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the piglet ate fifteen jimmy dean brand cheese filled sausages today for supper. smart move. one hours later and the piglet was running to the large white toilet to make her brown sacrifice. and then the next hour, and the next, and the next.
in short wiggle waggle wit you well of worship without fail chaos reigned inside the piggy's guts as shit gushed out and kept the piglet up until after midnight. she was a busy piglet, pulling brown wangoes out of her butt hole. her solution to the brown problem was unique. 
the piggy drank eight quarts of lemon Frog juice* and three monster drinks :and so she spent another three hours pissing into her toilet.
then the piggy fell asleep in her chair while listening to music and playing computer games as the exhaustion of pooping and pissing all night finally caught up to the piggy. ahh, great right? nope.
the piggy woke up an hour later with a load of brown shit and a quart of piss in her panties and pants. goo and through the piggy saturated her pants and most of the top of her chair seat; they was were covered complete. another large clean up ensued and twenty minutes later the piggy could finally jump into some clean pjs for bed.
2023.01.07 - cute girls make cute cookes | @juliebou !!!!!!
Streaming with Julie

Cosplaying as Pyjama Guardians Lux (julie) and Soraka (Bon)
Stream started 23:05

23:08 This is my wife Juliebou
23:09 We are going to makle cookies
23:10 Been partying hard every day. Did not fall asleep at 9pm.
23:11 Going to make Tiktoks later
23:12 Streaming from Julies House on Bons Laptop as Bon couldn't bring her whole PC
23:12 - 23:30 Making Cookies
23:27 Julie has dentures which she changes every two weeks. Bon eats the old ones.
23:28 Laptop might or might not be plugged in. Bon lost her charger.
23:29 Muted
23:30 Stream Ends
23:32 Stream Restarts
23:35 Julies went out of the room. Bon hid behind sofa until she returned
23:41 Bon Rawr
23:42 Heart shaped Lunchable from Target?
23:43 Julie - 'not in front of the camera Babe'
23:46 Bon -'Out meats are rubbing together'
23:51 We should write our own fan fiction. Who says we haven't?
23:58 Thanks Matchuchu for simpage. Amount unknowable as not being announced.
00:01 She has bad memories of Slipknot as she knew somebody who liked them and now associated them with badness
00:02 Cookie returns (from fridge) to be cut
00:03 - 00:12 Cookie cutting
00:22 Makes a Creeper Cookie
00:29 Julie puts cookies in oven
00:30 Bon leaves to clean hands. Trips over laptop power?
00:32 Bon returns
00:36 Bon had a bad experience on the aeroplane
00:42 Julie has an unsettling love for draco malfoy
00:48 Cookies return cooked
00:53 Bon - 'Lick it'. Julie goes in for seconds then wipes clean afterwards
00:57 Takes a polaroid
00:59 First time Bon and Julie met Julie kicked Bon off the mattress
01:12 Julie and Bon were at the Riot booth (AX) and had to hear 'Star Guardinas' for 8 hours. [Was kept secret from Bon fans incase one of the monsters attended]
01:14 Singing duet [sort of...]
01:20 Arm wrestle
01:23 Left handed arm wrestle. Julie 'are you actually trying?'
01:26 Julie rubs Bons feet. Bons takes Polaroid
01:44 Bons fart does/doesn't stink
01:45 Julie farts
01:47 Stream Ends
I'm going to make fun of every pants shitting incel post I can. You fuckers are the real ones ruining this site by crying like whiny faggots every time bonbi posts on Patreon. So again, I'm going to laugh at all of you crying faggots and there's nothing you can do about it. Just like bonbi is going to post lewds and there's nothing you can do about it. Isn't it wonderful?
let's see now. yesterday the piglet bon overate on jimmy dean sausages and that and the fact ukraine is at war and the parallax between hydra and cetus when viewed on tuesday can be transfixant by less than 34 degrees the piggy went and pooped. ok. got it.
now today bonbi felt the spirit of The Great Pig speak to her in a dream last night. the great pig explained to bon the piglet that it was fine and ok and accepting in his eyes every time the piglet decided to drop her pants and poop on her bedroom floor.
moreover the Great pig explained that if she so decided he would be overjoyed if the piggy decided to poop in walmart, bakemart, pizzamart or any store with the name mart in it. poo sitting on the floor of a mart freshly pooped from her brown butt hole is like giving joy and ardentcy to its reputation. so the piggy woke up in the morning overjoyed to the maximumly full, and squat beside her bedside and dropped her pjs and took a long brown shit. the roll of poop slowly inched its way out of her brown anus hole. the piggy huffed and puffed and stuffed that curl with grinds as she felt it tickle and pong the skin circle of around her anus hole. pptttttt, then another ptttt, then a final 1 foot long curl ptttttttt, came out of the piggy and landed on the floor. the piggy then spent the next hour taking large whiffs from those shits while sitting or laying lazily on her bed. a brilliant start to the day for the piglet.
Can someone for the love of Bonbi post the video or pics of her holding her mirror like in pic related? but the original stuff ofc so I can actually clean it up and use it for better shoops than this shit i found online


thank you
i personally dont give a fuck what people say on here which is something i would recommend to you. go outside and touch grass you are not helping anything and bonbi doesnt care what you say or they say. your little internet war with the "incels" is in your head. but im sure you are winning.

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