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Last thread


Chronology Pack: https://mega.nz/folder/FjhVgRqQ#o6mXZrNggxb9OHQCh188GQ (MP4s, Instagram Pics & Stories)
Streams: https://mega.nz/#F!oI8lnIIb!tx-7ck3DiZCkK8KSZhrJsw
Gifs: https://mega.nz/#F!0cUQEY5J!HgGoMgczzr3OujwC4SHk1w
Misc. stuff: https://mega.nz/folder/9ZNDjA6a#mHx0ketjN1AeDWmkCzVuNQ
(Edits, Memes)

Useful links:

It's shit on top of being slow. I can upload it to Dropbox but it's the same problem of niggers reporting links like the ttg archives. What do you all think about making a torrent and releasing a new version once a month or something? I could keep seeding it on my server

I like cringe people, its good to see people being themselves and having fun. its even better when they have friend to be cringe with. heaven is when you can be cringe with people who loves you, hell is when you get called based in 4chan.

Honestly this stream was weird as fuck. Bonbi was super fucking weird. She's definitely on some part of a spectrum. I get she was probably nervous, but man.. just go rewatch the first 15 minutes or so and watch how she acts. Look at how robotic she is and what faces she makes. Even the chat was asking if she's okay because.. well she didn't look okay.

And also yeah, she's definitely deeply in love with Emiru. All the biting and sniffing and shit. She reminded me of little kids showing affection while not knowing how to properly show affection. It's so fucking obvious. Tbh I don't think Emiru feels the same, she's probably smart enough to not go there, but man.. Bonbi just doesn't know how to hold back, does she?


It has been really apparent in the last few months that she is nervous appearing in front of 1000's of people and takes time to settle. After that she just behaved like an average 18 year old.

True she seems to appreciate Emiru more than the other way but that might just be Emiru is more practiced at putting on a stream persona. It might also be because Bon is isolated when she is at home (doesn't drive, lives in a rural setting) so the interaction means more to her.

I'm not the guy you're replying to, but there are a number of possibilities including some characters from the /ttg/ discord who aren't directly related to bonbi. They've been proven to shit up the other chan. Bonbi-universe people who might to blame are Cosmo (the one who finally doxxed her and is an honest to god schizo), Mr Black (the guy who was almost 40, ran the Devil Town server for a while, said he was done with everything bonbi related in spring 2019 but stuck around for another year+), and the "Nick's Lounge" edgy types.

Either way, back up the MEGAs.


she acted like this was her first time in life being next to another person. shes prob mixing up lonelines with love. if emirus smart she will wait some more time before taking bon seriously. tho on tiktoks the energy she has is good cause its short and in cosplay but on streams its just too long and cring cause you cant tell if its her or a persona

its just that she is doing something new and out of her comfort zone, she is comfy doing it alone in her room and after the first couple of time with emiru she will be more comfy doing it with her. being cringe means she is just being herself and hopefully enjoying herself.

yeah, it looks cool. I can imagine her in school in this outfit and in the background there is me creeping and sniffing her hair, then she notices me and and bite my throat leaving me gushing blood on the school floor, then come the bri'ish jannies to clean it up and throw me in the trash :(.

Dude I'm sorry. I didn't mean to piss you off. I have no idea what posts led you to think I'm samefagging but I'm not. I just know bonbi and emiru come here to see what people say about her. Just trying to get under their skins is all.

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yeah it's a fraudulent DMCA takedown. to dispute it you have to dox yourself
this is (or used to be) a common thing on youtube as well
> When we receive your counter-notice, we pass it, including your address and other contact information, to the party who issued the original takedown notice.
what makes this even worse is they don't even tell you who sent the takedown notice

it's possible to just move everything from the dmca'd folder to a new folder but personally i don't want to risk losing my account over multiple takedowns

well i got a takedown for the chrono pack which doesn't contain any edits. and since they've seemingly all been taken down at the same time it's probably all done by the same person
so unless bonbi herself issued the takedown it's most likely fraudulent

Reminder that "Mr Black" worked for Pfizer and likely contributed to the creation of the vaccine since he worked in genetic therapies and it's an mRNA vaccine.

