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Last thread:  >>/33853/

u: bonbi
p: bonkers

the piggy bon is such a poopy piggy that she forgot she pooped while she was sitting in her desk chair playing games on the computer this afternoon. it was after a couple hours did the poopy piggy start to sniff something fishy horrid like a cat had died inside her pants. the piggy decided that an inspection was necessary and she spent the time to stop and pause her game and check. oh, well look at that the piggy thought, i got poopy pants and poopy panties, and in conclusion she concluded rightly to the best of her poop logic i must be a poopy piggy.well those poopy pants came off and the piggy walked to the bathroom to dump all of her poopy piggy poop into the toilet and get the poop out of her pants. oh thunder! a sudden second spurt of poop started to draw out of her butt hole and with no warning. Poop spilled out and dropped, pppppppwap, spurted more like, onto the floor beneath her, and she yelled, i didn't want to poop! The piggy had created in the space of a proper clean room in such a short time a literal giant sized pig pen, really one that is meant for only piggys. the poopy piggy had to then spend some more quality time to clean up all the poopy and piggy mess. i think the real question needs to be asked, why is the poopy piggy so poopy and messy all the time. that even when she doesn't want to poop a brown load of poop invariably spills out.

the piggy bon pooped in her palm this afternoon when she had to suddenly spurt out some poo in her room. the piggy was very busy halfway through a cosplay ;then she had to pull down her pants and her panties and squat for that she felt such an urgent need of a large brown poop spilling from her butt. oh, one brown roll rolled into her hand, wonderful. And done. uh oh, the piggy then started to feel another brown chocolate monster run through her lower guts and rectum, to and out of her piggy anus in one swelled swoop. Yikes, bon swiveled, shivered and felt her body tighten as she used her other hand to gather up and coddle the other brown roll of poo coming out. A medium 6 incher. well good, two hands full of poop bonbi was about to pull up her pants, when ohhhhhh, you have got to be kidding, yet another spillain of brown summer sausage started to come through. her anus was breached and a third brown roll went through. two handed bon the piggy had no hands left and so the poop fell out of her butt hole and directly onto the floor of her room, ploooopp.then as if that wasn't enough she vomited a good deal of the heave of eighteen cabbage rolls she had for lunch. and that vomit spread like topping onto her brown pile of poop laying on the floor. the piggy had created a poop sundae of sorts, but a foul kind of sundae to be sure.

the piggy loaded up on pounds and pounds of food for supper today. so it was no surprise at all when she went to her room to piggy swallow herself in her desk chair she felt rolls of brown poop start to run out of her. she clutched her piggy anus hard so that she could run into the piggy potty bathroom and jump onto the toilet dumper. she sat there and spread her legs over the potty seat and made some extremely wild faces as she squeezed her poops out: feeling those brown and poopish cucumberic thick curls and rounds and rolls spill out, the piggy thought for a minute she was going to split apart, that this was it, these browns with their magnitude of style, discomfort and largements are going to end it all and leave her in halves on that toilet seat. well fortunately for the piggy and her anus splitting brown adventure the poops all adhered to slide out as smooth as oil with slickness and tepidity and give her no more cause for alarm. so the piggy screamed in great relief as the last brown curled came out of her anus and plopped into the toilet. the piggy bon then wiped her messy butt hole with some toilet paper. she ran back into her room, eager to return back to her piggy business and some computer games.

Three months ago you probably didnt see her doing topless Patreon shoots. Everbybody has some whore friends but most people mix it up with some non-whore ones as well (hyperbole, I am not actually calling Julie a whore)
Of course I am just being negative. I am sure this will have no future deleterious impacts on her mental health.
Also, which of my friends are you calling a whore? Fairly sure I dont know anyone who advertises anal for cash.

