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Last one :  >>/2097/
https://m.tiktok.com/h5/share/usr/219309202052378624.html (519 Videos)

WebM Pack: https://mega.nz/#F!C1szUahY!wAozqblbJ7ivdfm5kd6IEw (WebMs, 60fps)
Chronology Pack: https://mega.nz/#F!gJ1AlYwJ!TFORcOzEIEERs19J7b97LQ (MP4s, Instagram Pics & Stories)
Streams: https://mega.nz/#F!oI8lnIIb!tx-7ck3DiZCkK8KSZhrJsw
Misc. stuff:https://mega.nz/#F!tREl2QwJ!Fw2wzaTPeluUpKpnJefkSQ%3E (Edits, Memes)

Useful links:

a based one?
seriously though it's kind of hilarious how her mom went from supposedly calling bluebon a whore, to, after she started making money from tiktok, encouraging her cospaying and buying her sexual bodypillows







new stuff i see i don't know if they are rare or not

fucked up and hit "reply" too soon. It could also be about people other than Seth, since there have been many times where she seemed self aware and people got their hopes up, but shortly after she did something that contradicted her words 100%, a good example being the Elsa stream: crying about orbiters and yes men on discord, only to find out she was talking about people she hadn't been around in months and was actually in a new private orbital yes-man server that she liked at the time. Or maybe it's just a random audio she liked and she's a retard.

I don't think it's random. 
It could refer to some of her patreons (e.g. she thought "gregrussell" in Twitch chat was the actual guy that demanded to play with her), or she really is intentionally egging us on.
And, of course, for the eternal optimists, it could theoretically also refer to Seth. I mean, I've seen some people refer to him as "the pimp" and he is a borderline sex offender, but I feel like that is getting your hopes up a bit too much.

> And, of course, for the eternal optimists, it could theoretically also refer to Seth. I mean, I've seen some people refer to him as "the pimp" and he is a borderline sex offender, but I feel like that is getting your hopes up a bit too much.
Not too much of stretch after that Emiru tweet.
I believe Emiru is going to be the hero of the bonbiverse, and that thought keeps me happy.

Yeah, people thought a few past tiktoks were anti-Seth somehow, and look at where things are now.
Don't count on it. The "heroes" will be anyone who can manage to get the pedophile's life ruined and preferably get him imprisoned.

I agree that is the most likely intended message of this. Still weird she would pick that audio in her situation.

> Yeah, people thought a few past tiktoks were anti-Seth somehow, and look at where things are now.
To be fair, none of them were as blatant as this one. As I said, I've seen people call anonce "the pimp" and what he is doing, makes him a "borderline sex offender". Anybody that has even vaguely heard rumors about Bonbi's situation would make the association, whereas previous toks were a lot more vague.

Oh shit I hope she doesn’t plan on doing what I think she’s doing for tomorrow’s stream. Like I know she’s grasping at straws  here but don’t do that, anything but that Bonbi PLEASE!!!!!! It’s ok right guys, just let it happen and all that! It’s only going to hurt for a little bit.....NNNNNOOOOO PLEASE GOD NO IM NOT READY, I KNOW I’VE BEEN A BAD BOY BUT DON’T LET THAT HAPPEN PPPPPLLLLEEEEAAASSSEEEEEE JESUS HAVE MERCY.......

Funny how despite there being no details about the stream, people seem to assume right away that it's another goodbye stream.
And it makes sense. It's obvious Bonbi hasn't enjoyed cosplaying or making videos recently, the last couple of streams didn't go particularly well, and she might figure that's the best way to protect the nonce.
Of course, nobody actually believes that "forever" lasts for more than a few weeks/months at best.

Unless it's a suicide stream, I don't think "it's for real".

In the time between late April and late October, people would say any speculation that they were still together was a "cuck fantasy". Then they flexed that they were, in fact, still as "together" as people can be online, and thought themselves to be clever and above it all.

so anything worth mention happened after gothbi/rose steam? I see dva stream, haven't watched it yet, but anything worth of note what of /ttg/ and /bbg will there be new years stream?

Look above.
Bonbi said she'll stream today, but who knows if she won't cancel again.