Would you take a vaccine made by a dn? I wouldn't.

just watch the vod bro

it was planned to be a cooking stream but emirus laptop couldn't handle it. they went to bestbuy to get an ethernet cable but that didn't help.
so they did a ylyl stream reacting to viewer submitted videos instead.
bonbi bit her all the time which was weird but cute.
> aftermath
emiru has rabies now


Point is you are not the copyright holder so it will be difficult to get it overturned - even though their claim is BS

Might be able to do it by claiming all materials are in the public domain but the self doxxing is a bitch

could be her. i once asked her if she is okay with edits, because i got paranoid about some anon claiming she is going after editors with copyright claims. she never answered my dm, but i guss this is answer enough.

i think she wants all that underground stuff to go away and just be some chick who posts on tiktok.

bonbi's folder Nooooooooo, now how do I update my folder.... 
I'm going to cry for a while and I'll be back....
 I find it strange that mega has published the e-mail of the "victim"....
...doesn't it have privacy policies?.... 
now we have to look for a free accommodation far away from dmca's jurisdiction.

lol this has nothing to do with bonbi you tard
it's some salty assblasted discordnigger that got his panties in a bunch because his own nat archive got taken down
it's just stale vinegar all around
we just need to find a filehosting service that isn't as easily pozzed as mega

bonbi bon is ochaco tonight
emi is toga we are having a blast
was playing fornite then got notified
bonbi posted a tok then my game crashed

open up the app see bon and emi dance
what a time to be alive two of best
see ochaco and toga almost lost in a trance
bonbi and emiru and fuck the rest!!!!!

first time I discovered bonbibros and their edits I wanted to make edits as a rite of initiation, to feel like im part of the community, I felt happy when I see my edit reposted, now I don't have the strong motivation, I still have ideas but I lack skills. how many edits did you do? I only did one edit and a couple of unfinished ones.

50 is indeed a lot, you are a certified bonbi editor, this certificate will follow you to the grave. other bonbi editors will look up to you, and you will look down in shame, but you know deep down you are the one and only certified and famous bonbi editor.

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one more tok before I die
in my mess of a room I cry
saying I don't care is a lie

post a samsbon picture please
my wait has given me a disease
you promised me and you fucking lied
the lack of samsbon pics is the reason I died

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My hands touch your face
And I look deep into your eyes
To see you hurt is a disgrace
To save you I will throw away my life

You are my light and sun
You are my spring and summer 
You you look happy and fun
Seeing you sad makes me suffer

Redbon is shinning away the night
Redbon is melting all cold and ice
Redbon is happiness and delight 
Redbon is my hope when all dies

it's inspect element'd
see the grey line above the post? that isn't normally there. but if you go into dev tools and try to delete the most recent post that's what happens if you don't do it properly
just a silly attempt to get people lure people on the site

In a recentish twitch stream Emiru coyly asked her audience if they would be interested in more risque things before quickly saying 'only joking' and walking it back.

I had a feeling when a few weeks later Bon turned up at Emirus place that this might result. She has gone from ruining her life listening to the Nonce to ruining her life listening to Emiru. Whatever she does will be posted once then shared so many times it will be rendered valueless.

I am literally shaking my head.

If you hope Bonbi does not commodify her sexuality, you are an incel. If you *want* her to commodify her sexuality, you are still an incel. If you notice patterns women don't want noticed, and notice contradictions between words and actions, you are an incel. If you express an opinion, you are an incel.

I remember back during the Belle debacle when this 
> incel
shit was being flung and little in-jokes about Bonbi totally owning the meanie incels by posting hi res feet pics and lewds. The joke of course being it's actually a self-own, which she's no stranger to.

They knew literally nothing that went on for 2+ years. They're useless. Why would it be different now? I don't think she'd have to do much to keep it under wraps. Assuming she still lives there, which she probably does.


I think it was the stream after the 24hr stream but seriously struggling to remember. It might also be the charity stream just before the 24hr one. I briefly tried to find it when they started showing the duets but there is a lot of footage to go through. Yes I have kicked myself for not clipping it.

For those wondering she said something like "Hey, would you guys be interested in some more risque stuff". A few seconds later she seemed to change her mind and said 'only joking' in a totally unconvincing way.

I think Emiru might have discussed it with Bonbi trying to decide if she should do it herself and ended up convincing Bon.

coomers be like wow based bonbi should really btfo the incels and get creampied at glory holes and go on facialabuse and get addicted to pills and die at 22 to own the meanies


It was a few weeks before Bon turned up to stay with her for a while and then the NSFW Patreon appeared. Seems like too much of a coincidence. There can be no way Bon did not discuss this with Emiru before she did it.

