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Last thread:   >>/42218/


Chronology Pack: https://mega.nz/folder/SqJSlboT#Eo0dW40FSQQxUfbhaiX2Zw
Recent Streams: https://mega.nz/folder/sb9AUARS#2L6fWgvVj0yOycsNuZkMaQ
Tiktok Streams: https://mega.nz/folder/RT51iQLb#5q9QAtRAZHcmUkeu72Bi_g

username: bonbi
password: bonkers

idk how to tell her this but there are women in their 30's who are thin. nobody is saying she should look 14. only weirdos say that. can someone get her a memo that you can be an adult and be healthy and thin still?

> has premade enough content for a month as to focus on customs
> puts out a statement for people to not prepay for customs
> just 2 hours later completely goes back on her word about doing customs, now says it will be months before she does them, doing PPV DMs instead, issuing refunds via PayPal
Bon B. Bonkers everybody
What a shitshow this has been so far only after 3 Onlyfans posts

This was $5. :(

I love Bonbi, but if she's going to be this softcore then it at least needs to be very high quality and longer.  It being Bonbi definitely adds a ton to the novelty and value by itself, but it's not enough.

If you didn't this this coming, you are dimmer than Bonbi herself

I've noticed that she still isn't letting her tits hang loose. Don't know why as they aren't that saggy

Very nice nips though

It always feels like she is pushing herself to be more lewd but she knows she is doing something bad that she will not be able to undo. I still think she is trying to impress her friends, she has spoken about growing up lonely because she was home schooled and wanting friends. When she broke up with her last BF she was worried if the friend group would still speak to her.

The problem with this is all her friends are whores. She looks at them and because they all do OF thinks that doing OF is normal. She doesnt see it from the other angle - why do normal people not want to hang with them? They stick together because most people do not want to associate with porn stars so they get stuck with other porn stars.

The worst part - her own children will probably have to be home schooled because of choices she made in August 2023. And they will know exactly why the other children are bullying them, they will have the pictures.

i guess your right. I still think that she doesnt understand how the world works.
I think she "hosts" her OF friends now, as she said.
Unfortunately, no one cares anymore. The last tiktok still not uploaded here in HD. Bros just leaving cuz she becomes a piece of meat

Her friends never were and never will be internet celebrities with a cult following on both English and Russian speaking image boards.
She likely asked them for advice but neither they nor her has any clue how famous she used to be just a few years ago or how fame attracts coomers like flies to shit, ergo the pricing and her subsequently being flooded with requests she has no ability to fulfill.

I don't think I indicated at all that I was in any kind of actual distress over this lol.  "I'm bummed" is pretty low on the upset scale my dude.

She refunded me and I'll go back to looking forward to her weekly posts.

I haven't checked in on her in nearly a year it seems like.
I remember when I first came here, I was in new york and it was the peak of the seth era. Many anons were holding out hope it wasn't even real. I remember her old discord server and how it was a ring of groomers, anons here all knew it and they laughed at us then and they continue to laugh at us, why?
All so they could get some feet and tit pics. Simps and cucks truly are the worst in the world. This beautiful young girl had her whole life infront of her, she was raised away from society in a religious household, she knew that swearing was wrong and she had a love of disney and pixar.

And then the woke leftism mob that controls the culture and media got ahold of her, that scams people out of their livelihoods and brainwashes them into worshipping satan, that turned this young impressionable girl into a whore that will regret her decisions now for as long as she lives. Heck, she might even reminisce about her groomers, at least they were somewhat nice to her at some point. The current mob just want her for her body.

When the money stops and she's sitting as a hag in her 40's with no one to remember her name or call her friend except the dozens of cats she's owned, then I wonder if she might come to God once again. I hope. It's probably her only real chance. Thanks for the memories bonbi, but it's just too sad now.

lol buddy it's some girl on the internet... also I like how you admit to being on the groomer central discord then go on to call her a beautiful young girl.  This + all your weird religious talk + your obvious fear and anxiety based existence makes you an absolute creep.