"Her poo piles were multiplying like rabbits"

the piggy bon was in her bedroom at the end of her day with 10 piles of yesterday's and today's poop sitting on the floor. the general explanation is that the piggy's days were too busy for her to spend any time worth it for cleaning up her bedroom, although by that time the stink of those multiple brown sausage piles laying around was enough to knock out into unconsciousness anybody except for the piggy bon. the piggy forced herself to sludge tip toe through those poop piles and to her bed because she was piggy tired from that long day. and she snuffed at even the thought of wasting energy to bend over every poo pile and scrape them from off of the floor. so the piggy climbed into bed with the full intent to close her eyes and go to sleep. maybe even to dream about exhausting several poos into a fancy pig pen. for the poops both dry and wet always feel so good to the piggy when they slide out, and she gets that stinging sensation out of her butt hole, like tinder quat, a slow ember burning, that really feels in comparison like a full course meal to the taste of the tongue. but isn't it amazing that as soon as the piglet pulled her pajamas a sudden pile of late day poo started forming and pushing out of her butt hole and into her pajamas. terrible. the piggy jumped out of bed and rushed to the bathroom to save her pajamas but fell into several piles of her floor poop and lost her balance and smashed head first into the desk. the piggy littered several obscene and repulsive words and had to spend the additional time before going to sleep to clean the whole mess up.

yesterday this happen to me where i squat down to open a drawer and BRAP for a few mins i became Bon the PIGLET and i remembered immediately your writings 😢. Luckly it didnt reach the underwear only watery around my orifice that i managed to wipe asap with toilet paper. I will haev to borrow Bons pigpen next time

it's obvious completely the fault of the piglet bon she poops everywhere she goes, and she is such a poopy piggy, dropping poops on the floor or wherever is a natural thing for her (like a piglet in a pig pen), while it may seem repulsive to any ordinary person.
bonbibonkers is doing fine. she already pooped three times today. once while she was sleeping, once after she woke up and was sitting in bed acting like a lump of poo, and once while she was in the shower and she couldn't resist spitting out of her butt hole a tiny tot, a brown poo say about 4 inches long. then the piglet helped set up the family christmas tree, really didn't do much, except hang two glass like balls on the branches. because she had to four hoof trample like a mad and crazy piggy to the fridge and grab everything she could. lately, she felt her sides were starting to thin out and so a new flank of lard is necessary, you know extra insulation for her and the winter and the cold long nights of grazing and pooping in the fields.

You mean June? He just joined Julies chat and Julie asked if it was June or Bon. She is with the Only Friends again - expect more e-thottery tomorrowish.

Guess she has at least let the OnlyFriends know not to include her in any IG stories incase one of those monsters that follow her actually find out she is going to be away for a few weeks and wont post. I mean imagine behaving normally towards such a bunch of losers.

Just so everyone knows. It isnt a Boyfriend. One of her twitch subs has been sending her lots of money and is now asking her not to post. He is her sugar daddy.
She makes between 5k and 9k on her patreon monthly and this dude is apparently dropping more than that to keep her to himself.

well poopy piggy poops! it looks like the piglet bon was sitting in her chair and listening to music on her ear phones when she felt a roll of brown poop pushing against her butt hole. Waaa, it came as a complete surprise and she almost fell out of her chair. the fat piggy simply wanted to spend a nice couple of hours in her comfy chair and relax and chill to some music and some computer games without being bothered. but it wasn't to be as the supper she finished an hour ago paid its poopy and nasty call on her butt chamber. first of all a huge fart started out of her butt hole and made a trumpet like sound, it was almost like the piggy's butt was making its own music and songs. the piglet was becoming another mozart with her butt hole music flaring widely up and down notes and chords.but hold the concert because let me guess, now free of its cares in the upper abdomen that brown snake poop moving through the piggy's guts slivered, and wanted to hit the back door to that hell hole of a boring place, so straight to the piggy's rectum it ran with the full intent of pushing out of the piggy's anus, and to leave forever. it wanted to find a better and more exciting pasture to spend its time and just generally to get some fresh air. plop plop into the toilet it came as the piggy had jumped onto the toilet and squeezed the toilet's white rim top with her legs so that the poops could exit her butt hole and take a wash in the toilet water. whoooaaa, a washy water ride and whirlpool took the poop rolls, all three of them, down the toilet tube as the piggy flushed the toilet and made the poops disappear.