Emiru is supposedly reformed now, but when she started out, she was very clearly a titty streamer. Girl has got a body on her, and she obviously knows it. We can debate the morality of all this, but for these girls I think it is hard to ignore the great amount of money they can earn just by taking some risque pictures. The thinking probably becomes that they feel they need to milk this streaming/egirl thing for all it's worth before they get older or decide to leave it behind.


That kinda part of the point - this feels like a step back. Emiru got some attention at first doing NSFW when nobody knew her and she had no other way of standing out.

I just dont see a way where in a year from now this will have improved Bons life above a bit of money. Then once its done its done - its one shot only.

Wanna know the worst bit of this? She has an achingly pretty face and real cosplaying skills but she has never had a nice figure. I am really worried that when these pics leak I am just going to be disappointed.

Guys let's be real here. Literally like what.. 4-5 days ago she posted a story saying she didn't post on Patreon for months because it was too mentally stressing for her. And please know that up until that point she was posting only cute cosplay pictures there, not even nsfw. And it was still too much stress for her. Do you seriously expect she will follow through with this nsfw stuff? Of course not lmao. She will either back off before posting anything (she got rekt in Instagram comments) or she will post once and then again forget her Patreon ever existed.

David Skrbina recently released "The Jesus Hoax", a book about early Christianity. Here's an interview about it. Fascinating stuff. I don't think his position is necessarily anything new, but this is my first go round with this kind of theory.


It's sad but there's just no way for Bonbi to win in this scenario. One of two things is bound to happen - either she will post some NSFW stuff and will get shit on by people for posting it (we could see that in IG comment section) or she will post some lame not-even-NSFW stuff and will get shit on by people who paid $100 to see it. Given how weak her mental is when it comes to public reaction I just don't see a scenario where she's happy with the result. I really wish she would think this through.

everyone know bonbi's mind is hijacked by seth and he does the thinking through grooming her brain (and choosing tiktok sounds) also emiru joined the hijacking and now there is two hackers living in her brain

It's just pin-ups, not any more NSFW or lewder than the cosplays she's already done like that Tracer in the pool or those Overwatch cosplays. I think it's just that she or someone else chose to put 'NSFW'/'+18' to get people interested in that tier

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Cosplaying feels like a job and it's terrible. I just want to do it for myself, for fun. I used to pay for costumes with a part time job when I was 15 and younger, but now I need both a job and a Patreon to do it because I love cosplaying for my patrons. 

I'm 17 which is the age of consent in my state. I am a woman now. I'm a minor, please don't lewd me. I've been sexually harassed so much. I just ignore it. I won't give them what they want.

People show bobs and vagenes on tiktok and it's so gross. I would never do that. I am being shamed for showing some bobs even though bobs are not sexual, they are meant for feeding babies. Vaginas are not sexual either, because women give birth to babies from there. Butts aren't sexual either because you poop from there. If the costume I chose to wear shows some of my bobs, it is the fault of the costume.

Before musically and tiktok I was a real asshole, but now I'm much better. I have a lot of haters. There is no reason for their hate, which I have decided is hate because it's the most convenient thing to call it, and even worse, hate for no legitimate reason. There are wholeass accounts dedicated to this hate. No, I will not expose them because...uh...it's not worth it haha, please don't bother looking into it. Instead I will take clever little jabs here and there which I know only they will understand. I'm sorry I don't talk to fans more often. My direct messages are full of the aforementioned hate, as well as CP they make of me. Can you believe that? Can you believe they would make edits depicting a CHILD in a SEXUAL context? It's disgusting. Check out this artist who does stuff like that though, he makes good stuff. 

I'm very careful with things I do online because they can jeopardize my mental health. Check out the NSFW tier on my Patreon.