Other than that, not much. There was a cheerleader Froppy stream in which some guy called her a whore the entire time, and the academy D.Va twitch stream (no anonce but all her mods were invisible in chat).
She has released very little content in the past two months, and what she has released seems very half-hearted. It's why some people have also started speculating that tonight might be another goodbye stream or something

She announced a stream for today. Posted some tiktoks, they're kind of meh. Another tiktokker, Avery, talked about Bonbi on stream. She said she saw Bonbi at the Mechacon in July, where Bonbi was in the Strawberry cosplay. She said she saw the pedo bf there too, but seems to have assumed that Bonbi's dad was him. She said the guy was "old". She's never seen a pic of Seth anyway, so she wouldn't know.

She's kind of responsible for the whole drama though. If Bonbi were a little less horny for pedo-dick, everything would be fine. Well, it still wouldn't be "low scale", but the number of people watching shouldn't bother her too much.

> I keep promises for the most part
> I do not party
> Old me is kinda gross
> I talk really stupidly some times
> Getting on tiktok makes me depressed
> People on this app are insane and it makes me not want anything to do with this app anymore, because it's not very wholesome. [end of stream]

Also she mentioned posting a tiktok later today with her upcoming cosplay plans.

> she kinda dumb and got multiple outfits for a character that she was gonna do today but can't, because of plans with family
> she seems excited to do more cosplays/has plans, the app is just bleh

Is it just me or does she look kind of, uh, ugly?
I've been thinking this in the last couple of streams already, but comparing her looks in the first half of the year and in the second, she just seems a lot less cute. Might be partially her going through puberty and getting older, and partially her putting on more makeup - could even be her rotten soul finally shining through the shiny exterior.

It's more than that. Compare Bonbi in e.g. May where we had the Chiaki, birthday and Vanellope streams to the second half of the year: today's stream, cheerleader Froppy, Rose, obviously Twitch, Black Cat D.Va, Ariel, Melanie Martinez...
It's not just certain angles, but she legit doesn't look all that cute in those streams anymore. It's easier to miss it in certain toks because of angles, shorter video length, filters, etc., but comparing streams, it becomes really obvious to me. 
I fear that it might really be her going through puberty. She looks less like a cute, boy-ish kid, and more like a (for now) slightly misshapen teenager. Or maybe it's just excessive make-up, and undernourishment.

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I think makeup is a big part of it. Not exactly sure what happened but it's like she got worse at it or is trying too hard to look a certain way.
Imo she looks really cute in webm related with no eyeshadow/lipstick/wingybois

She said the old me is gross after someone made that ramen pizza comment. 

She probably thought of RistoH because he actually made ramen pizza and how she used to be friends with him. 

But not gross because she's dating an ugly muslim neckbeard man lmao

The question is, when is "one day"? 
This thing with the nonce has been going on for a year and is unlikely to end soon. She's had virtually anybody that actually knows about Seth tell her to leave him. What will it take?

I don't know man. Yes it's been a year but she's still just 16 and sheltered as fuck. Everyone who told her to leave anonce was some kind of online friend. She needs to meet people in real life, whether that's through dance classes, college, work or whatever. Or her parents need to wake the fuck up and put an end to this.
Or maybe anonce will need to take an actual job to support his mother and once he doesn't have 24/7 time for bonbi anymore she'll ditch him idk
I know I'm being optimistic but there are definitely many ways how this could end well, whether they're likely or not.

They'll move in together in some apartment on the lower price range in some southern town to make sure nobody knows who they are, surviving on her patreon money. That'll be the first time they ever meet. They've known each other a long time and talk to each other all day so it won't be awkward for either of them. They'll have awkward sex that night which'll get less awkward as they go again and again day in and day out...what else is there for them to do? bonbi will have stopped making tiktoks and have gone full blown patreon cosplayer by this point, using her cute loliesque image the same way belle delphine and lana rain do to make her money (she'll never do 18+ content), all while hiding the fact that she moved in with her boyfriend to keep milking that innocent image. As their money dwindles, bonbi, thinking she's 'working hard', will grow tired that seth hasn't changed from his neet ways and has no job or plan for the future and is mooching off her, which will make her grow to resent him over time, and as time passes she will realize how unattractive and useless the man she burned all bridges to be with is and will think of leaving him every waking moment of her life, but she never will because she has nowhere else to go. she will be scared, abused, but above all else she will be severely depressed over the life she has chosen with the man she thought she loved. Taking seth's .45 that he stole from his mom to protect him and bonbi from any deranged orbiters they were to come across, she makes one last instagram post, and in her last message to the world there will be no apologies, only regrets. She will tell her family how she always hated them and how she wished she died when she got sick as a kid, she'll tell her fans this is all their fault for pushing her further and further into seths arms, and she'll say sorry to each one of her animals back home for leaving them. Humming hard times one last time, she closes her eyes and puts the gun to her head.

