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Lmfao why even try to steal a folded company? You won't do anything with it anyway, whereas I actually produce and take my time on writing the product before I storyboard/do an animatic for it, which doesn't come until AFTER I had written each project. 
> they wa- 
No, they don't. They don't want to animate. You're "giving" something to non-animators, or those who dont like cartoons in general. Not worth it.
Lmao it's laready folded dumbass. This isn't play-pretend, I mean, remember when Cinar went from being THAT name into Cookie Jar? Because of the scandal, but companies change names/rebrand for different reasons. There isn't any retcon on ATC's goals, its obvious goal is to make web animation online-only and not into the public. 
You'll never do it, give up man.
replying doesnt mean im a retard lol 
and it surely dont mean pdd as well ay 
> out of your bac- 
No? I was just assuming your age would be 40 or less, have you forgotten your age like pdd or are you just bad at reading? 
> I-
My test results are already good dude. Better than sped ed classes 
> Hey, that- 
Already at ATC famalam. 
> putting an asterisk and objectifying me as a random crazy crackhead on drugs 
Not helping your case, you didn't fix anything. You just prove my point on running something online and unstoppable :) 
> Or- 
Or neither of those. 
> we 
I'm not your we, you're the only one thinking minds are a 'mirror'. It is not. A mind isn't even physically anything? 
> everything 
And everything that is animating drawing browsing art? Okay that's no surprise, everyone browses. 
> That- 
No it's because it's legitimately inappropriate to even assume a woman is a child? 
And if it's not MPD (which it isn't), then why do you even care? It's surely better than being Macker. 
> nobody 
Because you're a buzzkill Lemonz
They wouldn't, and they're not going to register something that IS already registered by the PERSON who has MADE THE NAME since 2020, though it ORIGINALLY STARTED 2016 UNDER EDL TV.

if you think a moron cares this much about a fucking rebranded company then you're an absolute fucking idiotic retard piece of garbage.
Idk why I can't post over there with or without VPN, but fucking hell, if we could get the rabbit fucker to cross paths with Klim again, it'd beat making LTN a joke company to send Jordan into a tantrum. Because Klim can post on 4chan.
I probably shouldn't have called him out, but there's no way to tell he didn't want to be seen, lol, he's using everything but the name

Like so obviously "him"
Guess he didn't expect to run into anyone

Lol, no, those guys are waaaaay above me
> I probably shouldn't have called him out, but there's no way to tell he didn't want to be seen
It'd probs be easier to just stick to the Jordan Agenda, than sicking Klim on Analockman again.
> those guys are waaaaay above me
What genres you into then?
My past phone just kept giving me new id's on 4/bant/ and all of a sudden I can't post over there at all, not even to summon Chijo.
> What genres you into then?
Pretty much anything, including that lol, was just speaking of what I made
It's mainly metal influenced stuff that goes all over the genre map I'm into
> all of a sudden I can't post over there at all
I think he cycles through countries or ranges to ban sometimes trying to push pass sales, lol
Best of luck on your crusade!
> This isn't play-pretend,
... he play-pretended.
> remember when Cinar
No idea what that is. Is it safe to assume it's some gay retard little kid shit?
> replying doesnt mean im a retard lol
> blocks the board
Poopcat retarded.
> or less
I suppose this one is accurate, but only because it's everyone on the board including you (except Klim).
> forgotten your age like pdd
So you finally accept the disorder! Good start, now accept that you have it instead of trying to project it on others.
> My test results are already good dude. Better than sped ed classes
Then you should have no trouble posting them, what are you waiting for?
> Already at ATC famalam.
Arse Tickling Children?
> Not helping your case, you didn't fix anything. You just prove my point on running something online and unstoppable :)
Nobody's arguing that you run something online and unstoppable, it's called a "hobby". The distinction is that it isn't a company and no amount of your play-pretend changes that.
> Or neither of those.
Which means all of them, yes I know.
> I'm not your we,
No, you don't see your PDD. "We" was referring to those of us who don't suffer with your condition, which is everyone else on the board.
> And everything that is animating drawing browsing art? Okay that's no surprise, everyone browses.
Non sequitur tardbabble.
> No it's because it's legitimately inappropriate to even assume a woman is a child?
Don't worry about it Jordan, you are literally incapable of grasping it.
> And if it's not MPD (which it isn't), then why do you even care? It's surely better than being Macker.
Just pointing out that your retard roleplay only convinces minors (like Cooper).
> Lemonz
I'm Lemonz again today, am I? Neat.
> which doesn't come until AFTER I had written each project.
Let's make it before after!!!!!1
> No, they don't. They don't want to animate. You're "giving" something to non-animators, or those who dont like cartoons in general. Not worth it.
> Not worth it.
Bet you in spades I can, without taking five years. Bet I can sell off Carmen and your jenk jars.
> folded
Your cards best be folded.
I like some black metal, can't say I've heard of more than Dark Funeral of those
So much music around