This one might be disgusting but about par for the course for a 15yo who had not learnt what to keep from the internet.
At this time she poured her heart out unfiltered in live streams because she had no real friends to talk to. It seemed wrong even at the time but this is when she pulled in most of her really loyal followers.

not sure why you would automatically jump to any of those conclusions, or assume I'm seth, or what racism has to do with anything in this context
tbh it sounds more like someone unironically off their pills has simply transferred his feelings about seth directly onto emiru instead, as the new "power figure" in bonbi's life as he calls it

the threads are 100% astroturfed shill threads, but I'm unsure yet who's shilling for whom

its just weird that he just paint emiru as if she cucked him and stole his girlfriend, like he wanted bonbi to be his conservative racist wife but she turned out a normal girl and emiru is the reason or something

> that donation
Twilight Zone tier dissonance going on. 
> onlyfans
It's a Patreon tier.
> 18 year old children
nice headcanon there
> the threads are 100% astroturfed shill threads, but I'm unsure yet who's shilling for whom

It's tough to get a bead on it sometimes. But we do have unironic schizos in the Bonbiverse, like the guy who doxxed her, as well as just general dirtbags with too much time on their hands.

Mega offer a pasword to access a folder
Link with key - the links includes the decryption key of the file/folder. Anyone who clicks on this link will have FULL access to your file/folder until you "Remove link" from the file/folder menu.

yes and yes. I was planning to release a new torrent monthly. If you have any suggestions for hosting let me know
Mega folders always require a key. Either it's included in the url (the part after #) or you have to enter it manually. I don't think it'll make a difference when it comes to DMCA
If there's no better alternative I'll just have to keep making new accounts whenever it gets taken down

Supposedly the email address given for one claimant was Bonbi's protonmail address, but I don't know if MEGA lets claimants give whatever email address they want to give, regardless of if it's theirs or not.

Possibly, but skepticism regarding a rushed genetic therapy is entirely reasonable and justified. What I'm curious to know is: if they are wary of this gene therapy and think it's dangerous, how do they reckon this with their support for Donald Trump, who had a direct hand in Operation Warp Speed? Despite claims to the contrary, this did hasten the pace of the gene therapy's creation (the media does not want to acknowledge this because they think it will paint him in a positive light, but history may say otherwise).

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RNA is not a gene and not a replicator, it carries information. It's technically wrong to say it's a gene therapy, but it's murky and I understand anyone who doesn't trust this new technology yet. 

But we do have ongoing processes in our cells which take information in RNA and copy it to our genome (DNA). HIV is one example, a virus that takes segments of RNA and inserts them into the genome. We also have endogenous processes which bring RNA segments into our genome. This could mean some children could inherit RNA insertions which their a parent has received from the vaccine. It can mean nothing, it can mean a lot. We don't know, because thanks to the emergency approval of the FDA, this is the real trial phase.

the mRNA vaccine was created by a 40 year old bonbiverse discordfag to get your RNA to tell your DNA to join discord and raid obscure image boards on behalf of the Anonce (Seth) Internet Defense Force (AIDF).

this was her very first post in that tier, only a few days after everyone had a meltdown at the mere proposition of nsfw bontent
it's only going to get spicier from here on out methinks

she looked nice in the stream, glad it wasn't in cosplay, ooc bonbi is rare. I know dark lipsticks can look blotchy but I just like the vampire look it gives, like she sucked your blood and you still love her.

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I was the one that posted that, I didn't realise it wasn't actually in the archive lol
That's an upscaled version of the image though, I don't think I have the original

If yuki.la was still alive the imgur albums these rares were posted in could probably be dug up, now I'm wondering if there are others that didn't make it into the pack

If anyone has the inclination/autism I found an archive dump someone made of yuki up to Feb 2021

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thanks, found it in my logs
looks like the file was first posted with the name
on 2019-12-29 19:17:08.573 by user tck#1488
this led me to the original, posted on 2019-03-10 20:57:42.278 by PeachCider#9607
surprisingly, the original link still works

Did anyone back up the edits made by the /tv/ poster who left? He posted his MEGA pack when he left but it's gone. I remember he made the Paul Rudd edit, the They Live edit, and others.

yeah I mentioned yuki because desuarchive doesn't keep the attached files, but I realised after that the image couldn't have been posted directly to wsg anyway lol
apparantly I have become too accustomed to superior imageboard posting formats
I looked through all the imgur albums I could find on wsg and as far as I can tell everything that was posted there is in the archive, the jade pic just slipped under the radar I guess

Dear traveler that has come to foreign lands. seth cock is leaking tears by now, his spell is broken, no longer his mighty banner waves over the chans and discords, the sun banished away all sethian trickery and with a new dawn comes new challenges. The cock of seth has grown limp and weak, no longer can he terrorize and pillage. New cocks may rise now, or even pussies, but the cock of seth is no more.