Seriously though. I don't see Bonbi being all that unhappy. She might regret her decisions one day, but at least for now she seems content. When I was her age, I didn't do anything but play vidya all day, and if I could have had a girl I'm in love with to join me, that would have been even better. In retrospect, I wish I had done other things, but at the time it was great.

> healthy and good for her
Obviously not. But I would bet we all did things that aren't healthy and good for us either, like obsessing over a teenage cosplayer.
Of course I would prefer her to do something else, but acting like her surrogate parents is pointless. She has some unhealthy habits she'll likely grow out of, and it's not the end of the world.

Okay anonce you can stop trying to defend yourself. We know you're a neet virgin loser who never had a girlfriend till now but you're still a pedophile. And nothing you, bonbi or your mother will change that.

Ofc she happy. She wanted to be "anon's loli" and she found the perfect pedo for that.
I was expecting it to happen. People who love bonbi and seethe when mean things about her are posted will eventually have to defend the pedo. Bonbi is linked to him. Worshipping bonbi means loving the pedo, that's in fact what she demands, otherwise you just belong to the nasties.
So I expect the rank of the AIDF to grow significantly in the future, especially among DN.

Is it "child abuse" though? She's sadly wasting her youth on that guy, tarnishing her reputation and ending friendships over him, but I don't think you could seriously say she's being abused. 
I'm not defending anonce. He is still a piece of shit, but it's not the end of the world for Bonbi. She seems happy for now and regret won't set in until later.

It's not about her. We won't stop talking about the stalker, pedophile and groomer. We won't stop looking for ways to blow it all up into the mainstream. We won't stop autistically cataloging and analyzing their gaming and all this other shit. Most people still don't know about him, but that is changing. It's a long, cold war. Patience is a virtue.

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She has done that herself.
Wew, at least that particular version of Akali isn't the one she said she would do. On another note, I remembered her Witch Mercy cosplay preview that a based paypig anon leaked months ago. The red ribbon necklace thing was covering her chest. When the Twitch stream and tiktoks came, not so much. Hmm...

Apparantly this isn't a bonbi - there *were* more midget daenerys cosplayers at the con after all lol


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> tfw you pulled an all-nighter doing school work only to find school starts 2moro not 2day
I got some homework still to do and a very important portfolio due in under a month.
We can all make it, my anonymous friends. You just gotta believe in yourself.

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Side note:
Ive been coming up with story ideas over the last week or so and was wondering if anyone wanted to help me think about them. I'd be willing to dump a couple (they're little more than premises of the stories) but i wouldn't want to be cyberbullied if they're cringe. 
Mostly, Id just like to know if the ideas are good, since they're nothing more currently. The issues i've ran into thus far is that in having a few different ideas, im unsure which would be best to expand on.

So um when you guys buy condoms do you feel weird if the cashier is a woman??? I always try to find a guy or self check out because i feel like the girls will be judging me and shit.

Always funny how Bonbi looks completely unremarkable in those con pics. If you went there and happened to see her, you wouldn't look twice in her direction. Just another mediocre cosplayer with average to slightly above average looks.
It's really all her expressions and filters that make Bonbi cute.

Doesn't change much. She still can't send him pussy pics or any kind of explicit content till she's 18. Yes, in theory he can travel to LA (or have her travel to KY) and fuck her there, but that won't happen. It's not like they're being held back by laws, they already broke some of them anyways. They're held back by their life circumstances. Bonbi is isolated and Seth is poor. And that's not gonna change.

I don't care. My point is that Seth is definitely not off the hook the moment she turns 17 as legally they can't exchange any kind of explicit material till she's 18. Yes, in theory he can fuck her, but because the reasons I stated, I don't believe that's likely. It more likely that their relationship will stay purely online, making her 18th birthday much bigger milestone than 17th.

completely unrelated post but I just need to post this somewhere and since I'm banned from /wsg/...
I have to go put my dog down in about 2 hours
combination of a respiratory infection and so many inoperable tumors his x-ray look like swiss cheese
15 years, almost 3 quarters of my life, my oldest and longest friend, this wasn't how this was supposed to end
and I can't even cry
I can't even feel anything
I don't even feel human right about now, I feel weightless, like a ghost inside a shell that is trying to break out and ascend with him but is trapped by these bars of unbearable suffering and fleeting time
I wish I was better with words. I don't know what this post is supposed to bring me. Realize that everything on here is insignificant, everything online and most things in the real world are, so cherish the things that are
his name was lucky




