/baaa2/ - Autism

Dunking on the mentally ill

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I've noticed that Lain is just like Jordan Manuel Rivera, put him in a bee suit with wings. Kind of like a Winnie-the-Pooh in a bee suit, that swears when he's confused.

> Wasn't a schizo thing.
Unironically talking to yourself like Carmen does smh.
> I was just being faster than you guys
You claim to have things to do yet scored 2k, 3k, and now 4k against everyone else that randomly posts here? The board doesn't even move fast enough to matter. Yet here you are committed to these trivial things.
> Not really
You literally went into a frenzy talking to yourself just now tbh.
> How
Should you be reminder of that Steven Universe song you lip synced like some retarded turbo fag?

Carmen is gonna lose her house because her tard son decided to become a song stealer and claim enough time has passed that he can't be held in trial, he better sue Klim for his and go on the run with the kangaroos.

Lmao yeh il do a better one one day I promise but all I had to hand for that was the tegaki thing and painting by finger which is harder than it sounds. I forgot his stinger but you can always say that he just stung someone and is dying lmao

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Who are all these done by? Talking of Chijo I wonder what happened to them and if they finally killed himself like nano has? Sad when you think about it. If he's not dead he is probably still fishing for you's on /LGBT/. I kiss making fun of Chijo and whipping him up into a self deprecating frenzy lmao. What's this board like in terms of activity? What about the rest of the site? You never really hear of endchan any more. I guess the only thing it's got going for it is that it's consistent? Can you fill me in on the lore of /baaa2/ and poopcat plz? Was poopcat made by Yonkers or somethin?

> Who are all these done by?
First three be mine, last one is Brandon.
> Talking of Chijo I wonder what happened to them
> them
< smh tbh
> like nano
Idk who that is.
> What's this board like in terms of activity?
Ask Geordie yourself.
> Can you fill me in on the lore of /baaa2/ and poopcat please?
Geordie aka poopcat aka yoinkass etc, is a freak of nature that should have never been allowed on the internet. He got the pdd heavy, making him think his degen pzds ways are socially acceptable and something to be proud of. Our boy draws nothing but things to whack it to, even talking to himself in their voices to get his rocks off. He makes boards where he responds to himself, while banning anyone that interacts with him. Anything he says is opposite talk, so don't believe the shit that spews out if you interact with him. He has a presence on altchans, 4chan, and Twitter AFAIK. You can always check out his old streams for nightmare fuel tbh. The fecal beast has licked shit, confessed to liking soiled diapers, and beat it raw while on a stream with his mother and some underage chick. Even while talking to them, smh. He had to move states when he tried to jump out a window to make sirens stop in NY. He now lives in PA while punching his mom when she tries to take away the internet. The autist never sleeps, and boasts about being in school and better than everyone, despite it proving he got held back for being mentally handicapped. Discord groomed him into thinking his ways are to be supported, while blaming Klim for it. He took creepshots of his mom, Carmen. And other family members. Then blames us for it, when no one provoked it. /baaa2/ became a thing, because he is entertaining to poke at, and can't stay away.
< lainbee
Someone asked him to draw lainbee, he flat out refused. So others stepped in, now I guess it's the board mascot tbh.
now draw lainbee=

the poopcat name was never officially from us 
someone dubbed both me and my OC that because they thought it was a poop symbol or because i allegedly licked shit one fucking time 
it's annoying 
mittens is his only true name. 
I'm not a 'freak of nature'. plus i didn't want to be a no-internet dude. without it i wouldn't have fucking done logos or stuff on the itnernet like drawing.. so don't say "should've never been allowed". also i'm not a pedo like klim nor have i done anything to even upset you greatly??? i dont know why you think stuff like this of me, lemonz. 
no, i don't got pdd at all. stop saying othewrise. 
there is literally nothing degenerate about posting ADULTS and ANTHROPOMORPHICS as those are not pedophilia or zoophilia you idiot. adults are not the same as children and neither is a furry the same as a dog, plus not all of everything is a stereotype to you. 
fucking retard 
> draws nothing but- 
oh shut the fuck up if you think i only draw nsfw or mature artworks. 
i don't respond to myself but i expect more activity than this baaa2 board ever deserves. it does nothing but make fun of me. 
> nightmare fuel 
you were the true nightmare fuel, and i was the ghostbuster trying to capture it all so you can stop terrorizing me ffs.