I was talking specifically about her boyfriend. He used and abused her, but I'm sure she'll look fondly on it. Whores often reminisce their abusers, I know that for a fact.
Yeah I went on the discord because I didn't know what the fuck was going on. 
She was beautiful. Do you actually dispute that?
Obvious fear and anxiety based existence? This girl will lucky to have just one man raping her in the future. She'll likely be a cock carousal. My religious overtone is to get it through your thick fucking skull that in a whole and healthy society this never would have happened, she would have either found a husband who protected her or her family would have kept her safe.

You're a titanic troon and should kill yourself immediately.

the weight gain will increase. she eats processed trash so there is no brakes on this train (like having to cook all her food could cause). you doubt me but she will end up doing fetish scat content to survive

I come here for the free lewds, but can you reelords pipe the fuck down? I've never seen so many mouthbreathers cry for so long over some internet clunge because she's not jbait anymore. Fucking incredible, get a grip.

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"not jbait" we just want her to keep her dignity as an adult and become mentally stable. she's suffered a lot from her internet fame and the last thing she needed to do was put her naked body all over the internet and put herself in a situation where she has to keep showing more just to pay rent. it's depressing, very small percentage care that she isn't underage anymore. becoming a woman doesn't include degrading yourself by selling your body to coomers.

I have not seen anyone saying they wish she was 16 again, I have only seen people saying they wish she hadn't whored out and gone to OF. I think you are projecting. You people getting what you want has cost her her future.

Clicked on the stream to see if it was interesting. Just belching, making weird noises, and self pity. Had to turn it off after two minutes. Yeaaaaah... she wouldn't have made it very far trying to make an income off streaming...

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> I finally know what kino means.
i dont think so...

also i noticed bro finally left us. Take care bro. Its been an insane 5 years. The beginning of the end is obvious.
You just need to remember theyre all not real, bro. Personally, it will be very hard for me, but Ill survive it.

I really dont care what current society thinks, but burping is whatever, but I do not like associating women with farting and pooping, I get we all do it, but I just wish women still acted as if they dont do it. So when I see a women who just rips one with no care it ruins her for me, and honestly feel its them doing it on purpose so people find them less attractive.

Elsewhere in the stream she also talked about people DMing her to say 'You're better than this' and goes on to say she is not a hero, here to save the world. She seems to confuse people disappointed she turned to porn with people wanting her to 'be pure' - these are not the same thing.

I have known plenty of women who are attractive enough to have an OF - never known one to actually go ahead and make one though. Its not about being pure, its about not being a whore.

Its 10k for the first month, time will tell how far it drops after that. The difference if she hadn't decided to become a porn star is she would be making less, but it would be going up over time. And she wouldn't have to publish porn.

Lol, nice job Anon, took me a moment to get it. I complain about people being pathetic so you respond with an ad hominem attack, a famously pathetic response showing you lost an argument. I almost missed your irony.


you guys are hilarious. she pissed away all the money people gave her previously when she was living at home. you think she will have some master plan drafted out for this? she will be broke in a year regardless.

Lol, nice job Anon, took me a moment to get it. I complain about people being pathetic so you respond with an ad hominem attack, a famously pathetic response showing you lost an argument. I almost missed your irony.

Uh oh, I broke him. Poor little guy. Just couldn't handle the mental stress after his waifu started posting nudes. Hang in there fella, there will be more underage tokfus for you to become suspiciously attached to.

Lol, nice job Anon, took me a moment to get it. I complain about people being pathetic so you respond with a third ad hominem attack, a famously pathetic response showing you lost an argument. I almost missed your irony.

My point was more that making money from something doesn't automatically mean that thing is justified. Deciding to burn her future to become a porn star makes her a bad person, even if she makes money from it.

I'm not sure why I looked at them.
Didn't flinch and didn't care about on these, but that's been the case for all the previous ones too.

It's as if I see her silly face in my mind when I look at these.


