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diddles number 716 dont get it
that pdd prevents him from learning this
it dont matter how many diddles die
the next one who comes along is exactly the same mother beater poopoo eater minor treater
so as long as you keep coming back with the same personality
the same pzds
the same pdd
and the same diddling using the same diddlecord and diddleart accounts
it dont matter how many times you died
you inherit the legacy of the last diddles
like a reincarnation
keep dying diddles rivera
it dont change a thing

> would the real diddles be interested in cartoons of little boys

ye he would he retarded
> would he want to diddle the little boys

ye he started on the pzds before he moved onto real little boys

lol and he would also use pdd non sequiturs to try and argue his retard point
> can mexins draw no so io aint mexican checkmate unshitted pants man

classic diddles
so hello again diddles
like i said
death dont change a thing

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as time recently passed by, and more realization happened... i decided to probably retire posting him on this account. or anything relating to him (besides flufferia)... personal reasons are,, i just kinda can't have him public at this point :3  the silly little dude as an 'icon' went from hell and back, until he couldn't stand being on the 'net anymore. that's why he's not really in any recent arts, or flufferia for the matter. where his homeplace is.

and yes, this may be an announcement regardless of the picture; will put a different one if it deserved; but not at this time.

i've also been more focused on.. urrgh, other characters. its pretty hard to say goodbye tosomeone who's been with my life along since about 6 (almost 7) years ago. He was my everything. He's pretty much been more than any of my other mascots ever was. 

But then again. How does a cat even 'represent' all the fun and creativity?

Well, fear not, art of this particular character/sona/etc. may continue.... under mutual circumstances. long story short. i'm like, technically saying goodbye to him. even though i'd never abandon him :( im so sorry,, really am..

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Look, I know it's not an "art post" in a sense, but... I really wanted to upload it here, since I don't really feel scared to post now. And lately I have been into "vexillology", which is just a word for flag-designing... and I've been mostly into fictional countries and flags. Flufferia (fictional country, english) is no exception. They had not adopted a flag until about last month... 

It basically is more to it, a blue striped flag - a lighter blue color... with a badge/symbol onto it? It's mostly a default fox/cat head, with a blue sunshine on it. When I first made it, there was text added... which I found really stupid immediately; it just had the words "F L U F F E R I A" added. It wasn't suitable. So here I am with what I mostly got :) (i ironically inspired it from an argentinian flag, but dont want to copy it.)

Next up is a possible potential "anthem" for it, buuuut I dont know. I have NOT made music that good sounding. Heheh... Might've wanted to tone down the aqua-blue, it doesn't look much tasty to me ^^; I'll return to regularly scheduled art programming  later. Didn't want to be 'weird' about it, but it is nice to share *some* lore once in a whole, right? 

Most flufferians didn't really care if it were a flag or not, so long as it's not destroyed. They would... kind of, riot.

Oh my god, can you ACTUALLY quit looking at my content for once? You're like 80-something years old, still being a creep, and still getting your "friends" to view something that's not meant for your age group. I'm tired of playing with you, why can't you do the same? Why can't you leave me alone for good? Why not let this shitty board of weird gangstalking just fucking die. You get nothing out of this, besides "amusement". You say I "complain" but here you are actually doing what is frowned upon. Stalking. Harassment. And gaslighting. Then you blame me for apparently causing your reckless behavior to wreak havoc, even on the 4chan boards. -Genuinely, stop. Stop thinking I've done something to deserve this please.

it's funny how you think i 'hadn't' changed even though i've never once lashed out at you. my "anger" for you has grown out to the point of merely despising you, but in a more calmer way. along with other things like keeping the art away from you. 
unfortunately, the only thing that hasnt changed for *you* is your HABITS. you are not a troll. you're a sick man waiting to get evicted and kicked out. im almost surprised that australia doesnt done that any sooner

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Before we go any further, please stop and re-examine this post:  >>/44744/
You were at peace when you stopped coming here.
So - why did you come back here?
Are you this fucking stupid?!

> Playing

It's your move, Precious

> Stalking

You. Came. Here.
Irony 101.

