It's come to a point where one wonders why they're online, if they can't maintain their OWN place, then... what's the point of being nice. What's the point of the many complaints that are solved by not turning on mature filter? What.. what's with anyone doing anything at all?... Policing others that aren't hurting people by single drawings, even pokemon-like... no, I think it's pretty much beyond it. Fuck...
But the question is, are we all just stuck trying to make it a "good" place before we all leave? God I fucking hope so, because I want to be out of here. Even if it eans this is my first and only original account. I've travelled accross the land, searching far and wide... each user I want to befriend, but some have been hard to.
My point is, I can't stand the state of the website, and some (if not most) of its users. I am tired of agreeing with the fact that it'll be "better". It will not.
The least I can do is be positive and not cause ruckus, nor get posted about anymore. Which seemed to have worked really well. I'm just an arist/animator/creator pursuing personal dreams, you know? Befriending acquaintances back and forth... it's hard to do, but over time it was easy... until now. I've took many breaks and nearly all of them worked. I'm so sorry for not even interacting about it so sooner, but hey, I thought no one would read a personal account's diary. What do I really write anymore.
update: and no, that character on the right is completely unrelated to any favorable species. they're a fire fox kind of guy