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I'm gonna give her the benefit of the doubt and assume her brain is not so totally broiled from over use of PornHub to fill the void in her life that she sees dicks and dildos in everyday media. So probably not.
Yeah, no posts so far.  She was at 40 posts from last week's weak-ass moan video.  If it ticks up to 41 then she's uploaded something.
I just want to see her take her dildo in her poop chute before it disappears in a fat fold.
Yep. It was about two years ago when Bon discovered riot_august_pedo and the OnlyFriends and the path was set for her to burn her future for a career in porn. AX 2024 is coming up - I assume the old gang will be there to tell her what a great job she is doing and how people paying to tell you they want to see a dildo up your ass is perfectly normal.
I always found it odd that her very first OF post was of the character that supposedly august created. Like she was doing it for him or something. It's really fucked up.
Her onlyfans created a split in the fans, the ones you mentioned are two different groups entirely independent of each other.
> i thought things were bad back then, man.

I thought things couldn't get worst 2 years ago and yet here we are in an unfathomable nightmare of animal feces.
while the only fans troons rot till their flesh falls out of their bones, the homestuck chads rejoice in dignity for their reverend cosplays are untouched by trooning hands.
I've said it before I think the coomers broke her. She mistakes them for normal people and thinks the whole world is like that. Makes her not want top interact with the world.
I mean they are. Who the fuck is she to anyone but her close friends, if she has any. Shes just a piece of meat cuz thats what she wants people to think of her as.
If they broke her it is because she was naive and stupid. How could she possibly have come to think that moving out of her parents place while becoming entirely reliant on men to support her lazy ass was going to work out?

I can't disagree with you. She was probably excited initially with the flood of weirdos who came in to give her money to shake her tits, but now the money is but a trickle and she seemingly pushes herself ever further into obscurity to keep the dollars flowing. She is on a self destructive path and i'm just not sure at this point if she has the intelligence to realize that.
Coomers didn't break her you white knight. She broke herself because she wanted the easiest, laziest way to make money. Prime example is how she doesn't even post consistently on OF. Stop making excuses for her as if she doesn't have agency.
I remember seeing this girl and thinking, she looks sad and she's been through some tough situations (Seth), I also thought, maybe if I leave a few positive comments pointing out good things about her it will help make her less sad.

I commented things like "nice stream, I like." My goal was for her to think she does a good job on her Twitch streams.

I don't know why I think these comments have to do with his low production, or maybe I'm being paranoid. 

I started commenting about three months ago, in fact I left few comments, so as not to be excessive. Do you think she noticed something strange in my comments or that she misinterpreted them?
Her current situation has developed over the last few years, much longer than the three months you say you have been commenting so I am pretty sure you are in no way to blame.
Imagine thinking she notices your comments or anyones comments really. She's in her own world with people in her ear. She seems to only ever have paid attention to negative comments.
Bro she hasnt been through shit, whatever Seth did is shit that literally every average looking woman and up go through on discord and shit every fucking day of their lives.  

Shes just a rich white girl that had the benefit of a well off family and good genetics and she still managed to fuck it all up by being a spoiled cunt who refuses to get a job and contribute anything to society
I mean you can argue that she has bad genetics because she is very clearly a low IQ individual. I can't speak for all men but when I was a teenager I wanted girls who were 10/10s in looks but maturing is realizing that the smart women have far more value
Her history of being groomed and lied to at a young age is well known, as is her relatively poor upbringing.

Saying she hasn't been through anything the average girl hasn't been through gives real creepy vibes, like you're saying you have put plenty of girls through worse. Its not normal and I really fear that you think it is because its the way you behave towards girls you meet on Discord.
> by being a spoiled cunt
I didn't have the heart to say this myself. But as time moves on this is what is becoming clearer to me.

Brainless cope take. I'm not him but you area gain covering for her. Almost every girl goes through breakups and weird shit. She's not unique and they carry on because that is all they can do. They can't rely on a group of simps and coomers to pamper them their whole life.
Back in the real world anyone who has followed her early Tiktok streams in particular knows she was often left home alone being 'home schooled' at a time when normal children are at school with other kids and her room was noticably barren until the Patreon cash started coming in (and presumablt Seth started handing some of it over to her). It is probably true today to say she buys too much junk probably to try and cheer herself up but there is no evidence she was a 'Spoiled c***'.

Not saying she isn't mostly to blame for her predicament but you are still just throwing ad-hominem shit at the wall to see what sticks.
> Bro she hasnt been through shit, whatever Seth did is shit that literally every average looking woman and up go through on discord and shit every fucking day of their lives. 
Why are you acting as if that makes it ok?
Again, cope take. her being home schooled many years ago has nothing with her transitioning into a functioning adult. You going back in the catalogue to give her something to hang her failures on is stupid. You are not helping her advanced and move forward. In the real world nobody cares about her sob stories. Her being entirely dependent on coomer money now makes her outcome pretty grim.
Bonbi I know you feel guilty about not posting.  To make up for it I would accept a picture of your vagina or like a full on rear shot of you bent over with your ass as far in the air as you can get it.

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