> makes her a bad person
That's just a highly subjective opinion and nothing more.
Don't act as if your impression is a kind of fact.

This is Bonbi we're talking about.
She's not known for consistency and sticking to a plan. If she even has a plan.

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Unfortunately enhancement with AI is not well enough right now. It adds a lot of wrong details. 1 out of 10 pics is suitable for editing.
Also I stopped active bonbiposting in 2023 for a while, cuz this is insane cumOnlyFans thread now. She posts 20 cumpics and only 1 tiktok per week. I think shes done.

> That's just a highly subjective opinion and nothing more
Its the majority response, the one you will find from most people. Imagine if you are on OF one day and you see someone in your friend group doing the sort of stuff Bonbi is doing. Would you not be shocked? What if it was your GF?

> cuz this is insane cumOnlyFans thread now. She posts 20 cumpics and only 1 tiktok per week. I think shes done.

saddest thing about this whole thing. she couldnt care about anything other than the money and getting people off.

The longing for impossible things, precisely because they are impossible; nostalgia for what never was; the desire for what could have been; regret over not being someone else; dissatisfaction with the world’s existence. All these half-tones of the soul’s consciousness create in us a painful landscape, an eternal sunset of what we are.

> Would you not be shocked?

> What if it was your GF?
Would be really fucking weird if my GF started doing OF without my knowledge. That's something you should talk about with your partner first.
But bonbi isn't my GF.

You used the term "bad", that's what's highly subjective and honestly kinda fucked up for you to think or feel.

> highly subjective and honestly kinda fucked up for you to think or feel.
Lol. Make up your mind.

Anon, most people look down on porn stars and whores. Its seen as a career of last resort, a sign of failure. You might not see it that way but that probably just means you're not normal.

Looks that way i dont know how she will go able to go anywhere who will take care of her cats if she wants to go on a trip she doesn't have anyone close by and her family live hours away she really screwed herself

Bro if the only thing you can contribute to the world is flopping your fat tits around, youve failed in life and that goes for any porn star, or ewhore, or onlyfans twat. They gave up any respect people should have for themselves. Theyve willingly chose to go to the basest profession of humanity

It's not.  It's building sympathy from the simps so they open their wallet.
Don't you remember the whole... who was that plastic bitch with the secret asian husband?  The one she said abused her?  Just to get donations in spades from her simp audience and then "got back together" with the guy once the heat settled down.

In one of those situations she's surrounded by autistic twats who don't understand that she's a person and not their anime fuck pillow.
In the other, she's safe in her own home, surrounded by cats and the smell of piss.

this entire stream is bonbi stuck in a loop of repeating her own delusions back to herself to reaffirm her own inaccurate misinterpretations of what she believes human interactions are supposed to be as dictated by her favourite childhood tv shows

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when was it ever not this? this womans brain is damaged beyond repair at this point and she has no actual friends to help guide her out of the shit show she has created for herself. but i'm sure the of friends she has found will help her once this all implodes on her.

She was talking on the stream about how to get started streaming on Twitch and one of her big things was protecting privacy so no one can dox you over twitch.  That's an affiliate link, so looks like someone reached out for her to put that on her linktree so others could use their services and she'd get a little cut of the proceeds.

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if you ever have any questions about how her parents raised her, you need to consider that they had already raised 3 sons and bonbi was the youngest, coddled but not really raised well. 

imagine trying to raise a girl after raising 3 boys and your daughter has horrendous adhd. 

the internet would have been a blessing. they homeschooled her and took her to conventions, she probably got a lot more attention than her next oldest brother. they are probably just happy that shes independent at 20.

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fuck this fucking meme of trying to humanise public figures on the internet. 

bonbi is famous because she played into the anime character girl trope and she was fucking good at it. 

acting like shes some sort of valid humanised sex worker that deserves compensation for defiling her image is the biggest fucking cope imaginable and you need to fucking kill yourself if you think so, in minecraft.

