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Dunking on the mentally ill

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Ah yes, because Klim making jokes for the benefit of a group of trolls is worse than you erping with a minor and masturbating during conversations with two separate minors(!)
Sounds like you're calling him a pedo to hide what you are. That behaviour is the definition of projection, in case your PDD is still preventing you from learning that one.

It was about a nannie looking for help with this absolute nightmare of an Autistic. Then when told solutions like call the police, they reject them. Why ask for help only to reject it? So looks like the future is the Autist will get bigger, stronger, more aggressive. Then someone will call the cops after he's done something like break someone's arm.

It's the frustration you can't complain cause it's AbLeIsT. And that they'll let this socio loose to kill the neighbors pet, THEN do something. Well I'd hope, they'd probably just say hE dOeSn'T uNdErStAnD!

bro he fuckin made a disgustin joke at me when i was roleplaying at 16 at the time. 
he objectified me. it is creepy. 
learn to read, retard. i didnt mention anything about a erp or masturbation cause i dont do it 
> to hide what 
you already know i draw like shit though.

> bro he fuckin made a disgustin joke at me when i was roleplaying at 16 at the time.
And your point is? Jokes are protected speech under the first amendment, so as an American you're shit out of luck even if you don't like it. It's not like he spent a month in a private Discord erotic roleplaying with you, is it? That'd be grooming.
That's the thing, isn't it Jordan? I am very careful to tell the truth, whereas half the things you say contradict the other half of the things you say. You can't even agree with yourself. Point to a post I've made with a lie in it.
Go on, I can wait.

> bro he fuckin made a disgustin joke at me when i was roleplaying at 16 at the time.
> learn to read, retard. i didnt mention anything about a erp or masturbation cause i dont do it
So back then it was rp with 4chan, altchans, and the like in public spaces. Now that he's over well past considered underage it's nonstop erping with kids. In private. He should have stayed on the those forbidden sites that require accounts before flipping switch. Instead he reverted and went backward.

I remember Facebook and the like, with my retard friends, weary of our info out in public. Til I stopped caring of an online presence. Seems. Geordie went full Geordie to making himself known on sites like these, before pretending he has no existence of his entire family name and home and history.

Yes, retarded in many senses of the word. It is kind of amusing that he waited until he was the age where he can be properly prosecuted before he started hitting on kids or harassing them.
I know what you mean, internet users were always wary of identity harvesters (look at how badly Google+ failed when they tried to force a "real names" policy), but Jordan put all this information out there with seemingly no motive.

> It is kind of amusing that he waited until he was the age where he can be properly prosecuted before he started hitting on kids or harassing them.
Spent all that time, pretending to be an adult on chans, only to finally turn of age and start pretending he's not. In a defense of it was all a joke.
> look at how badly Google+ failed when they tried to force a "real names" policy
Exactly, I always used stupid names and inside jokes as info on random sites to crack ourselves up, or talk shit about other online players lack of creativity when learning to socialize appropriately among peers at school. While not realizing we were worse.
> Jordan put all this information out there with seemingly no motive.
He had no pressure to stay in touch with anyone in his classes for anything online related, thus didn't need to do so. Unless, he's a lil school girl looking to meet new friends online, like he pretends to be to his victims that seem to have stopped popping in to defend him.

its still wrong for a elderly man to do that. fuck you if you think 16 year olds getting joked at is funny 
> stop doing what was never done 
the mere projection never ceases 
you can't even shut your mouth up with all the food salad you throw out of your mouth, lol. 
and i havent erped with ANYBODY. lmao. 
> he shouldve- 
what? spend another day getting stalked? hell no. im still not hitting up with actual predators, or anybody for the matter. stop it and drop it 
nigga i literally dont exist nationwide calm down 
obviously i hadn't been a "real thing" to other people, becaues i dont attention seek 
but i have been prosecuted years ago :) 
i was let out because i do not hit on people or kids. i dont even cause harassment either 
i only pretended because my teenage self wanted to post on 4chan. i know i was a minor. i didnt actually think you would care if i was lying about my age then.
but you dont even socialize in school. 
> like he pre- 
pretends what"? vicftims what? i dont have any victims.