> Anything he says is opposite talk
wrong. when i actually am fucking pissed off at the hatred i don't like it nor do i jack off to it. besides there's nothing even fucking hot about getting bullied? who likes that, huh??? 
who fucking likes mean-spirited crap like this. 
no, no no no. this is NOT soiled diapers at all. none of the clean stuff i find is soiled at all, i don't even fucking PREFER wet or messy if i dont even always look at it. but at least wet is so much easier in the eyes just cus that you dont actually have to feel weirded out over the shit in your pants. 
but then again, i mostly like clean. much more easier, sorry. 
> even talking to himself in their voices to get his rocks off 
...you sure are fucking idiotic. what "voices" are you talking about, and when have i ever 'talked' to myself? didn't results say that self-talk is benificial or something? 
> anyone 
you mean the 70 year old creep from australia and equally low-IQ retards like you? why are you even being rude to me now. sure i may have not liked your project called 'nothing failed' but i didnt say it just so you could hate me back. 
seriously why are you toxic? 
> afaik 
i'm on deviantart and furaffinity but for FA you need an account to see stuff but you'll never see my favorites. not that i'd jinx it anyway. 
> fecal beast 
you're the only one seeing me this way, it's your problem. maybe eating a snickers will help you calm down 
> beat it raw 
nigga what, you don't even fucking know what a confessing means, god how fucking wrong are you with any of this. i did not jack off to my mom. i was JACKING OFF TO POKEMON YOU IDIOT. ONE OF THE THINGS I LIKE, ALONG WITH SPONGEBOB (for a personal favorite, plankton) 
> underage chi-
okay please don't call fig a chick. PLEASE don't. 
> he had to move states 
well fuck the building anyway. i wanted something better and quieter anyway. god. 
> then blames us for it 
> literally blaming me for stuff i would NEVER like 
the hypocrisy is hard in this one. also i dont hate my mom like that or at all. i know she expects me to listen but honestly? i dont think she wants to get angry anymore. 
> the autist never sleeps 
yeah i actually fucking do 
but i'm working right now, though why should i sleep if i'm drawing? 
> boasts about 
no, it's called doing more than being a shut-in who argues with strangers (which is what you're doing. you dont vucking know me personally, and online doesnt count. you dont even meet me either... nothing. 
you don't get held back for being handicapped either. 
No I wasn't even fucking groomed on discord either. It was all on bant. your personal little board, 4chan, not discord. 
> blaming 
nigga klim was the one saying creepy shit. bigu is the one that asked me inappropriately for this. not joking at all. don't believe me? well fuck you go to the archives and see the actual context. 
> creepshots 
nothing creepy about normal pictures, besides didn't any of you wonder if i had a parent at all? at least i don't call her fake anymore, but you shouldn't be thinking so negative about these things. 
> baaa2 became a thing 
i made it first but then you had to make the faux board 
what else is there to say about that as if it's some accomplishment? shut up. 
there's nothing entertaining abotu yo bastards

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> i made it first but then you had to make the faux board
> what else is there to say about that as if it's some accomplishment? shut up.
> there's nothing entertaining abotu yo bastards

We improved the board politic.

Showing sound or pragmatic judgment; prudent; judicious.
Have you noticed that the only one who deletes anything is you? There are no bans or deleted posts that we don't like. We don't like your mouth and demeanor, but you're not banned or deleted.
"The point is that man freed from his fetters is morality personified. Such a man therefore does not need any moralistic injunctions in order to live righteously. Free a man from his bondage, and thereafter everything else will take care of itself. On the other hand, man in his unredeemed state cannot possibly live morally, no matter what moral teaching he is given. It is an intrinsic impossibility, for his very foundation is immorality. That is, he lives a lie, a basic contradiction: functioning in all his relationships as the separate entity he believes himself to be, whereas in reality no such separation exists. His every action therefore does violence to other 'selves' and other 'creatures,' which are only manifestations of the unitary consciousness. So Society had to invent some restraints in order to protect itself from its own worst excesses and thereby maintain some kind of status quo. The resulting arbitrary rules, which vary with place and time and therefore are purely relative, it calls 'morality,' and by upholding this man-invented 'idea' as the highest good–oftentimes sanctioned by religious 'revelation' and scriptures–society has provided man with one more excuse to disregard the quest for liberation or relegate it to a fairly low priority in his scheme of things." 
-Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