Yeah. It's been a wild ride, but we all know how this works out, her simps will fizzle out, she will post less and less (already one tiktok a week, if that) Stream on twitch to diminishing numbers, post once a week to OF in the hope someone will get the feet tier once in a while. 

I don't hate her, I wish her luck, but this isn't sustainable, and it was boring a year ago. 


Kinda his point really. She used to get 400-500 viewers per stream but with a bit of hard work she managed to push that down to 100-200. Similarly there was a time when her Tiktoks got 400k+ views but those times are gone.

The real death knell for her career seems to be August last year when she fell in with the OnlyWhores girls - its been all downhill since then and she ain't hit the bottom yet.

Stream hovered around 90 viewers. IG didn't ping a notification to me at least so that might be part of it.

Doesnt help when half of chat seems to only be there to say ho much they like her OnlyWhores posts. She was even asked whoever DM'ed her about a goth idea to DM her again. It seems she is all about the OF DMs now which means most of her communication is with creeps asking for different sex acts and poses from her. She is lost to the normal world.

Dude...have you seen her content? She is all about the pr0n? The most sexual she has done so far was shaking her "I got fat" titties. There is nothing sexual, sensual or erotic whatsoever. She has no friggin clue what it means to be sexy. I have to agree with a post in this tread "the more she does something, the more she fucks stuff up". Her tiktoks were good (not great...lipsyncing is never a talent) but they were creative to a degree. Now she remakes her old stuff but she does it in bad. Yay...her patreon was lackluster and her onlyfriends is even worse. She has no feeling for aestehtics, she does not even invest her whoremoney for a semi-decent camera. She takes photos with her Iphone12 or whatever. And by god...the last picture from behind showed how fat her calves got and holy shit they got fat. I loved her face, I really loved her body at the point where she was of age and showed it to a degree, but holy shit things (fat) is getting out of hand. If it continues like that only chubby chasers are willing to pay. 

tldr: She gets way too fat, she was not creative for 4 years, she is lazy, she does not invest in her product (camera or body) + her character? Holy shit...nobody likes that.

This is what I was saying before, all her 'friends' are either horrible people or want her to fail, cuz she surrounds herself with other e-whores and theyre clearly not giving her any advice. And yea, she was censoring her feet all this time to protect us from the cankles  XD

Just realized you probably mean archive.bonbi.xyz. Anon stopped updating that back in May, guess it totally gone now. Tiktoks and Tiktok streams are in the Megas, if there is something else you want ask here. Just remember free Mega accounts are only 20Gb so you are unlikely to get all her old Twitch streams unless someone wants to risk a paid Mega account on copyrighted material.

No Sunday or Monday stream this week to gather her thoughts. She's used to it now, its routine to swing her tits around for a few seconds in return for about 5 times the national average wage. Now all of her dignity and legacy has gone she has nothing else to lose. She'll post.

Imagine treating your only source of income like that. The only thing she has to do for a living is snap 3 mediocre pictures and shot 2 boring clips (rather glorified gifs) of her shaking her meh tits. Yet, too much to ask for. Her simps will carry her lazy fat ass and pay for even more anxietycats.

Yes, she will never be able to get a normal job after OF, but not because she put her body out for the world to see, but because you can easily see that her workethic is - 100%, never sticking to deadlines and having the worst excuses for them. If she posted by now the point still stands.

Hahaha she did post again? Im looking forward to the youtube documentary when she ODs on something to cope with the fact she lost all her simps because she was lazy and will have to get a normal job. Wonder how they will cover Emiru allowing her to be molested, by some fat mod.

> Hi! I just do tease and booba stuff <3 thx

Oh jesus fuck I hate simps, just stop supporting her and let her return to lip syncing stuff, or just force her to get a real job. She doesnt deserve a cush job if she wont put any effort into it.

The posts still appear, but it does say No Posts.  And doesn't show any media on the account media tab.
Maybe she had a change of heart and deleted her OF.  Who knows. 
Might be an OF issue, but other accounts I checked are all showing their post and media numbers.