> Stop

[insert  >>/44777/ meme here]

> Deserve

Uh oh... looks like someone remains in continued huge denial. Must be PDD.

> Calmer

> Not calm

> Australia

That's in Spain

how about re-examine your own problems first? get a grasp on reality, will you. stop blaming me for making you into a loser, klim. :3 
> you were at peace 

i WAS ALWAYS at peace until you dumped analockman (who was also a man) for me. since that very day you never stopped reposting/making these unfunny memes that not even a fucking 4channer would like 
> so - why- 

Stop asking multiple questions and blaming your OWN stupidity onto me. If you never wanted me here, you should've never: 
> harassed me for multiple years even after my 18th birthday 

> steal any of my art, some of which is deleted now 

> made anything RELATING to me 

> and even worse, stalking me on nearly every platform I go on.

I mean, you're still on my deviantart for christ sakes!! And you're blaming me for making something that's not for you? You're too fucking OLD to be sexually, and verbally harassing me. Go the fuck away creep. 

I'm not your "precious gollum mexican" boyfriend, I am a victim and you need help. Genuine help so you can fuck off from ever touching me. You need a real life lesson, or you can go kill yourself like the pedo you are.

Wrong again. You're not allowed to steal my art or even stalk it. By constantly visiting it each day, you're committing a serious crime. Stalking. 

You're doing exactly the same things you claim onto me. Aren't you hypocritical, despite me never actually  showing this "PDD" or "mexican heritage" to you? You're obsessed.

So, how am I stupid for pointing out your own behavior? I'm not the one posting memes that - again, no on likes. Stop being so full of yourself and admit you're in the much wrong than I ever been. Unlike you I do not stalk someone, much less let them move on.

1. No, replying to you normally isn't even stalking. I'm not obsessive over you nor do I think of you every time. You are not my favorite. 

1.2 Not "diddles". I don't go by any name now that you tainted them, nor the one on my wiki. 

2. I'm part of his family, regardless. And you keep thinking I'm the "same person" despite the fucking difference. 

And also that's not even the right font for the logo, dumbass. Google Fonts exists you know. That logo was just a prototype and used "Garnet", aka Red Hat Text. 

3. NMBI is only a national museum bureau investigator... of people like you. You bully, lie, harass, and troll a lot.

> i come to the place i have no reason to be just to see what these boys up to and i hate it here

ye that aint stalking lol
you just hanging out ay
> im not diddles i just learned his rules for thee lifestyle

> im diddles number 25306

ok keep them coming bro
> tardbabble

nobody cares lol

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GangsterWoody's avatar
Nov 13, 2024
Style changes.
Deviation Actions

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Style changes.
Jake realizes that he was derived from his old counterpart, upon finding out. He is shocked to know about this. And it's what happens when you want to forget about your 'old art style' in favor of a 'new' one, which is - to be fair, soulless. Even if you don't make it like that, it still doesn't have the charm like the early-2020 used to have. This is why you don't try to idol/worship other nsfw people's art styles in hopes to draw like them.

From left is a happy day (and old times) from 2020, to the right is the present day. Where everything looks too different, and is so different that the skunk doesnt wanna live in that era. 

Basically, drawing my 'old art style' in the present day. 

So many eras have come and gone to the point of not doing another. I can't keep changing art styles and leaving behind what made it good in the first place... no seriously, I went from drawing happy to occasionally-happy stuff. Am I becoming like... scenecore? What is this. 

fact: this piece is technically based off a similar draw i did, but not focusing on mittens.

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First time being comfortable with a big canvas.... and its' not too bad? ^^;

This is um... a koopaling. I did not really color it yet but it is for a, rather personal test. Style kinda resembles the games but goes a bit classic. I really like her.. probably. I nearly based off the pose alone for this. 

Sorry if my white background still blinds people. I understand I crosspost too much...

(i'm still sorry for deleting everything.)

It's come to a point where one wonders why they're online, if they can't maintain their OWN place, then... what's the point of being nice. What's the point of the many complaints that are solved by not turning on mature filter? What.. what's with anyone doing anything at all?... Policing others that aren't hurting people by single drawings, even pokemon-like... no, I think it's pretty much beyond it. Fuck...