If mine report was of lies, does it mean the cock of Seth stands tall and hard over the plains of chans and discordia? Is it mere trickery so he may spread them cheeks and pillage more? Is it even possible that his trickery and might made us blind and softened to the wave of blackened banners of Anon Legions that will sweep us away and subjugate us under his cruel cock and balls! I say nay, it is truly limp and soft, the balls shriveled and with it shriveled his trouble and legions, this horror is only the remaining spell that will fade away with time, fade, fade into obscurity and dark, and the remaining scribbles will be nothing but history. Seth of discordia will be nothing but a name to scare small kids and make them wary of the groomer lords that roams the land.


> TikTok about being called dumb

> General change in attitude and style around that time

> Stating on a stream she is single

> Emiru saying 'I made him cry'

> Emiru saying he was abusive

> Bon spending increasing amounts of time with Emiru

> Emiru visiting Bon

I find it much easier to believe they broke up than to believe she is pulling the wool over everyone's eyes. Think of this - she is an online person who should be in a position to easily lie to you. You dont she her face to face, she controls everything you can see about her. If she was any good at lying you wouldn't know about all the previous lies :-)

The guy you're replying to was just giving you the 411 on who Cuntor is. Anyways I don't rule anything out one way or another. After all, Emiru doesn't live near Bonbi and Seth is still living (with Mama Rhonda) less than mile from Bonbi, unless they moved and we don't know it.  So Emiru could be getting duped too. However, the confluence of evidence indicates to me that Seth is most likely out of the picture as far as being in a "relationship" with Bonbi. As I've said often before, only time will tell. 

I remember back when the "dossier" shit was happening, must have been April 2019, and dn insiders were posting screenshots of her saying 4chan was "retarded" and wrong about everything. This was after months of us saying Bonbi was getting groomed, Anonce is a creeper, the list goes on. We were vindicated on every count. It's no wonder this train wreck happened with caved-in-head-Wojak level fucktard discordfags in the mix.


You can dispute them but that involves giving personal details.

Something I have only just realised is that it might work because the email address given is fake so MEGA presumably wont get a response from it.

> Something I have only just realised is that it might work because the email address given is fake so MEGA presumably wont get a response from it.

no shit but then it will probably send an email to the bonniebonkers protonmail...regardless of if the claimant is actually using that address...and we don't know who really runs that. If it's Seth, then he'll have your email. If it's Bonbi then she'll have your email. Then the question is: would either of them care either way? Bonbi might let if be put back up or she might want it to stay down. Who knows what Seth would do?

If anyone is willing, you can set up a throw-away MEGA, put some stuff in it, post it, and me or someone else can flag it with a throw-away email account and then you. Then you could dispute it and the flagger can let you know what happens after that.

why would seth care? it's one thing to groom a 15 year old in your 20s, it's another to lash out on random anons just because you are salty about a bad breakup. and if they are still together, why would he delete it all of the sudden?


Someone pre-warned us that it was being discussed in discord. Adds weight to it not being Seth/Bon.

Anyone fancy sending an email to bonbibonkers@protonmail.com and see if it bounces? If it comes back as user unknown or similar then there is nothing to lose from disputing it.

Dammit, how many IPs are banned on this thing at any one time? This is like my 7th attempt.

I sent her an email about some freak on Twitter who was making explicit death threats to her. Not even in her mentions, just on his timeline. He's been banned since. Never heard back, no automated message about an invalid/inactive address.

Yep, I guessed.

No email yet - I will monitor. Late here also so probably looking at tomorrow morning.

Could you give a summary of the info you had to provide to issue a claim?

Whether this take 20 mins or 8 hours will probably reveal if there is a human looking at your claim.

They want to know what kind of deletion you want (just links or the files themselves), whether you're the person whose copyright is being violated or you're representing that person, name, address, email, etc.

Presumably whoever took the MEGA down just fed them shit so disputing it can probably be done similarly. I think the best hope here is that any dispute is unlikely to be disputed.

No email yet so presumably human intervention required.

Thanks for suggesting/helping this experiment bro. Gnight


No such concept as felony fraud in NZ law but whatever.
Seriously dude, get out much? Do you think I should lay low for a bit until the heats off? Should I get a shooter just in case? A back up plan if they try to take me alive?