She's banking on cosplay to make her sets seem different, and while this goth set was nice, all her sets are the same, and boring.
> Stand in front of camera full frontal, rub hands on body and tits
> Same pose but this time pull tits out, squeeze tits
> Similar pose, squeeze tits, spin and show flabby fat but, leg lift
> Same as 2nd pose but no face, no ass
> Pose on knees, no face, slight bounce to make tits bounce
> Repeat next week in new cosplay

what do you expect her to do, somersaults?
she's chosen to pivot her content into an industry based entirely around displaying bodyparts like meat in a butchers shopfront
she hasnt been concerned about making interesting or engaging content since about 2019

I expect her to change up her sets enough so each one doesn't look the same, only thing different in all her sets is her cosplay. The fact there are women who never even showed their nipples and can have varying set. Ive said before she would benefit from just doing a shot for shot remake of her old tiktok videos that made her famous, but with her tits out.

> Ive said before she would benefit from just doing a shot for shot remake of her old tiktok videos that made her famous, but with her tits out.
It is vital that you kill yourself with as much haste as you can muster

I don't even think she reads her comments or messages. Most OF girls can at least be bothered enough to hire someone to like and reply to messages for them.

Why is she so lazy?

WDM? I dont see anyone complaining that she grew up - I just see peeps complaining she became a whore. Do you think every grown up woman does porn or something? Does your mom make porn, is that why you are confused? Do you cope by telling yourself every grown woman does it?


not the one you are replying to but you are wasting your time trying to understand the coom brains. they want to see her do it all. they dont actually give a care of her just that she does things so they can have a quick tug and that is all shes good for apparently. you are right nobody cares that she grew up, its good in fact, but that she does what she does is on the extreme of abnormal to say the least. when they get what they want of her they will be gone and so will the rest of everyone else.

This. She is doing a mistake, and I never even was a hardcore follower of hers, I just see a 20 year old girl spiral from doing cute tiktoks and streams into showing her ass and tits for 5$, and probably her pussy soon. If she ever has kids, their life in school is ruined.
And yeah once she shows everything, nobody will give a shit anymore.
And the worst thing is people encourage her on every platform, and if you make a comment that she shouldn't do this, you get swarmed with shit like "LET PEOPLE DO WHAT THEY WANT OMFG"

At least she wasn't stupid enough to continue aggressive advertising of the patreon/onlyfans
A year later, she understood the reason why people unsubs, and stops that shit
I’m sure that if she starts advertising onlyfans on IG, she will lose 50,000 a year.

>  If she ever has kids, their life in school is ruined

The saddest shit in her story. What's even sadder is that she's 20 now and doesn't understand it.

Retarded simps/cumniggers don’t understand that those who have known her since she was 15 simply don’t want her future to be destroyed.

> first tok you posted
probably the last bonbi tok that gave me actual joy, it was nice to see her with family doing toks and having fun, and it actually looks good and the editing was cool and everything, and the ticci toby stream was the last stream that made me happy by her, I remember I took a lot of screenshot when she did it on instagram after the twitch band, because she looked cute and the stream felt classic since its on instagram instead of twitch. 

but you know what, I will never feel these emotions again and that's okay.


well at least the coomers are cooming and thats whats really important right? that people who dont know her are winning by masturbating to a woman they will never meet and hope she becomes a gutter prostitute, sucking dick for a couple bucks.

> At least she wasn't stupid enough to continue aggressive advertising of the patreon/onlyfans
Bro her IG profile pic is a topless one from her first OnlyWhores post. Her last IG post is an obvious preview of her last OnlyWhores post where she is clearly suggesting she will open her top. She lost 418 IG subs that day.

