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I was referring to the retard i was replying to, not the bonbibro
though there's probably a case to argue that's a parasocial relationship too, given that he appears to have entered into an obsessive, one-sided relationship with us that he's invented entirely in his own mind
I didn't ask for anything that wasn't on her list.  Just an OoC tease vid... but honestly I don't know the difference between a tease and a semi-nude.  Why would the semi-nude be cheaper?

Have you dudes ever seen Paul Rudd as celery man?  For some reason listing what I wanted from a custom felt like him giving orders to the dancers in that video hahahaha.

LOL joke is on you. I am the guy who originally called you and people like you obsessive parasocials. Actually thought I was the only one, but nope. Looks like a decent number of posters agree. You call yourself fans but you were just obsessed with how a child you didn't know lived her life because... (I don't even want to imagine why) - you just don't want to admit it
Oh, thanks. I dont follow Amouranth much so didn't know she over sold her OF. Last I saw she was crying about the husband she had secretly had all along. I gave her 30 seconds to see if I could bring myself to care, but nope.
> trashier
Nah, she hasn't pretended to be abused by her husband just for sympathy donations from the simps. Scamouranth just has gross fake tits that she never got out except for "wardrobe malfunctions" on her twitch streams.
Bon has blessed us with the good right away and they're lovely and real.
Amouranth does get her tits out all the time on OF.
But she has this incredibly autistic habit where she doesn't show face and exposed nipples at the same time.

As for the husband thing, it's really fucking weird. She said her husband apparently forced her to do all the scammy shit on OF... and yet she keeps on doing the same exact routine as she's done for years.

To be honest, I mainly had to think of Amouranth because bonbi immediately went back to "I don't feel welllll, so no nu pics soorrryyy", not even a month in. I wouldn't be surprised if she won't be able to keep up with OF either as she hasn't been able to with nearly every everything else she's been doing.
Kid needs some ADHD meds.
She didn't at first.  She spent years doing the non-nude bullshit that that other plastic bitch Jessica Nigri continues to get away with.  While Nigri at least has her cosplays to fall back on, Scamouranth has nothing but simps for her hideous plastic tits.
Scamouranth still shows the face and nipples with see-throughs. And she shows her tits off completely without her face attached.
It's probably so she could later ask more for face + bare tits. But right now she makes several 10k per month I think, so no need to.

> Emiru used to do the same in DMs.

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