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Great gates of hades! the piggy bon got actually tired of grazing and pissing in the fields and pig pen all day. so she ran into her bedroom for some under the roof time. but while the piglet was watching a movie after supper, she felt a sudden gut explosion occur. a large and fat load of brown poop shit starting pouring out of her butt hole like nobody's business. the piggy mistakenly thought she could go through an entire day without pooping in her pants. wrong. that poop smeared and poured out of her butt hole like a river despite the piggy's attempt to cross her legs and squeeze her butt hole shut. it filled the piggy's panties until it started coming out of the sides of her panties. red alert. the piglet jumped off of her chair and ran into the bathroom. she sat crossed eyed in a stupor on the toilet bowl as mr poop from poopsville, like a bowel tyrant, busted through her butt slowly and surely. it took its sweet time, until it groaned and screamed loudly out to the last brownish shit tip curl end. the fat poop load finally fell into the toilet with a horrendous thud and caused a mini tsunami, as water splashed out of the toilet bowl on the sides and to the floor. bon huffed and grunted out two more small brown midgets before laughing from sheer relief. back to her movies she went after wiping from her butt hole every last bit of shittal smear and clump, that had decided to stick around, literally, hang around, cling, clutch, and grab, before some white toilet paper in bon's hand came.
It's hard to explain but I'll try. bon the piggy was trying on a new pair of pants today. and the price, bam, a hundred and sixty eight dollars, rather high, a little pocket book pricey and stinging. but nothing compared with the travesty of what happened as without warning a pile of brown poop started to ubiquitously protrude from bon's butt hole. to put it simply, her guts had enough of the piggy and her bacon egg ham turkey sausage lettuce mayo high packed sandwiches this afternoon, all six of them. each more than enough to feed like eight piggys full, but bon's pig like appetite made short work of all of them in twenty minutes. her pants. gosh. the piglet squeezed her legs to effect somewhat of a slow down in that pile of brown poop, but it didn't last long as a few seconds later another large brown monster started to push through her rectum and against that held up initial pile of poo, and both piles came spilling out of bon's butt in a great rush and fell straightaway into her brand new pants. Bon's rush to the toilet poop depumper in the bathroom to extract her butt poop was too little or too late as the damage was already done, and bon could only squint out a couple small brown after spurts, whereas most fell into her pants and made a total mess. the ruination to the piggy's new pants was complete and irreparable as she chucked them as useless into the trash, full of piggy poop.
Someone ask bombi how come she is so flexible. 
It will be that she practices a sport
or maybe she went to contemporary
Or he practices stretching with his
father who is a kung fu master
.....i mean why she is so flexible?
thumbnail of BonBigVaginadeservesBigDick.jpg
thumbnail of BonBigVaginadeservesBigDick.jpg
BonBigVaginadese... jpg
(63.3 KB, 362x428)
All those who fantasize that someday they will have sex with bonbi, keep in mind this. 
if you have a short dick get out of here and don't come back, get out of your mind that unreal and absurd thought,
she has a big vagina and when you try your penis will come out and when you put it back in you will hurt her.
because this will happen, because you are an idiot and have a short dick.
just so you know she needs a minimum of 7.2 inches(like me and the 55% of all bonbibruh here in /bbg).
think about it, stop dreaming, our queen deserves the best.
bon was busy in her room working hard on a 4 foot high sculpture of the Great Pink Pig (the piggy is quite a sculptress when not farting up the place) when all of a sudden she felt her inside guts explode and crackle and she felt a rush of goosepimples run down her back. there was something going on and it wasn't what she was working on, more like it was something working on her, her insides and guts. oof, the piggy got her clarification as she felt like she was going to take a giant sized poop. and she surely did. she ran into the bathroom and plopped her piggy self on the toilet and squeezed, squeezed hard, and long her butt cheeks, so her butt hole could open as wide as possible and accommodate that large sized poop inside her, pushing out. oooooh, gosh that brown sucker took its time and slowly squeaked out and gave bon spasms and eye rolls, at the same time a feeling of jubilous eclipse. all two foot of it cranked out of her butt hole eventually, and bon released a shout and many gasps as it fell to the bottom of the toilet. There it sat as bonbi just had to curiously take a look at it, and it looked like the top of a large head of brown broccoli, sitting at the bottom of a pool. wow, bon thought did i do that, that's huge. after admiring it for a minute bon gave it the goodbye flush and got back to her regular piggy activities and sculpting.
It was a special type of _wanking_ for sure. Honestly not to be gross but if you dudes haven’t tried a tenga egg or a male masturbator you might want to look into one.  It’s not nearly as a good as actual sex but it was way way way better than my stupid hand.
i found a empty booze bottle yesterday and used it for something. when i was done with it, the label was gone. i filled it with christmas food and gave it one of my best feathers that i've been collecting the past few months. hope you are okay, buddy 

i also lit a pink candle that i had bought just a few weeks before you changed the colors of your room. i saw you and you were much more confident and alive this time. the last time you were anxious and needy. there was a woman with you who will always watch over you. you know her. 

my kid was already with me since the last time. so i guess the kid from your dream is yours
the piggy woke up this morning and she promptly farted 6 times and pissed her pajamas. she didn't even bother to flinch, as with the piggy every day is simply another great day to poop or piss inside her pajamas while she sleeps or after she wakes up. so the piggy removed her drenched wear and threw the laundry. then she decided to her secret enthrall to take a long shower where she squeezed out cross legged three long nine inch brown poop shards, one right after another. the piggy won't admit to anybody how much pleasure she took from slowly squeezing those brown curls out. she felt all right. well, the piggy had a chore to do as below her on the bath tub bottom were three unsightly looking brown poop rolls. she knew what to do. the piglet stomped the first one down to a flattened pancake with her foot, and then the other, and she kicked the third roll around the bathtub for a bit until she finally smushed that sucker into a pancake. the water did the rest and all the poop pancakes slowly diffused and drained away. the piggy finished her shower and got ready to run piggy style into the kitchen (knocking down anybody in her way) and start her daily pig feasts of blocks of lard and bacon fats and several cans of spam, and tuna, basically anything she can get her hands on to produce more poop balls and long brown cucumbers.

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