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But Thyla, I did "find" your burner just by looking at the formatted posts you aritten, but in and outside of youtube. And you use the word "cronie" occasionally. And you sometimes misspell mistakes, and you clearly follow what are your own friends, including James. 

And why did you repost a minor's artwork when you're an adult? You've also blocked one of my mutuals (and asfalaf)... how the hell would you be any more obvious that you hate me and my friends so badly. I'm not stupid. Oh and you play minecraft, even on your youtube? You can't call yourself a burner if you willingly post what you like. Lol..

Another note, if you don't "antagonize" me then why do you still bother with my name? Isn't the point of a "dni" about NOT interacting with, or having been interacted by the person you blocked on about all social media you have? Especially when you call them a "Stalker" or whatever almost 24/7. You should've just moved on from me, and the same goes to your friends too.

That was a stupid take, I know what they are. 

But in fiction? No one's "consenting" yet they aren't being HURT because they are FICTION. Because creatures like the Mogwai or any Pokemon aren't being fucking attacked physically with like, what a REAL child? There isn't any identifiable based information on any kid in that drawing dude. But I will admit the consenting sex is gross, doesn't mean I'll stop anyone from drawing it though, or even HAVING it... ugh. It is a predicament to see it in a way though, at times.

And please stop using my face for AI or edits, including past pictures from when I was a MINOR. 
Just cause I lied about my age then doesn't mean you can still edit my face. I only lied to protect myself.

You sure love taking my post out of clear context do you? 
I'm saying you shouldnt use any of my face pics at all for anything.
I've posted my face a lot when I was a kid, not during 18. 
The thread was created because I know it was Thyla and maybe she should get one last display on here.

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> You sure love taking my post out of clear context do you?
lol is this your first day or sth geordie
i been doing that for years ex bro
> I'm saying you shouldnt use any of my face pics at all for anything.
and i am saying
> lol tough
so what you gon do
> I've posted my face a lot when I was a kid,
i dont hand out the medals bro
try the retard school
> not during 18.
you posted plenty after you were 18 geordie
so i repeat
nice try
> The thread was created because I know it was Thyla and maybe she should get one last display on here.
ye stalking and harassment and noncon

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> And why did you train a lora on a nonconsenting person? You just portray me badly
you just answered your own question bro
> plus I don't want to be in any of those AI images
many times i said i didnt want you to do things
you reap what you sow bro
you got famous by disregarding everyone
doing what the fuck you like
so now everyone do what the fuck we like back

stop stalking those deviantart accounts man, 
and the second image was sarcasm, it isn't "shitty". that's only objective to people who dont like animation, or anything that isn't weird steven universe calarts copying bullcrap. and the title isnt serious, it's not like the girls cup thing or whatever weird 25/30 year old porn that every degenerate human watches. 
third image wasn't even said with malice. i was like, 12 years old in that before my 13th birthday. 
fifth image was sarcasm, but i will judge klim whether you liek it or not. he is a creep. he steals art. he stalks me. he deserves it, no less.
> is this your fir- 
not my first day, i've seen you screenshot and share dead links to my postings before, even outside of fucking bant. i know you were the one that did "pants shit general daily". i knew you were a stalker then, and i know you're still being one now.
> lol tou- 
still not an excuse. you're putting lives in danger by just using their face on the most unrealistic scenario to exist, for AI slop. it's disrespectful, and someone larping and calling me "bro" should know this. it is beyond immoral, it is illegal. ai should not exist to taint the innocent or anyone else of the like.
> you posted plent- 
didnt i post it a lot as a kid 
> y- 
how is a comment about a person that HATES me yet CAN'T ignore me labeled as stalking? I'm not fucking stupid

Not even closely answering dude. You're actually being gross and it's not okay. You need a tranquilizer on your body, because these image posting is irrational at best, horrible at worst.
> you re- 
It's disrespectful. Imagine for example I were to include Thyla's characters in hate/gore art, she wouldnt like that obviously, so I suggest you follow your own advice for once?
> by disregarding 
Since when? 
How do you disregard a STRANGER? 
> doing what "the fuck" you like 
is that not the point of having fun or an innocent life? why do you think i tried deleting my discord and a few accounts a while back?

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> stop stalking those deviantart accounts man,
lol what you got to hide bro
joke i already saw
> you're putting lives in danger
you got the whole megan thing going on
that life is 41 percent in danger anyway tranny lol
> it's disrespectful
> it is illegal.
you mean like what you doing with them kiddies
> didnt i post it a lot as a kid
how old were you in picrel geordie
i will give you a clue
it has the date on it
you posted plenty after you were 18 too
and thats what the lora was trained on
so again
nice try
> how is a comment about a person that HATES me yet CAN'T ignore me labeled as stalking
when i post what you write its stalking and harassment
when you post what she writes it isnt
make it make sense pzdspootard
> Imagine for example I were to include Thyla's characters in hate/gore art, she wouldnt like that obviously, so
you made the raping instead lol
good reminder
> How do you disregard a STRANGER?
> why do you think i tried deleting my discord and a few accounts a while back?
angry parents of molested kiddies track you down or sth lol
> also why would i ever want to be famous.