I dont think it unreasonable of her to not say where she is going but to disappear without a word just leaves room for the BS like 'she is being paid not to post'. All she has to do is say 'I wont be posting for a few weeks' basically like any other content creator does.

Bonbi: Doesn't like Anime because of how girls are portrayed
Also Bonbi: Wears a T-Shirt with crappy Hentai on the front

Even if that pic is not her the one she wore on stream was as bad. Maybe she doesn't wear them outside, but then why wear them on stream?

Thats OK, I wasn't really expecting an answer but I enjoyed the typo in your reply.
She said she dislikes Anime because of the way young girls are sexualized - under this rationale Hentai is the worst part of Anime extracted into still images.

> 420%
I got this one :-)

> She said she dislikes Anime because of the way young girls are sexualized
With 'young girls' I think she means kids.
As long as it's adult characters she is probably fine with sexualization. 
She clearly does not avoid sexualized depictions of women. (Mercy bodypillow, some art on her walls, the shirts)
I dont think making that distinction is contradictory. But you are welcome to disagree.

To speculate, on top of this she may also associate anime with bad times or people in her past.

> I got this one :-)

Yowza!the piglet bon fell asleep in her chair this night because she was listening to music. and she woke up with a pound of poop squishing around in her pants. the poopy piggy like all quickly startled piglets went into a fit of discomfort from this sudden revelation, and she vomited a soup can amount of partially digested fish and corn onto
her keyboard and then in shock pissed her pants. wait a second; let's go back and explain this from the beginning. the main problem today was the piggy over ate yet again and
had twelve fish paddies and eight bowls of corn and a tassy of bacon for her supper. now an ordinary piggy with an ordinary appetite should only eat a tine of that and be happy, but not bon. she decided that her piggyness got or was going to get the best of herself and she was going to pig out. and who cares about any consequences. so she munched her way out of the kitchen and into her bedroom and left a trial of niblets and crumbs along the floor. well this did something to her right away, as
she felt a pin like tightening in her bowels and it surprised her. she knew a brown curly poo was on its way, but oh she disparaged, she has music to listen to! so an immediate solution was thought of and reached. to her music she would go at her desk, but not before squatting and bending and depositing a small load of troublesome brown poo on the floor beside her desk.
poor piggy bon, she thought that was the extent of her after supper poo party pickups, but no, a brown surprise awaited her as she drifted off to sleep and into the clutches of a pig pen like mess described above.why is the piggy so poopy? and the piggy farts way too much.

Thats August. He was friends with the OnlyFriends first - Bon knows them through him. He likes to dress as a maid along with June so ...
Also, not trying to raise any alarms, but if you search for riotaugust in Tiktok the first result used to be riotaugust_pedo. He seems to have a reputation from somewhere.

Don't be sad, you just misunderstand. I don't follow Bonbi for sexual gratification because I don't need to, I follow her for entertainment because she used to be entertaining and is definitely. The guys to feel sorry for are the ones who want to see her strip because their sexual lives are that barren.
You have it 180 degrees the wrong way round. Sad for you.

Thnx for the info.
Still, them staying friends.
I can understand from her perspective. She wants friends.But August and the gang dont need her in the same way. 
She's not the easiest to have around if what she said on stream is true.
They must like her enough to have her around. Maybe they are just real nice. Lets hope so anyway.

Virtually everyone in that IG post is either a porn star, a porn photographer or August - a 30yo cross dressing man who friends seem to be mainly teenage or early 20s porn stars and whose first search result is 'RiotAugust_Pedo'

I think it is clear what future Bon has chosen.