Just got into the stream to hear her talking about her cats having diarrhea and now she's ranting about how she doesn't care about your feelings when she's late posting content while taking care of her sick cats

> still does tiktoks with smiles, facials, animated movements

> another OF post of standing there with a blank face flopping tits around with 3 vanilla ass pics

So why does her charisma seem to fall into a black hole when shes got her tits out

classic, I used to stay up late for her streams but its not worth anymore, I legit stayed up to 2 am or 3 am to watch her before and many other people did that in her chat, I wonder if they still stay up or gave up on her

bonbi has a multitude of schizoid personalities inside her head screaming at her to kill herself on the daily, but the simps and the coomers will still loudly proclaim that her self-destructive life spiral is simply the actions of a rational, functional adult slaying and/or girlbossing her way to success

> emiru starts stream
> over 5k viewers even in the pre-stream when she hasn't even showed up yet
I remember when emiru was around Bonbi's size with "just" 200 or 300 viewers max during a stream.
Emi really made it.

Perrkele, well done.

Bonbi has always only been the catalyst.
Let me tell you about the Ballad Of Bonbi.

It was a cold winter day and neckbeards around the world had been huddling in discord daily, dreaming of a life with Bonbi

Suddenly, a voice comes on, identical to Bonbi. "It's a soundboard" most of them say, until she blurts out Incest. Discord laughs awkwardly and grits their teeth. More horny lewd outbursts flow out. This was not the scared girl near tears in her last livestream who could barely squeak out childish romantic thoughts. This was a trash talking Stacy

She leaves. The inner circle turn on each other, arguing about age limits and rules. She broke all the rules, said she didn't care about tearing the place apart, erotic roleplayed with one member named Anon. The admins are furious, they even argue that maybe she should be restricted and controlled. The discord is about her but not her queendom. She gives a countdown to todays livestream saying it will anger "Old Men". Many of her hardcore fans are disgusted, say they're leaving or still think it's a soundboard or troll, despite the picture proofs. She giggles about the Ricardo edits, hinting she probably fantasizes about him destroying her in a dark Brazilian favela alleyway

The subreddit is abandoned, half of discord shows their true colours as lusting groomers, 2ch turns it up to 11, plotting to finally find her location and fly out and strangle-rape her in front of her pigs, dog and maybe a live stream camera. There's a moderate chance she legit will not live to 20 if they find her address for real

/wsg/ goes unmentioned and turns the wholesome and creativity to maximum, ending up the best Bonbiphiles on the internet.

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BRAHS IT'S WHORE MONDAY!!!!!! Bet she wears a new cosplay, followed by a couple hops to make her bewbs shakes, and then a quick turn to show her droopy ass. Cant wait to be disapoint.

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Well put yourself in her goofy shoes for a moment. Youre young, you got more money than you know what to do with (zoomers arent smart enough to save/invest), and you feel the need to buy something with all the freedom in the world to do so. Her cope is cats. My cope would be video games and jimmy deans breakfast bowls. We all got our things

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> I have 9 cats. And there's this really special one named Marjorine, she's an orange cat with beautiful yellow marble swirls, and pure light green eyes. She loved sleeping beside me every night, it was rare that she didn't. I'd often wake up to her and her brother tickling my face with their whiskers, purring like jet engines. She loved falling asleep in her woven pumpkin, and you could find her always laying on her Winnie the Pooh bed. She loved playing with her siblings, and practicing her fight moves on LJ. She got along just fine with Marley, and with Nishka, well, Nishka wasn't a fan. But that didn't stop Marj from trying to play with her then getting smacked with a furry black paw. She saw Sophie as competition, the two orange girls would fight for my attention, pushing each other out of the way to get to me. She wasn't as close with outgoing Heidi as she was with her protective older brother Butters. They loved each other, always side by side. Towards the end Stan was a bit of a bully to the weakened girl. And Mooncake never truly got to meet her.
Marjorine loved playing in the piles of catnip alongside her family. Introverted yet playful with those willing.
She trusted me. Beside her in bed, or coming to me when she accidentally pooped outside of the litterbox. It was hard to stay mad at her poopy self. She was just so sweet.
She was shy, tender, easily frightened but if you reached out your hand to the scared girl she would warm right up and insist on petting herself with your hand. She purred loudly for such a small kitty. She stared at me with her kind eyes, gently glaring up at me.
Marjorine, my friend, my daughter, my shy gal. I love you so much, and I'm sorry you suffered in silence for so long. I wish I could've seen what you looked like as an adult cat. I wish you had more time.
I have 9 cats, one is just visiting the skies.
I will not fear the night, and
I will see you again when the sun rises. Goodnight little angel.

any indication of how the cat died? She says
> I wish I could've seen what you looked like as an adult cat.
so I'm guessing it wasn't old age? And what does she mean it suffered in silence?

