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Refuge from retarded cuckchan mods

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> Mega offer a pasword to access a folder
you were right. this wasn't the case last i checked. but it's pro only and tbh i don't think it will help
I'm pretty certain it's in response to the ttg archive thread getting bombed with takedowns. We have whoever did that to thank (in part)
This DMCA thing is kind of a bullshit tbh.
Anyone could report your cloud with no proofs of owning the rights to the uploaded content.
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Hey everyone!

So sorry for the lack of posts lately, I did end up getting covid so I’ve been bedridden the past few days.

I’m gonna try to cosplay tomorrow for u guys but I can’t promise anything 🥺💔

Thanks for understanding 💙
I hope the desise would help her to lose more weight.
She's still fat, her face is too chubby.

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