> Spent all that time, pretending to be an adult on chans, only to finally turn of age and start pretending he's not. In a defense of it was all a joke.
Shakespearean in its level of tragedy.
> Exactly, I always used stupid names and inside jokes as info on random sites to crack ourselves up, or talk shit about other online players lack of creativity when learning to socialize appropriately among peers at school. While not realizing we were worse
In part, that's why the pseudonymity is needed. Kids are retarded, but that shouldn't be tied to their identity for all time. I expect Katy teh evil penguin of d00m is a lot better than she was back in the day, luckily that name is associated with her bullshit instead of her own.
> He had no pressure to stay in touch with anyone in his classes for anything online related, thus didn't need to do so. 
Even Chris Chan was in touch with some girls from school and that one guy he didn't hate. Imagine being less socially competent than Chris Chan...
> Unless, he's a lil school girl looking to meet new friends online, like he pretends to be to his victims that seem to have stopped popping in to defend him.
All his interactions feel transactional, as soon as there isn't something he can get from the situation he stops replying.
> its still wrong for a elderly man to do that. fuck you if you think 16 year olds getting joked at is funny
Not your safe space rainbow boy. Go back to tumblr with the other queers.
> you can't even shut your mouth up
It should be easy to highlight something I've lied about then, shouldn't it? Why were you unable to?
> food salad
If you don't consider salad as food, that explains a lot of your weight issues.
> and i havent erped with ANYBODY
You've attempted to erp with everyone here at one point or another to try and change the subject when you're too PDD to think of an answer and you've done the same all over 4chan, so that's already a lie. Since you're lying about that, let's try this:
Did you erp with Cooper?
> but i have been prosecuted years ago :)
That's not the win you think it is. Luckily for you, it's more of your PDD play-pretend.
> but you dont even socialize in school.
You do in normal school, I guess it's harder to form bonds when you're in classes with wheelchair screamers, paste eaters and pants shitters.

It's funtrying to logically dialogue with Jordan, isn't it? He is so wise, mature and well-informed now, that he is able to respond rationally and logically.

[Ducks for cover as Jordan starts flinging his poop about wildly, like a deranged monkey...]

None of this has to do with Shakespearean. 
> in part, that's why- 
What's wrong with katy the penguin of doom? let villains be villains. 
Chris being social doesn't mean he can't be NOT told about the rape of his own mother. 
> all his intera- 
are pretty damn good and not something you should worry about? i mean, come on people, this isn't from some random tiktoker. 
> rainbow bo- 
but i'm bi. i am not rainbow :) 
> You've- 
> that expla- 
Don't have any. 
is the result posting random people fighting? 
normal days are discarding people like you and not pretending the videos are what happen in real life

> Katy teh evil penguin of d00m
Fucking lololol.
> hi every1 im new!!!!!!! holds up spork my name is katy but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me _… im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!! DOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  love and waffles,

> t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m

> None of this has to do with Shakespearean.
Poor little PDD mind, unable to see below the surface. A small dog barking at its reflection, unaware of the workings behind it.
> What's wrong with katy the penguin of doom? let villains be villains.
Poopcat retarded.
> Chris being social doesn't mean he can't be NOT told about the rape of his own mother.
What does that have to do with anything? Were you trying to make a point there?
> are pretty damn good
For you when you get something out of them, as I said.
> and not something you should worry about? i mean, come on people, this isn't from some random tiktoker.
No, it's from some specific groomer.
> but i'm bi. i am not rainbow :)
> Nope.
Which means yes. I don't know why you lie about things everyone has seen. It doesn't change what is already out there in plain view, it just shows that your word has no value.
> Don't have any.
We can SEE you fat boy.
By the way, you forgot this bit:
Did you erp with Cooper?

Welp, since Geordie won't connect the pieces, I'm stuck in between jobs, question is do I take closer and less pay, or further for better pay. Decisions are all, all over.
< Geordie won't respond as he isn't capable of working without assaulting kiddies.

Everyone keeps telling me stick to the closer location. To save headaches.
> How big is the gap between the pay grades?
About a couple dollars more. But it's an offer to adapt around different coworkers and what not. Guess logic seems to be stick to the closer spot. Because I normally keep my places nearby when doing two, but the time gap would kill my whole day, with this situation.

> That's a point, maybe the change would do you good.
I'm locked in after today, with old job for a set schedule of a confusing position, but income is income. But can arrange commuting time between both, should I accept the other. 
> You could always move closer to the new job if it works out better for you. I did.
Tbh, I was a retard to ever quit the place where my time meant doing zilch, all I did was assist everyone and leave as pleased. At that time I felt I wasn't improving or gaining knowledge in my area and bounced, with HR calling me back. You never realize what you have til you throw it out, sometimes.

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