But the question is, are we all just stuck trying to make it a "good" place before we all leave? God I fucking hope so, because I want to be out of here. Even if it eans this is my first and only original account. I've travelled accross the land, searching far and wide... each user I want to befriend, but some have been hard to. 

My point is, I can't stand the state of the website, and some (if not most) of its users. I am tired of agreeing with the fact that it'll be "better". It will not. 

The least I can do is be positive and not cause ruckus, nor get posted about anymore. Which seemed to have worked really well. I'm just an arist/animator/creator pursuing personal dreams, you know? Befriending acquaintances back and forth... it's hard to do, but over time it was easy... until now. I've took many breaks and nearly all of them worked. I'm so sorry for not even interacting about it so sooner, but hey, I thought no one would read a personal account's diary. What do I really write anymore.  

update: and no, that character on the right is completely unrelated to any favorable species. they're a fire fox kind of guy

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welp, it's finally happened..~ 

l-ladies and gentle.. people? I finally uh, made a horse sona thing >~< 

A really good one at that. 

So as ya can see they are REALLY clumsy and tend to show off their butt, mostly to mitty. And like wearing diapers. They are also in flufferia too, just not commonly found.. :3 wonder what name i could give them?)

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So um...! I dont think they have colors... much. Except maybe white and a little gray, or Both gray! 

"Ed and Ted are said to be predecessors, long before Sprunki was even a thing. Which explains the multicolor, yet instrumental-making diversity few years later... these were about two men, usually displayed as sketched cats who do quite the activity, all while on their office jobs.. the creator of these two fellows (who don't talk w/ music) is unknown. - Author, Jane. Capped frok '96 website."

And of course, I felt drawing this kinda stuff was better than sprunkie... it just confuzzles me.. makes me brain all weird. Oh why did that mod have to be popular... not tryna sound like a hater but it isnt rlly my thing at all, sorry

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(Originally November 9, 2024. here; mittens does not have a hair fluff. that was on accident) 

Reuploading it for my sake... and because, comics. 

I wanted to title it 'arousal', buuut... ^^; that's what mittens seems to be doing. Hence the off-screen keyboard he typed on. He must've found a fetish he liked.

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Well, I tried drawin both anyways. May not fully color...

Anyway, wonder who their landin their butts on? Their mother, the one with the uh, um.. pickle on her head? Who knows. I've only drawn them the first time (not counting a test drawing) like this, and I already want to do more. And yes, I know what they're wearing... one is mostly a different shape, the other is just round and squishy. 

What a perfect duo, honestly.

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Reuploading this but with... color. 

I originally made the character on 2021, but rehauled the character's design (as i could not draw it at  the time, so... here's something more sweeter, hopefully.) 

Name: Gingerbread Cat. (lol) 

Specie: what she literally is, plus stout-bottomed 

Appearance: Cookie with frosting marks, drizzled ears and three dots - of a snowman. Also has a special paw with claws that taste like candy sticks. 

Not much is known about, other than her occasionally going to Flufferia. She lives primarily in the north pole. 

Again, you're always free to eat her, or if not, you can just.. maybe hang out with her a little. She lives in the north pole, probably part of Flufferia. There's rarely any gingerbread people anywaaays...

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Heheh... jut a little silly ass cat oc.. Heheh.. nothin to see here. 

"Hey, that pamp kinda looks... different?" - off-screen, Mittens said. 

"Can I... touch it?" 

"It will roar at you." said the OC I drawn. Mittens liked that idea...~ 

Seriously, I dont think I've ever drawn them in a hot minute. This was my only draw of them (not counting an older draw)

You're  violating boundaries, again. Why do you do this? Why do you feel the need to see me as a "famous person" and do all this screenshotting nonsense when I clearly don't consent to that? What gives you the right to post something NOT created by you. Everything you're doing just gives me more reason to dislike you. Your actions speak louder than words ever do. Seriously. You're nuts if you think this is "still funny" after 4 painful years of UNFUNNY, UNWANTED harassment.

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