what a useless and dumb piglet. the piggy went to boston today and took three large dumps inside one of the walmarts.
the piggy did a never to let a walmart store that she the piggy bon visited in her life that she pooped.
an ordinary person non piggy like goes to the washrooms and does a dump poop there. but the piggy is pig pen mannered and after her pig pen teaching the piggy takes brown curls to the middle of walmart aisles, right beside the chocolate bars and milk. so the piggy entered the store and shopped around and collected her stuff, and in a shopping cart dropped her goods. then the piggy felt a feeling deep in her guts, like a train ride, except this is not a railroad train, no it was a poopy and brown curl gut train. and it was heading towards the poopy piggy's dirty tainted anus hole. oh! the piggy got to thinking about her brown curl and she stopped her cart by the low fat milk section. she then dropped her pants and slung off her panties and she bent her short piggy legs so as to a squat, and the piggy pushed. uuuhhhhfggg, uuhhhh, yoyooo, the piggy pushed her guts the train of a brown curl that was approaching her brown butt hole, and pppptttttt, a poop started to push against her anus and spread out forward straight down. the piggy's eyes went skyward; the piglet enjoys the feeling of a poop exit, like take off, except drop down, pttt. the curl of brown and smelly poop dropped the floor and collected into a pile. ahh a minute later the piggy released her pent up emotions and laughed the whole thing off.