If you ask a room full of clerics for career advice they will tell you to join the church.

If you ask a room full of Doctors for career advice they will tell you to go to medical schiool.

If you aks a room full of porn stars for career advice they will tell you to get your kit of and start moaning.

None of these is clear impartial career advice given for the benefit of the person asking.

> become a housewife
Lol, how do you think porn careers end? Its the very definition of a time limited career and once its over porn stars are rarely accepted elsewhere - better hope they marry well before its over.

Peeps who dont want her to go into porn are the ones wishing her a long term career doing other things.

The problem Bon has is that she is at least slightly well known, maybe not as well as she would like but well enough that this will stick with her. She has more to lose, and will lose more, than any of the other e-thots she calls friends.

never cared about the private life of the people i'm a fan of. imagine writing your favorite actor an angry letter becacuse he cheated on his wife.

i wouldn't even call myself a bonbifag, just find some of her stuff useful in a way that's unrelated to egirl enthusiasm.

well poopy and poops. the piggy spent the whole afternoon painting a portrait of herself with oil paints on a 20 inch canvas.
the piggy's new hobby. everything was going great and the two hours when ohhhhhh. a nature call was boiling inside the piggy's poop filled guts. namely, brown poop. lots of it. time to head to her favorite white ceramic buddy the toilet. but as usual the piglet messed that up. the piggy tripped over the wooden easel and fell on the floor and pooped her pants. 
bonbi got up, and felt her panties filled with brown poopy waste and offal; then 
she stampeded like a piggy into the bathroom and when she took off her panties the load of poop
slingshot out of them and directly onto her face. the poop was sticky like glue. and stuck like a 
squirrel does to a tree all over bon's face. whooaa, bon had a poopy face. the piggy's face was covered with brown poops. well. what a portrait is that going to make. indeed. so the piggy had to spend a good quantity of time cleaning herself off. before resuming her self portrait. we will have to see
once framed and placed on the wall the finished work and whether the poopy piggy was able to wipe all of the brown sticky poo from her face or is it forever on oil.

What is it that makes bonbi so unlikable that nobody wants to be her friend? Yesterday the riot august collab tiktok made me want to look at her op.gg match history. And it turned out that some of the pornstar people were playing league normals yesterday with each other during the exact same 2 hours that bonbi was playing league by herself in. That honestly made me feel really bad for her. Even the people she is literally on a trip with don't even bother to invite her for unranked games when they are playing at the exact same time. I would post proof but since a day has already passed op.gg just says that the games were played 1 day ago. It sadly doesn't give a specific time, maybe you guys know about a different site that does give one?

Watch her streams and you'll find out what it actually is.
Shy and socially awkward recluse who never had the opportunity to learn how to hang out with people.
Is desparate for friendship and connection, but has very few opportunities to meet new people.
So when she does socialize, the stakes feel high and she struggles with the pressure.
Has admitted to have unrealistic expectations of friends. Has depression and mood swings.

Basicly she is the pretty girl version of a lot of people here. Which has the added pittfall of people assuming you are normal.

It is because the piglet bon is a poopy piggy that poops. brown poopy doopy doops, i have no doubt that when she wakes up tomorrow the piglet will find another brown and stinky roll of poop rattling around in her pajamas. 
i expect her to disregard that brown roll and spend half the day playing computer games and listening to her music at her desk. ya see the piggy like a lunatick enjoys the feeling of a brown load of mushy poo filling her panties and squishing against her piggy butt hole. she always likes to reserve one special day where she spends at least several hours
with a load of pooped out butt poop in her panties. usually one day a week, after enjoying that poopy load and then the piggy will finally spend the minute necessary to empty her poopy panties into the toilet. bon you are a poopy sicko.

Dont forget that 100% of the ones who insist 'anyone who does not want nudes is lying' are trying to reconcile their sad existence. They are trying to convince themselves that everybody else wants to see lewds of someone they have followed since she was 14 therefore they are not sad loneley wankers for also wanting it.