Literally nothing of value whatsoever.

if anyone wants to continue looking for pics, I scrolled down until jan 4th 6:00 am. I think the con started on the 3rd so there might be more


Is this Khalisi cosplay old or new? Bonby saw how in the last episode of Game of Thrones Khalisi burned the city along with all the guilty and innocent residents. Why, after this, did she again dress in this crazy maniac Khalisi? Could this suggest that Bonby also does not want to distinguish between the guilty and the innocent? I hope that there was no psychological connotation in cosplay. I want to hope for the best.

Is this Khalisi cosplay old or new? Bonby saw how in the last episode of Game of Thrones Khalisi burned the city along with all the guilty and innocent residents. Why, after this, did she again dress in this crazy maniac Khalisi? Could this suggest that Bonby also does not want to distinguish between the guilty and the innocent? I hope that there was no psychological connotation in cosplay. I want to hope for the best

do you guys still even go to /wsg/ and /ttg/? I honestly don't see the point, I also noticed that mod problem isn't really exclusive to /wsg/(I know, shocking), I just didn't thought it's THAT bad across whole 4chan, it seems like mods just run completely wild across the site

oh yeah, now that I checked archive it was there
weird, I don't remember it that much, probably because I been on and off or maybe because it's shit meme
but I also checked urban dictionary and apparently it's old as shit, so uhh yeahdunnoboutthat.webm

Obviously it's not a "new" phrase, and she could well have picked it up from anywhere else, but the meme has been quite long running and was adopted surprisingly widespread throughout bonbi's community, not just /bbg/
It seems at least plausible, if not downright likely that she picked it up from us

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Bonby said, "I'm a boy, not a girl." Perhaps she said this because she was treated with ridicule or bullied, and she thinks that it is because she is a girl. A girl in the understanding of bonby is some kind of lower being.

In fact, women are taunted not because they are women, but because they mistakenly think that men have made such a cruel and unfair world without the participation of women. Women have their own half of guilt that the world is so cruel and unjust. And also because women do nothing to change this world for the better

It does not matter. It is important that she thinks that she is not respected because she is a woman by gender

But in reality this happens because women think that the world was made so cruel by men without the participation of women. And because women do nothing to change it for the better.

Do you really think Bonbi would like having her air circulation cut off just for a few views. Honestly I think she’ll just lay there limply taking it, but if your lucky maybe just maybe she’ll suckle the pp a little

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rip lucky
it took you this long to realise that the kinds of people to moderate websites on the interwebz are shitheads???
puke emoji
> i want to give seth my money

why the fuck would you think i'd ever want to write a story about bonbi????? I decided its too embarassing to share anyway.

Bonbi talking about wanting to put a dog collar around my neck and dragging me by hair. while I'm on my knees, is making me feel a certain way...

Just some more (disconnected) lines from the full song:
> You can call me mommy and I'll throw a dog a bone

> When I rule the world, then you're the little girl
> You should do as I say cause things are gonna be my way

> I rule the world, so get down on your knees
> Better do as I please, until I tell you to stop

> I can be your daddy and you're gonna make me proud
> If you don't, you'll be bound and thrown in the dog pound (woof!)

Roxybon should have recorded this

Gave me a sensible chuckle reading through this acc larping (?) as a discord groomer.

At the same time scary how it all fits anonce to a T.

> i wasnt emotionally abusing my underage when i told her i wanted to kill myself i just actually wanted to kill myself its not the same idiot lol cringe of you to post those DMs

Uhhh....are we sure this IS a larp and not *actually* anonce?

> discord culture is 19 males aged 16-25 all racing to see who can groom the 15 year old girl in the server the fastest and everyone who loses the race has to cope for the rest of their life by calling the winner a pedophile

Holy fucking kek

> bitches on discord be like
> "maybe...you want to cum?
> Are you planning to cum inside your little sister?
> If you shoot your sperm this deep inside me...ah...ahhh... will I get pregnant?"

> i swear they do this shit without even being asked anymore, shout out to the OG pedophiles hanging out in neopets or whatever the fuck getting them before they even have a chance to join my mongolian basketweaving enthusiast servers

It's almost hilarious how cliched Bonbi seems to be.
Half those tweets could literally be written about her, from the incest fantasy to the suicide threats to the social isolation to being extremely gullible...