> what you- 
there's nothing there for you, idiot. stalking is a crime. you are committing that.
> you got the- 
stop thinking about my minor self's personifications as fictional portrayals. megan isn't a thing and it never will be. no woman character in my productions would say 'twerk twerk'.
> you mean- 
I mean you are stalking and you are still enabling others to do the same, along with nonconsensual AI usage of random people's faces, this includes my family members. You sick fuck.
> how old were yo-
That's literally me as a 17 year old.  Repeating yourself will not excuse your way out of this, it is illegal and unwanted. If there were a law about using people's faces for stuff they didn't want, it would be this. This includes photoshops too
> you made the- 
> make it make sense 
Oh, it does. 
She already blocked two of my accounts :) whereas another one hasn't been blocked. I'm not blocking anyone, nor am I being blocked by them; so what's the point? 
Oh, and I'm doing a better job at being a burner account than them. It's so cooler when you don't give out the things you like publicly.

Lrn2read and form a coherent thought.
< when i post what you write its stalking and harassment
< when you post what she writes it isnt
< make it make sense pzdspootard
> She already blocked two of my accounts :) whereas another one hasn't been blocked.
So that makes it okay for you, to agitate her, but not abyone on this board for doing the same thing to you?
> I'm not blocking anyone, nor am I being blocked by them
You obviously are being blocked by people and running them off social media. Same way you delete, ban, and limit our access to your boards. Different platforms, being we own our own board. How did that two day ban treat you btw, you tried to dodge it with tor, and even that got restricted on posting. And you came running back... so what's the point?
> Oh, and I'm doing a better job at being a burner account than them.
You're only proving you're hiding your bullshit to follow people that want nothing to do with you.
> It's so cooler when you don't give out the things you like publicly.
Like most posters here? Tell me more.

that.. is a coherent thought. you're taking it completely out of context. i *have* learned to read too. 
> so that ma- 
No, idiot. I did NOT get blocked a tird time because I'm actually doing a better job at being a burner account than they are. Being a burner account doesn't mean giving away your fucking identity clues or posting what *you* fucking like, where PEOPLE can SEE it and "block". She was never even agitated. 
> you obviousl- 
Not with a burner account I'm not. 
Those prev accounts, including "retaranama" are gone. I don't "run people off" of social media. 
> being our board 
Didn't you give up that slogan? Why don't you even draw anymore. Plus you're the only person who OWNS the board. These people are not your friends or staff members. 
> 2 day ban 
> y-y-you're only p-pro- 
Lemonz... I'm not following anyone. A burner account does not do that. God learn to keep up with the new times

> you're taking it completely out of context.
So by your reason, people blocking you is a calling card to summon you. But if the board dedicated to you, with you willing showing up, is you end up victim with both ends? They don't want you near them, we treat you like a literal fidget spinner. Your boards stay empty. Who is stalking all those ghost boards against you. You created and banned dissent yourself? We don't go asking those that fear your interactions about you, unless they ask. You don't.
> a burner account 
You don't understand that meaning I take it.
> Didn't you give up that slogan?
Blame Saggot, I only inherent this. >Why don't you even draw anymore.
I do. If you quit your offense, I might be willing to share.
> Plus you're the only person who OWNS the board.
I'm not the original of any, I only step in to keep things pushing forward.
> These people are not your friends or staff members.
I don't have any vol I listed, I just respond to admin for quarrels.
> On?
Day admin and me stepped in to stop your jenk state of mind  >>/30764/
> Lemonz... 
You for once guessed right.
> I'm not following anyone.
You literally have my deviantart acc, saying you follow me. Only qualm to squash is I never use it. Which is how you decided my name.
> A burner account does not do that. God learn to keep up with the new times
I'd rather not indulge in your ideas.

> there's nothing there for you
im too old for you lol
> stalking is a crime. you are committing that.
hows thyla bro
> megan is
my new name signed ex geordie lol
> That's literally me as a 17 year old
the boy literally cant count
18 years and 8 months toddler boy
counting is tough ay
> Oh, it does.
> She already blocked two of my accounts :) whereas another one hasn't been blocked.
you know a retarded man once said
>  stalking is a crime. you are committing that.
do you have any thoughts on that one

> t-t-they can't co- 
i was a clear minor before 2022 
notably, i didnt even have dark spots at that age or time. i was 16 then, i was 17 there.
> m- 
no, megan's larp was when i created them as a minor 
you're being weird about it
> d-d-do you ha- 
by not interacting with it, and not letting them know i blocked them? blocking is technically an interference, and i hadn't done that. 
you dont even use bsky anyway so why should i tell you any of this. kill yourself.

> that was AFTER being a minor dumbass
fuckin lol
geordie so dead set on arguing with me that he forgot what he was arguing about and agreed with me
> that was AFTER being a minor
> you posted plenty after you were 18 too
> and thats what the lora was trained on
so we agree
who the dumbass now poopoo pedozoo

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Here you go, Geordie...
This is where and how you can post uour wonderful wisdom and insight, with full support from all your friends here: https://magrathea.endchan.net/baaa2/

Note how he has to be spoonfed this stuff.
Why? PDD.

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