> Have you noticed that the only one who deletes anything is you? There are no bans or deleted posts that we don't like. We don't like your mouth and demeanor, but you're not banned or deleted.

not a lie, but you keep bringing up poop a lot... you even think i fucking 'ate' it... but there's no fucking picture evidence of such. 
> motive 
nigga you were sperging all over diaperfur pics which were obviously clean and NOT filled with shit 
you nearly drove me to the point of doing shit eating 
fuck you 
politics don't mean making fun of one person and having literally no drawings, nor does it mean competitive comparison to one's drawings 
> the only one 
who else owns the board? 
> w-we don't like your mouth and demeanor 
who's "we"? 
i'm more truthful and moral than klim tbfh 
well, im pretty sure a normal preson doesn't argue with a fucking victim as if they have a kid to groom, or an art to fucking steal 
so fuck off ironic bastard 
> pdd 
don't have.

Oh Yoinkass... dear, dear Yoinkass: Your PDD prevents you from seeing your own faults and responding in an appropriately mature manner.

You just aren't listening to or applying anything they are trying to teach you in your twice-weekly psychotherapy groups.

Please note: That is NOT OUR PROBLEM. It is YOURS.

Have a Nice Day.

Why won't you draw lainbee. You draw fig's art and other retard drawings in diapers all the time. What makes you so afraid of lainbee. You can't even claim it's to be accepted when other retards are just as volatile as you are. Or is that to corrupt it all into pzds.

There's no way the real Yonkers would say something so stupid. It's clearly not him, but someone else. Yonkers is smarter than this, and would never ever reply to an obvious shitpost. Only someone pretending to be retarded would attempt to say something the real Yonkers wouldn't himself say. No one could possibly be this retarded, so it must be fake.

ah so you want me to age up lain or something? 
your "shitpost" is not a shitpost. and it's not funny. you're not getting upvotes for it, no one gives you even karma for that post. 
and no, i can't pretend to be 'retarded' because really i have never been.

> you're not getting upvotes for it, no one gives you even karma
back to reddit
you been on imageboards for how many years now bro
what 5 or sth
how do you still not understand the culture at all
it aint a popularity contest bro

> Yoinkarse is just too fucking stupid to 1] know how to answer; 2] understand what is being asked of him, and 3] be able to draw something as easy as that.

Yet again: 100% proven to be true and accurate.

> Also Stev- I mean Yonkers is actually a Jew (which is why he looks similar to Sugar) who's pretending to be a "Nazi Furfag" (no such thing as the National Socialists purged such degeneracy) out of Tel-Aviv
Who the fuck are you talking about?

It sounds like Yonkers is 100% correct this time. We must all confess our deepest sorrow and repent for our crimes against him, repent and tuern a new more postive and encouraging leaf with him from now on.

Anyways... I thought you were not going to dwell on the past any more, anon? Were we all somehow mistaken about that? At least I don't copy/paste and repeat myself all the time.

It sounds like Yonkers is 100% correct this time. We must all confess our deepest sorrow and repent for our crimes against him, repent and tuern a new more postive and encouraging leaf with him from now on.

Anyways... I thought you were not going to dwell on the past any more, anon? Were we all somehow mistaken about that? At least I don't copy/paste and repeat myself all the time.

the question is why was the thread limit not enabled any more bro
it was only a matter of time before a pzds with pdd would try to pedoflood the board
you almost lost yo bees

> the question is why was the thread limit not enabled any more bro
I'm a jackass and never bothered to look into the settings, to prevent something like this. When it should have been one of the first things I made sure was properly adjusted a while ago. It's set at 4 now, when it could have been avoided. I failed  us.
> it was only a matter of time before a pzds with pdd would try to pedoflood the board
I'm surprised this didn't happen sooner.
> you almost lost yo bees
You kept Geordie at bay, and for that I am in your debt tbh.

its understandable
it means you dont think like the pdd pzds boy which can only be a good thing at the end of the day
> I am in your debt
promise to be a character witness when cammy tries to drag me through alimony courts lol

btw geordie it dont work like that
you cant just delete the comment to get rid of the evidence
i archive before i screenshot
since you know who the minor in that screenshot is look up their name in the archive sites
your post is still there aint it
on their page
begging the minor to join you in a nice private discord


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