I wondered the same thing
The first tweet was about 8 hours before it was posted here
They either have some godlike pedo far sight or they know some of what's been happening here
> That or bonbi is such a textbook case that she ticks every fucking box on the list

I am the guy who posted the Twitter link originally, and I can assure you, that it's not my account.
In that sphere of edgy, vaguely right-wing, ironybro anime-twitter "grooming underaged girls on discord" has been a meme for quite a while, though this is the first account I see that is fully dedicated to it.
I don't think that it's somebody from here, but I did already post screencaps when Polyphemus learned about Bonbi one or two threads ago, and he is one of the biggest accounts on that weird part of Twitter. It's possible that somebody dug a little deeper and decided to make an alt based on what they found.

Fyi, Bonbi updated her Instagram bio.

Is she selling out to the Chinese?
Chinese New Year is next weekend, I think, and all of that looks very Chinese to me (except the Tanabata tree which is Japanese, but eeh).
Also, she added rats and apparently 2020 is the Year of the Rat in China. Don't call it foreshadowing.

> niggas will spend 700 days straight in discord listening to their underage egf threaten to kill themselves just to get broken up with and called a pedophile for the next 3000 years

> egirls trying to "haha im 15 come disc im so into you wanna play together its ok if youre a bit older i dont mind its totally normal for girls like me to be into and with older guys like you we can totally sleep on mic and discord sex if u want" their way into a Diamond Rank

> nobody: 
> egirls: its normal and hot if youre into me even though im 14 years old until i decide to call you a pedophile after youre are finish to boosting me into a Diamond Rank



Ah yeah, that's essentially just a glorified slideshow maker
One thing to bear in mind with premiere is that it can't use webm natively, so you'll need to get a plugin for it
I find ffmpeg deals with webm conversion much better though, so I export as mp4 and use that instead

> It was a tumultuous time but looking back I actually had a lot of fun
even at the time of the first stream and after it was fun, even if there was drama the thread still has quality and was more than calling every one names

Yeah I'm not sure why a small subset of the threads is so intent on autistically spamming mind-numbingly tedious hostilities
Obviously most of it is rad, hopefully he'll find another retarded gimmick soon
Even the minions shit was an improvement

> spending months actively befriending every member of a community for no reason but to get with the token underage girl and then leaving the community with her so only you can groom her

Yeah I thought it would be more appropriate in the drama thread, but the link was posted here so that's where I was quoting them
I was only intending to post the ones that seemed relatable to bonbi, but so far almost every second post could be literally about her lol

Does anyone have a webm of this?


Okay hear me out. This might be proof Bonbi is seeing a therapist

I've been in mental health care 3 times in my life. That statement she said is the kind of mantra they drilled into us early on at the program, almost word for word one of the things.It was part of CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) to wake up and think of statements like that involving self-love and self-care. 

If she's in therapy that's good I guess

> prime example of what grooming and being manipulated by a pedophile can do to an underdeveloped underage mind  

Scan complete. 
Lies detected: 0

really sad that people still want to reframe sober truth as """attacking her""". It has the ultimate effect of protecting Seth. It's also important for other impressionable young girls to know what's going on and not follow her path.

> does an e girl tik tok thats completely harmless
oh lets bully her in front of others that will show em, that is not even helpful to other girls, this is just shaming, and shaming is never good willed

Imagine trying to use Bonbi as an emotional hostage of sorts, for sake of the protecting Seth Waters, who was doxxed almost a year ago and confirmed to be sexually attracted to prepubescent children, aka a pedophile.

We don't care about seth, but attacking bonbi and shaming her in front of people is very damaging And disgusting, No one think its a good idea to bully the victim and expose someone unless they are a predator too

for retards
if you think bonbi is being groomed and being manipulated by a pedophile and you think its disgusting and should not happen, the last you want to do is shame bonbi and call her names (i think we agreed to that in /bbg/ anons said that will bring her closer to him) and exposing her to a large amount of people to "get revenge on seth", that will do far more harm than good

this could go wrong very badly, its disgusting that you are spending your time to harass, bully and shame a young girl

She wasn't called names though. All your posts are just baseless assertions and nonsensical claims which amount to roundabout ways of trying to dispel any public, mainstream mention (or even allusion) to Seth, her groomer boyfriend who was proven to be a pedophile when was doxxed. It's just trying to use her as a shield for Seth, as seen here  >>/5445/

> all they do is play games together
see, now this is reducing their toxic "relationship" to "they're just playing vidya lol". This is just sad and increasingly creepy.
If only for your own sake, stop posting. You're just wasting time.