Not sure what you mean, Catchan is just a dead text clearnet bunker & an even deader onion only site now, surprised the text bunker is even still there at this point
People are still using it since there's nowhere really that's acceptable for everyone to go

Lol he's been obsessively seething at me for like 9 years bruh
He won't take it anywhere else at this point, unless the site is unpopulated save for other herdnegros, since nobody else buys I'm the kind of lulcow he desperately wants me to be
He literally thinks I'm a Jordan/Chrischan
i dont have the disorder. :) also using insults with disorder names isn't very clever, who knows if you could actually offend someone with DID (like fig for example) 
> A- 
No, American Television Communication is the full name, dipshit. Better than Loler Television Net.
> So much music around
Post more of your tastes in sound.
> Not sure what you mean
This board wants to trigger Jordan, and register a fake company as lole tv network aka "LTN"
> Catchan is just a dead text clearnet bunker & an even deader onion only site now, surprised the text bunker is even still there at this point
People are still using it since there's nowhere really that's acceptable for everyone to go
What even. You guys even do that holiday stuff anymore?
> lol he's been obsessively seething at me for like 9 years bruh
> He literally thinks I'm a Jordan/Chrischan
We do a service to Jordan Manuel Rivera, by keeping him away from social interaction 
> KC
I fucking forgot of that place link? I'll make threads for what I seek.
Jordan got caught contacting lots and lots of minors, some of which he was having private erotic roleplay sessions with. He shit his pants and panicked, flooding this board to try and hide the evidence and has since tried things like pretending he is dead to distance himself from the pedo saga.
> I don't know what's making it difficult for you to differentiate it
I know you don't. The problem is that copyright law doesn't work the way you think it does. Doing different things under the already registered name doesn't make it okay, want an example?
Sky TV forced Microsoft to change the name of their "SkyDrive" to "OneDrive" because they own the rights to the registered name "Sky". Nobody was going to get confused and think SkyDrive was anything to do with Sky TV and Sky TV don't operate any kind of cloud storage service, but they defended their name all the same. Stealing an existing company's name gets real companies into trouble. It doesn't get you into trouble because you don't have a company, you have the play-pretend games of a PDD sufferer.
Which means you do, yes. I know.
Anus Tasting Cretin.
What saga? There is no saga, it's just a circlejerk of rambles started by one person and they're being uppity that no one's joining them. 
Hi pedophile. Have you given up art stealing for this? 
Nigga the company's already registered. Already owned by one person, and concieved by it.
> by ke- 
Nigga you are not a "we" and i've still talked to online people dozens of times, even when I was a minor. 
Your intentions will fail, though. Aren't you autistic or something? 
You won't.
> Jordan got ca- 
Doing nothing but working on music and animations". He has produced almost tons of archives available for drawing his Jampacked series.
No, the problem is that you see my animation company as a global digital camera-making thing... 
And besides, when do I ever 'steal ' an existing name? 
> because you- 
I have a company. Deal with it. 
Apartments and online websites can be companies too. 
> you- 
No, I don't suffer from PDD and these TEXT POSTS, IMAGES and frack aren't of that; because a "pdd" preson doesnt actually exist online and I hadn't been diagnosed with such disorder in my life. People know I don't have it, moron. Just because you listen to a quote in a video (of a show or not) doesn't mean you have to make it true. You sound like an actual schizo when you parrot it, if not an already crazy person. 
> Anu- 
See what I mean? You also can't read right. I didn't say anything about anal; I only said AMERICAN TELEVISION COMMUNICATION, INCORPORATED. 
but wow, ADHD really kicks in you, huh?

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