Yeah there's no reason for personal information to be revealed so early in the process. Personal information should only be revealed if both claimants decide they're willing to take it court. 

Anyway I guess the next step is to for people to make sock Megas and re-upload the packs, and have sock emails for those Megas. If they're taken down again, there will be no risk of self-doxxing when disputing a claim regardless of who the claimant is.

> Unless you show (by email to counternotice@mega.nz) that you have filed an action seeking a court order to restrain the subscriber within the next 10 working days, MEGA will consider reinstating the file/s.

There's really nothing the takedown claimant can do at this stage other than court, it seems. In our case it's just a game of one-upping each other and the (presumably) false-flagging takedown claimant is out of options pretty quickly because they can't take it to court if they're not Bonbi, and even if it is Bonbi I don't think she would given enough of a fuck to go that far. Then it's up to MEGA as to whether or not to reinstate the folder but I don't see how to get them to do that. It sounds like it's just up to them.


(I am the Anon who created the test MEGA)

Yes, its a game of chicken where the person taking the MEGA down is the first one required to actually do anything serious.

I didn't even have to log in to issue the dispute so anybody can dispute the claim on the chronology pack using the details I used. The system simply asks for the URL. The downside is that I assume whoever got it taken down in the first case can simply keep doing it again.

Acid test will be in 10 days if the test MEGA reappears.

Does the Anon who created the chronology pack want me to dispute it? It would probably be a bad idea if multiple Anons did it.

nice that sounds like we have a chance. one thing i'm wondering is what happens if it can get taken down again. if it takes 10 days to reinstate but only a few hours to take down it's kinda pointless
also one more question, did you get his fake email address or the one he actually used to create the mega account?
> Does the Anon who created the chronology pack want me to dispute it? 
thanks but i've already deleted the folder. didn't want to risk losing my account over multiple takedowns
i'll make a fresh account tomorrow and re-upload the pack.


> did you get his fake email address or the one he actually used to create the mega account?

I used a fake email address to create the account. For clarity it was not the one shown in the fake ID page as I did that later just to issue the counter claim. The only email address I have used with MEGA starts with 'iwanttogotospace'

> this is on the same level of lewd as some of her previous cosplays so it doesn't bother me but the context of it does.
this tbh. by selling them as "18+ nsfw" she's basically saying she wants people to jerk off to her

I love bonbi I love her with all my heart, 
but those NSFW pictures look like photoshop
 retouched by noob.
 They are empty photos,
 lack a background and 
give the impression of a lack of aesthetic context. 
They look like creepy photos with a baroque style.
 I would like photos with an environment with pink and cyan colors
 .... yes yes I know 
....e-girl colors...
but those images are too dark, 
I would like to see her not only showing a little more, but a more "drinkable" aesthetic.

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!!! BONBI IS DEAD !!! * !!! BONBI IS DEAD !!!
!!! BONBI IS DEAD !!! * !!! BONBI IS DEAD !!!
!!! BONBI IS DEAD !!! * !!! BONBI IS DEAD !!!
!!! BONBI IS DEAD !!! * !!! BONBI IS DEAD !!!
!!! BONBI IS DEAD !!! * !!! BONBI IS DEAD !!!
!!! BONBI IS DEAD !!! * !!! BONBI IS DEAD !!!
!!! BONBI IS DEAD !!! * !!! BONBI IS DEAD !!!
!!! BONBI IS DEAD !!! * !!! BONBI IS DEAD !!!
!!! BONBI IS DEAD !!! * !!! BONBI IS DEAD !!!

is this only updated up until the evelynn toks?
also I get a weird issue where it only loads the first 200 or so files, instead of auto loading the next lot - when I refresh it loads another 200 or so then gets stuck again
I have to reload 5 or 6 times to get it to load the whole archive

if nothing else, at least this does prove it isn't bonbi issuing the takedowns, or even anyone in her social circle doing it on her behalf for that matter
not that it was ever really in question, but still

thumbnail of IMG_6728.jpg
thumbnail of IMG_6728.jpg
IMG_6728 jpg
(522.55 KB, 1246x1664)
Hey everyone!

So sorry for the lack of posts lately, I did end up getting covid so I’ve been bedridden the past few days.

I’m gonna try to cosplay tomorrow for u guys but I can’t promise anything 🥺💔

Thanks for understanding 💙

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