> She wasn't called names though. All your posts are just baseless assertions and nonsensical claims
see  >>/5418/ 

what you exposers doing is no different than that, you want to humiliate and name call her, i will say it again you are not helping

> it will just bring them closer

oh my god this is so old and dead. There is nothing that can be done to persuade her to get away from or to be closer to him. It's completely pointless either way. This was obvious as far back as April 2019 when she dropped her friends and defended him *after he was shown to be a pedophile*. It's so pointless no matter what your opinion on the whole thing is.
She wasn't called any names. She is literally groomed by a literal pedophile, and it shows. If those people in the comments (xziztence and blackeye or whtever) had called her a a dumb cunt whore slut bitch, you'd be right. They didn't.

> Also you never gave a real reason
give a good reason why she will get hate from the people wanting to expose and name call her on every little thing she does?

or a reason why you shouldn't put your time into exposing and sending hate to bonbi, and thinking that it will affect seth even in his real life

Seth's best case scenario (and the most likely one) is that he gets away with it.
Bonbi seems unlikely to change her mind anytime soon and even if she does at some point in the future, the situation might be very different. She might have actually convinced herself that it's just a "normal relationship", and want it to end quietly, even if for no other reason than not to give us the satisfaction of being right all along.
I doubt that Bonbi would actually want to make a big scene out of it.

> optimism
I would call that absolutely soul crushing pessimism. 
Evil men get to corrupt all that is good in the world and get away with it without ever having to pay for it....

> His life is arguably already ruined, let alone with what happens next.
More larping really?

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I met a traveller from an antique general,
Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
'My name is Bonbibonkers, Queen of Tiktok;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!'
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”

Honestly though, she doesn't seem unhappy in any of the recent streams and I haven't seen anything in stories or comments either. And it's not like anybody that is still in contact with her would post here. 
All that you have are some tweets by Emiru that may or may not refer to Bonbi.

Noticed a couple of that autismpedophile faggots posts linked to

Presumably a fake account, though it was set up in sep 2018 and has over 4000 tweets
It's set to private and charging $8 for access, so it's most likely some fake scam bullshit, but I thought it was worth noting

I didn’t mean that Bonbie was a whore or something so bad. No. I meant that she was even hotter sexy and desirable than Jenna Haze. Bonbie is superior to Jenna Haze in appearance and sexuality

> creepy as thread about an underage girl
What is /ttg/?
> doesn't make new content
100% false, and while the frequency has declined, Bonbi posts far more than other "e-girls" with general threads.
> don't want a dedicated thread about it on our site
and yet jailbait and loli threads are on /b/, and the occasional "looks younger than she really is"
threads enjoy long lives on /gif/.

It's just a bullshit excuse to cover their own backs if someone shows up asking difficult questions.
They had literally no problem with the content of the threads all year long, it's only when the shit hit the fan they suddenly decided to go for the nuclear option.
If they actually had an issue with any of the things they're claiming as the reason for the ban, they would have done any work at all of actually moderating the board from the beginning.
This shitshow is a result of their own incompetence, and they're making everyone else suffer the consequences so they can deny any responsibility for their own ineptitude.

If it were possible to hack OP images, I thought it would be fitting to change every OP on the board into a bonbi
Make every thread a /bbg/ and see how the mods ban it then
Sadly I have no idea if such a thing could even be done

Something seems seriously off with her math here, because there’s no way she’s just buying that cosplay. Any ideas of what it could be because the most expensive cosplay I found for that cosplay was about 400, I’m sure some of you can find 500, but 800 nah something fishy is going on there.

Nope, I think I know what she means there is a lady who sells extending wings for cosplay and her wings are NOT cheap. They are custom made so i'm not sure if that's what she meant for mercy. But yeah, wouldn't be surprised if that's what they were. Custom work is expensive because it's peoples time remember.

Yeah those are great, but they're made for actual professional cosplayers that earn a wage being employed by companies at cons and events.
Bonbi is a 16yr old amateur cosplayer making tiktoks in her bedroom.
She isn't going to lay down upwards of $1000 on a cosplay accessory for a 15 second video.

is this the noncer https://www.facebook.com/Livingstonparishadulteducation/posts/congratulations-to-seth-waters-on-earning-his-high-school-equivalency-diploma-se/3385706374854216/

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