I have 2 cats and that's plenty, trust me. I can pretty much guarantee bonbi's cats are being neglected. There just isn't enough time in the day to give each of them everything they need. Sure you can keep them fed but despite the stereotype cats do need and enjoy attention, exercise, etc. The only scenario where having 9 cats would be remotely acceptable would be a farm or a ranch or something where a big family lives.

You just know her house absolutely reeks like cat piss and shit.

> The only scenario where having 9 cats would be remotely acceptable would be a farm or a ranch or something where a big family lives.
Or fostering them.
Which would probably be a good experience for Bonbi, but alas...

> You will really see it if you have two cats
Yeah dude, because having two cats is fairly normal if you really like cats. Having 9 cats as pets is insane. You simply can't care for that many animals. People have already discussed scenarios where it might be fine, like a farm (even then I think that's too many cats) or if you're specifically setting out (and well provisioned) to foster them, which involves eventually adopting them out to people. Like a rescue. Bonbi isn't running a rescue, she just likes the dopamine hit from getting a new kitty. Then once that gets boring she gets another one. Now she has 8-9 cats running around her house pissing and shitting everywhere, and to the surprise of no one with even the slightest experience taking care of animals, they're starting to die.

you know, the bitch of it all is- she just doesn't care anymore. she puts less than the minimum amount of effort into her life. 
doesn't give a shit about dressing up on tiktok, doesn't give a shit about onlyfans, why doesn't she just suck start a shotgun at this point

After the initial rush of interest her numbers are already starting to slip. Whereas her first posts got 1500ish likes her last posts got only 1100 in two weeks.
She will get more desperate going forward. Who could possibly have seen this coming?

Who pays for a single titty? Simps are the best and worst thing ever, best because it drives women to get nude who might have never gotten nude, but worst it allows women to do mediocre shit and still live. Simps learn to be strict with their money and we could  have Bonbi DPing herself by now, or Bonbi returns to the light side and give this all up. Personally I like seeing her nude, but she seems like a girl who should have never done this.

I just realized why bonbi bros still like her even after changing into this because bonbi bros became old and old men like the evil plump wife concept and since bonbi bros don't have evil plump wives they made bonbi their evil plump wife and they can't break away

On stream she said she was wearing the Ochaco cosplay because she 'had a commitment to fulfill' - she was not talking about the OF outfit. Guess she is actually doing customs although I assume it was not lewd as the character is too young.

She also said she has to 'pop her pussy' to pay for all the South Park Merch she bought. She is definitely becoming more of a whore over time (aka 'getting more comfortable with her body' in coomer talk).

> a real job
People pay her money for what she's doing and it's not in any way illegal.
So yes, it is a job as real as any other. You might as well claimg acting is not a real job.
Do you think somebody like Bonbi, who's constantly on the verge of depression and lethargy would have it easier at a minimum wage job in a Wallmart? She'd end up like Marky and most of the other /r9k/ e-girls, barely any of them ever got out of their shitty cycle. And the only ones who did are the ones who mostly removed their face from the online world and clearly that's not happening with Zoombi.
She wasn't even able to build a real proper streaming career because she lacks any motivation that's not just short-term gratification. She easily could have stayed as a semi-big streamer with 500-1000 regular viewers, but she got no dedication to stick with it.
Just check the second video here:

WTF does legality have to do with it? She has become an OnlyWhores grifter, thats something to be ashamed of. Twitch, like many media, is a 'foot in the door' challenge - if you can reach a certain size and keep going then it can become immensely rewarding. She reached that size then fumbled by becoming a porn star instead. Her choice will bringt money in the short term, ruin in the long term.