They are wrong of course.

Care to explain how I hacked your computer and found this image in a folder titled "My Plan"?
> Some will say that they do not want that. They are homosexuals seeking to taint you by diverting men from the true and straight path
I told you, Bonbi. These "people" do not love you. They have devious gay plans for your beloved audience.
wsg bbg original btw homostein

Let try this:
-Bonbi was good friends with Philly, but not involved
-Early Nov 2021 - Bon visited Emirus House in Wichita while Emiru was in Austin.
-Philly assaulted her in the house
-Philly was removed from the house by Emiru but continued to be an employee and moderator

-Stream 29 Jan [2022] - said she was going to do a drawing of all her friends but one of them turned out to be a stinker.
-Stream 19 Feb - Said her friend saved her but she is still alone
-Stream 16 July - Breaks down over someone. Says 'Fuck you' and 'how dare you hurt the people care about'. Says she went through trauma but people are saying it was nothing
-Stream 24 July - says someone took advantage of her but her best friend is defending him
-Stream 31 July - Says has not forgiven her old friends as they are now ex-friends. They tried to defend someone. Everybody she knows has F**ked her over.
-Stream 21 Sept - complains about old friend group. Says she is not going to Twitchcon because of her old friend
-Stream 24 Sept - Bon names Philly on stream and says Emiru tried to help at the time. Says Philly took advantage of both of them.
-A few days later Philly was no longer a moderator in Emirus Discord. Bon goes on holiday to Emirus house in Wichita.

I think Philly no longer works for Emiru but I cant rmember my source for this. Anyone add to/correct any of the above?

> coomer wants to look at a beautiful young adult woman
You want her to do porn so you can get your 3.5 minutes of excitement before moving on to the next e-thot, all to fill the void left in your empty incel life.

I get that that's what you want. What I don't like is you keep saying everybody is as sad as you. You are wrong. You are an exceptional loser. Own it, don't try and pretend you are the same as everyone else.

Awww I hurt the sad simp's feelings lol. Look simp, she's not going to see your post and reach out to you to be her personal white knight/boyfriend and send nudes to you and only you like you're desperately hoping. Your obsession is weird and creepy. Bonbi is an adult woman that likes people getting off to her body, she's stated that plainly in a stream. So thats whats going to happen. Grow up and move on you weird creep.

> she's not going to see your post 
Lol, no, I don't think she reads this board anymore. Seems like its just you coomers now who think she does. How exciting it must be for you to imagine it - its almost like talking to a girl. Or at least how you imagine talking to a girl feels like. If you could get a girl to listen to you instead of avoiding you, you would ask to see her boobies or even her special place.

That was a lot of projection there my friend. I'm seeing more and more that you're just a pathetic white knight simp. I have never and will never want to actually communicate with her. She seems unstable, and worse, boring. I just think she's attractive and has nice tits and ass. That's it. But continue to seethe and cope. It really makes me laugh.

Coomer anon, do you genuinely believe that bonbi making porn will be a positive development for her? Do you really think that someone who admitted on stream to crying after people on tiktok sexualized her most recent Roxy  cosplay, would fare well in the porn industry? Do you honest to god believe that a person who bans things like gorilla emoji's in her comments because they make her cry, will be able to handle all the negative attention she would get from making porn? Even comments calling her goofy made her cry, do you really believe that constantly being called a whore is a better alternative that would make her happy? Her stream chat already has a growing group of people that respect her wishes so much, that they use variations of the word "onlyfans" to ask her if she is starting one, because bonbi blocked the original word. It's not like she already awkwardly ignores the majority of people asking her that, so surely growing her coomer fanbase will be a beneficial thing for the (in her own words) only thing she still enjoys doing which is streaming. Surely all people with self respect leaving her community, and leaving only a fanbase of coomers who already respect her so darn much will totally not ruin the only thing she still enjoys doing. right? Honestly maybe coomer anon is correct. We should probably just all encourage someone as talented and entertaining as bonbi to throw away all her potential and completely degrade herself so that coomer anon can bust a nut to her in peace. That probably will lead to her being happy, right coomer anon?

