a robot

another picrel lol
forced magrathea
cloudflare telling half my browsers to gtfo
that random bot check that was borked on the few browsers that could get past cloudflare
is holy trinity of shits fucked man

is this the end
ok this is where i saw him last so this where i say thx
admin man
endchan owner
whatever the fuck you are
shits not broke now
good job
tho it looks like pooper is still attacking public boards
idk what you can do about that
> 44664

makes sense lol
someone posting poopies could be diddles for sure
wouldnt be the first time he spammed shit
tho usually it was diapershit
not a stretch to believe he gone instagram girl and just been posting all his breakfast photos or sth
thumbnail of Breaking News.jpg
thumbnail of Breaking News.jpg
Breaking News jpg
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Jordan and his entire family of illegals have been DEPORTED to their country of origin: Mexico.

Poopers votes for Trump, and look what happened to him!

Apparently, an 'anonymous Australian' reported them, and thus will be moving into their recently-vacated premises at 302 Walnut Street, Catasauqua, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, 18032, USA.

This same 'anonomus Australian' has been rewarded by the Federal Govt of USA with the full legal and rightful ownership of LOLE-TV and all of its subsidiaries.

All just in time to celebrate Poopcat's birthday on Feb 13 2004

inb4 fake news etc etc...

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