She has gone from someone people looked up to to someone where even a board dedicated to her hasn't noticed her latest Tiktok after 12 hours.

> She reached that size then fumbled by becoming a porn star instead.
Again, you are incorrect and very delusional if you think "not doing porn" would have just magically made her be able to stick with streaming as a job.

I assumed the reason she moved out and now has to make the rent is because her father would not let her make porn in his house. Her porn career is the root cause of her problems and will lead to her demise. And coomers do not care, they just grab the popcorn and hope its a good show.

> Her porn career is the root cause of her problems
For the third time now, this is factually incorrect.
Or are you seriously going to claim before starting OF she was a mentally stable happy little doggy full of sunshine and no worries?

OK, I see your point - her mental illness is probably the only way to explain why she chose to give up on Twitch to pursue a career as a porn star and is thus the root cause. Her porn career is the consequence and the current cause.

Either way, she has burnt all her bridges leading to a sustainable career and is now on a path that has a visible end point. Just as happened with Patreon, every time her numbers drop she has to get sluttier to try and pick them up again and there is only so far she can go. Once she reaches her limit she is stuck with nowhere to go and a porn library freely available on the internet to be held over her for the rest of her life.

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"INCELS could be here" he thought, "I've never been in this neighborhood before. There could be INCELS anywhere." The cool wind felt good against his bare chest. "I HATE INCELS" he thought. Devil Town reverberated his entire car, making it pulsate even as the $9 wine circulated through his powerful thick veins and washed away his (merited) fear of virgins after dark. "With a car, you can go anywhere you want" he said to himself, out loud.

As Bonbi and Joulie drive through the desert, they pass a hitch-hiker.
Julie points at him and says "Let's give that boy a ride!"
Bonbi, very irritated, replies "What? No! We can't stop here! This is incel country!"

I don't know about you guys but I'm pretty excited to see what kind of titty flopping action we're gonna get tomorrow. Maybe she'll do the left one first, then the right? Or the right one, then the left one? Oh, the suspense is killing me!!!

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also where does emiru live? Is this some kinda hostel just for OTK streamers? man, she has a golden ticket.
I thought it would be better for Bon to cooperate with her, but now I'm just sure she's too lazy for that
Im surprised she got her license

Good Morning, another Monday has come, but so will we? Haha, I know some old Bonbi bro hate she is a whore now, and honestly so am I, but what ever happened with that Emiru chick messed her up but I like watching the decent, and hey, her tits are nice to look at nonetheless.

Emirus assistant was a groomer who went after bon when she was underage,emiru did nothing about it.  OTK as a whole was full of sexual assault allegations, thebonly reason Emiru is even head of it is because shes the only one who seems to be able to keep her hands to herself.

> she seemed like she was in a good mood making this one
don't take this the wrong way but you seem like you struggle discerning emotional subtext from facial expression
have you ever been tested for aspergers?

I know porn is never classy but even by her usual standards these are trash. She has one of those tops that Lynnie wears that nobody ever buys except to make porn. Its like she is cosplaying a whore. As for dildo between the tits - thats just bottom tier off the scale trash. Compare it to Zureeal or even French Friar who both did OF but were tasteful enough to come away with some of their dignity intact.

Does she understand that Lynnie markets herself as a freak? Lynnie knows that most men find her disgusting but she can get enough weirdos going to make a career of them. I curse the day Bon ever met that evil, ugly whore.

People on this board actually write fanfiction instead of looking things up or watching videos that only require a couple minutes, jesus christ

Not even remotely close to what happened or what Bonbi claimed

Even if you're incapable of picking up on facial expressions you should know that providing 25 seconds of video and 2 no-face pictures are not the actions of an empowered womyn expressing her sexuality, it's exactly how someone who hates what they're doing

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