Don't be too harsh on them. In their twisted minds they think they are being noble and kind. They remind me, I have a niece a few years older than Bonbi who worked in a grocery store. There was a guy who used to come in and give her gifts, tell her that he just cared about her but promised he wasn't a weirdo or anything. He was far, FAR creepier than any guy who just flirted and we had to get a restraining order against him. These guys aren't able to see that this is what they really are to women so they lash out at those around them. Be thankful they lash out on us and not Bonbi.

anon your bait is ineffective because in your first attempt you did not engage with the message at all. You should have engaged a bit with it by saying something like: "Yes getting rich and set for life by doing porn IS a good thing, incel". After that you can be creative and samefag all you want. But you initially wrote lazy bait so all the extra samefag doesn't help.

this afternoon the piggy bon was playing computer games at her desk and she felt she had to take two poops. so she ran into the
bathroom and deposited them over the toilet. Later the piglet took a book "How to be a Better Piggy" and read 
it from start to finish. it is a bestseller and for the piggy many interesting points and sub points of self help were there. one of the first chapters was explaining how pink piglets should hold their farts and
poops until they reach the bathroom (and the piggy thought to learn her lesson), but ohhhh, wouldn't
ya know it the piggy felt a brown curly roll of poop start out of her butt hole. the pooper wasted no time and curled into her panties and down her pant leg. the piggy paniced and dropped her book on the floor and the poop roll happened to fall on it and between the pages too. no, the piggy shouted. making it worse, as the poop smeared more from her attempt to stop it spreading. and the book was a mess. the piggy ruined her book and threw it into the trash and had to clean both her poopy leg, her pants and her floor from a load of brown piggy poop. Yoinks!

I haven't assumed anything about him, I was just refuting your claim that grooming can't happen past a certain age threshold. All it requires is someone with an ulterior motive, the means by which to carry it out, and a target that is receptive to the methods employed
the fact is that matchuchu has expended a great deal of time and a considerable amount of money in order to buy his way into a level of trust and intimacy with bonbi that would not otherwise necessarily have happened
it is what it is

Low effort stream. Not terrible but dont go out of your way to watch. 

Cosplayed as Red Panda Kotori
Stream started 23:02

23:05 Forgot to post one pic in her Patreon set
23:07 'I can hear myself talk and its annoying because I am an annoying person'
23:08 Matchuchu will be getting his hat but Bon is not happy with the design
23:09 'I have good nudes. Check out my Patreon'
23:11 Broke her bottle playing Valorant
23:15 Might collab with Emiru in the future (vague, just indicates not fallen out)
23:18 Being playing LoL but its expensive
23:19 Dreamt she streamed as Robin but had a period mid stream and had to change her underwear
23:21 Snatch
23:23 Might cosplay Wednesday. Also Mei.
23:25 Bon cut her Yuri wig to become Jiro wig
23:29 Has given up bleaching her armpits and butthole as she didn't ontice any difference
23:30 Casual racism against the French. Lasted until she remembered the British existed.
23:35 Peeing in Aipport story
23:41 The trip went 'well'
23:46 Matchuchu simped 200 bits ($2)
23:52 Difficult makeup -Kanaya and Cassie
23:55 When she bought the jacket for Dave Strider the checkout lady asked 'who is buying this ugly thing'
00:00 LoL next stream
00:02 Bon tounged on the first kiss (suggested she was talking about S*th)
00:13 So tired. Check out her Patreon.
00:14 Stream ends

I’m not disappointed but I probably would be if I was spending 100 bucks a month.  Like that mirror picture is SUPER hot to me and I like how she’s getting more risqué but the quality isn’t there.  I don’t get the super dark blue filter and honestly phone pictures aren’t great when you look at the professional shots her friends put out.

She is just turning into vulgar trailer trash. Why the hell would she tell anyone she bleached her butthole? The only thing more embarassing than that would be admitting it failed.

Its seems like a 6 month slide that started when she started the drugs and kicked up a gear when she first went to LA. Do the coomers find this attactive or something? I cant imagine what sort of weirdo likes what she is becomming.

bon is a disgusting piglet and she has a poopy brown butt hole. this morning bon was sleeping as sound
as a mouse in her bed when all of a sudden a giant roll of poo started to dribble out of her butt hole and 
into her pajamas. this barely woke her up out of her sleep. and she smiled from pure relaxation
and enjoyment because the piggy likes nothing more than feeling a roll of brown poo slowly inching its way
out of her brown butt hole. the piggy giggled and grimaced at the same time as the widest part of the poop roll made its way through her poopy butt hole after a minute. and of course after it completely slid out and filled her panties the piggy went back to sleep for a few more hours, doubly enjoying that sleep for quality and the squishy feeling of having her panties filled to the rim with a large load of brown poo, rubbing against her butt. and creating an aroma of poop the piggy always seems to find sweet and sickly more happy than odious. there is nothing like 23 pork sausages for
a piggy dinner that produces the perfect excellence of a piggy sleep with the poopiest panties and pjs.

It was late June when she told the first poop story (Anonce's bike) and everybody was a bit shocked. Then in July she started going full poop talk. After holidaying with the porn stars she now just talks dirty as much as possible.

This is a change. The poop talk started in June / July and the talking about anything smutty she can think off started after she visited the porn stars and started the topless Patreon stuff.

Still want to know if the coomers actually find this stuff attractive.

The bughdaddy69 ERP was just a child being dirty because it seemed funny at the time. It was not the same as her unironic lewd speak now.

Maybe, but it seems to be becoming more normal for her. I still want to know if the coomers find this attractive - she seems to do it to encourage them (presumably to sub to her Patreon)

Used to be. Not sure about now.

Everybody you see or meet, from being out shopping or watching a stream, is controlling how they appear to some extent - that is a large aspect of anyone personality. It might be a strange personality type to bleach your butthole but to go on stream and tell everyone about it and the fact it didn't work is off the scale.

I miss pretty much everything about her before June/July and her push to appeal to the sort of idiots who discuss wanking techniques in public forums. It feels a lot more fake now.

Let's just all be honest here. Everyone is here because they have the hots for bonbi. Everyone wants to see her nude. People want it. Why come on to this board and bitch about her if you're not already obssessed or interested. 

If you dont like bonbi then move on and get out of here. End of the day its a waste of your time and our tine to complain about her when all you really want is to see her naked. So what if she out on some weight people still want to see what they want to see. 

At least some people here can be upfront about their intentions of wanting more race sexy bonbi content. 

Also I'm pretty sure the poop story guy is bonbi jumping on here. Lmao.

> Everyone wants to see her nude
Again you are trying to make yourself feel less pathetic by making out everybody is as pathetic as you. This is not the case. You are exceptionally useless and deranged. Learn to cope and stop insulting other people by saying they are as useless as you.

> Also I'm pretty sure the poop story guy is bonbi jumping on here
Yeah I kinda wonder sometimes too except he didn't slow down when she was in LA.


This guy has it on the nose. I'd say everyone of you acting like white knights gave some kind of complex, because how else can you explain that you found a site like this. It's a fucking chanboard everyone who gets on these things are depraved. Me included. Don't tell anyone here you dont want to see her naked. You are all guilty of it. Me too. Id love to see her naked. Idiots in here tryna act like they better than everyone else, when they simp way harder than the one's being honest.

And y'all saying you hate the bonbi you fucks are simpin just as hard. You think anyone believes you hate her when you come in here just to talk shit about her. You Fuckers is all obsessed.