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thumbnail of 449 [Lapis Lazuli] (it all became so lovely).mp4
thumbnail of 449 [Lapis Lazuli] (it all became so lovely).mp4
449 [Lapis... mp4
(4.89 MB, 540x960 h264)
thumbnail of 1000-05-26 Toccy Toby.jpg
thumbnail of 1000-05-26 Toccy Toby.jpg
1000-05-26... jpg
(333.23 KB, 1440x1800)
thumbnail of 1075 {Finn} (adventure time).mp4
thumbnail of 1075 {Finn} (adventure time).mp4
1075... mp4
(7.98 MB, 720x1280 h264)
thumbnail of Slowly Open Your Eyes.mp4
thumbnail of Slowly Open Your Eyes.mp4
Slowly... mp4
(6.56 MB, 400x710 h264)
Last thread:  >>/48754/


Chronology Pack: https://mega.nz/folder/SqJSlboT#Eo0dW40FSQQxUfbhaiX2Zw

Anons Archive: https://mega.nz/folder/jQJwELya#WOcrcA-RgB2XrNE_D1if3w

BBG Scrape: https://mega.nz/folder/fCIniSpL#ZqI-WEkAchnE8OIi-IxL3g

BBG was created to follow a Tiktoker and IG creator who inspired people to make original content all the way from full music videos, edits, memes, artwork to simple clips and screen caps of her work. People used to come to BBG to see her posts talk about them with others. Like any public forum there were occasional problems but there were also a lot of people enjoying whatever she did and looking forward to her next post.

That time has over, honestly its been over for more than a year. There are no more edits, nobody is being inspired by anything she does now. BBG served a purpose but its time has come to an end.

Post your memories and your farewells - this board will be gone in a few days.

> this board will be gone in a few days.
bruh moment. someone will simply make another. if you don't wanna janny it just say that instead of this melodramatic attention seeking

> People used to come to BBG to see her posts talk about them with others
People still come here for that reason.
> honestly its been over for more than a year
> this board will be gone in a few days
Can't believe you're feeling dejected over bonbi saying she would shag some dude on camera.
We've all known this was going to happen for a long time.  >>/44569/

> this board will be gone in a few days.
Pointless to delete it. Doesn't cost you money, or time, just stop coming here. Why delete literal years of posts and potential good memories people have?

Very shellfish of you, ngl.

THIS is your breaking point? Not her starting an onlyfans or doing nudes? Not it being revealed she was still talking to Seth and hiding it?

If your breaking point is that you'll see some guy fuck her, and that guy isn't you, then maybe you should admit it's just jealousy, not you caring for her mental state which has obviously been on the decline for years. You want to fuck bonbi, and some other guy is gonna be paid to do it and out of anger you'll delete an imageboard? Pretty pathetic response.

Still an absolute masterpiece.
Maybe Bonbi never stood a chance at making it after all.

There are several forums with her lakes, if you really want to see them.

> this board will be gone in a few days.
That'd be a waste.
I hope the BO just closes it, makes it read-only, if he ever feels like doing something like that.

I just can't deal with her voice, man.
No matter how pretty she is.

Bonbi some tips on relationships since I believe we might have some of the same mental health bullshit:
1. Don't diminish your self worth. Meaning don't lower yourself and pick people who are shitty because you feel shitty about yourself.
2. Sparks not fireworks. If you feel fireworks it's NOT the right person. Your brain is wired slightly off from others and because of that you might feel VERY strong attraction to people who will end up hurting you.  Feel for sparks, or more mild feelings of attraction, to normalize this response.
3. Drama-free relationships are going to feel boring, and not "right". This is also due to past trauma. There's always going to be a part of you that wants to relive those shitty parts of your life, even if they were awful. Humans are fucking weird and gravitate toward strong emotions, positive AND negative. Believe it or not we often set ourselves up to go through trauma again because off this.

Here's a suggestion:
Lock and pin threads. Set max thread number to the number of threads on board. If someone tries to open more threads those are gonna get slashed. You can delete the movie thread.
This way this could be some kind of archive. At least for a while. Imageboards aren't supposed to be archives and the normal way of things is that content disappears.

Hi, first of all, thank you for Endchan, it's a great place. Now regarding /bbg/: first, the people do not want the board to be deleted or archived. Second, the current BO isn’t even the original one, so it’s definitely not up to them to decide the board's fate. Please just transfer ownership to someone else.

> That time has over, honestly its been over for more than a year. There are no more edits, nobody is being inspired by anything she does now. BBG served a purpose but its time has come to an end.

> Post your memories and your farewells - this board will be gone in a few days.

Finally, I will be free.

My intention was that someone would make a new board and post it here for anyone interested to migrate to. That is why did not just just straight delete this one - so you would know where to find each other.

Please hurry up.

> Lock and pin threads. Set max thread number to the number of threads on board
FYI, gave this a try, it doesn't work. The last CP thread just bumped the oldest thread off the board (Bonbi Thread #1). I have also tried setting thread limit to 0/hr but that doesn't work. Any more suggestions would be welcome, otherwise I will just manually delete threads as they are made and the delete day will be a bit sooner than expected.

> thread limit to 0/hr 
I think that just desables it. The minimum is 1.
You can try Early 404. Then a thread needs 5+ posts within a certain time or gets deleted. Ofc some funny guy can just bump the cp spam above this. Tho we delete cp spam regularly.

I tried it on a test board just now and it doesn't work. With thread limit set to the current number of threads on the board and all threads pinned, if you attempt to create a thread it's successful and the new thread appears at the bottom of the board and the board will now have thread limit+1 threads. But if you then create another thread both this and the previously created thread are immediately deleted. Weird.

tbh I didn't expect it to work because - as you said earlier - image boards are intended to be ephemeral. The exact way it breaks though is weird and not what happened on here - the CP Post just booted the oldest thread to make room.

Well /bbg/, it's been 5 and a half years. I have a confession. The oldest and longest serving bonbibros might still remember old lore from 2019:
> seth is exposed as pedo, kicked out of discord
> we find out bonbi is still talking to him
> bonbi leaves discord
> months pass, people think they finally stopped talking to each other
> june 2019
> the existence of a server known as "the garden" where bonbi was continuing to hang out with discord orbiters (oh, and i think seth was there too?) gets leaked https://archived.moe/wsg/thread/2923312/#2923907
> I made the post. I was the leaker
> in doing so, i slandered the members of the server and stirred up drama

As a result, from what I remember,

> her trust in the discord members is broken, she fades away from discord
> gets even closer to seth, who is able to move in with her
> bonbi being otherwise lonely allows emiru to come into the picture
> emiru puts her on the lewds path
> years go by, here we are today
> bonbi sex tape incoming

I'm sorry anons. For all of the OGs, who have been around for 6 years, I'm sorry. We've all watched this train wreck in slow-motion over time. 
The part I played in bonbi's story was a small one; the existence of the garden would've leaked eventually, but I was the one to actually make the post. In the years that followed, I actually came to know a bit well some of the people who were involved: perci, giordo, kicks, ricehat, deepsauce, speedy, and others. Even though they may have been "orbiters" I think they were all fundamentally good people (except for maybe speedy who had some controversies later) who I have no doubt were much better influences on Bonbi than seth or emiru were. 
Every couple months when I think about Bonbi again and check back here, there is a part of me that thinks about what could've happened - what was the Good Ending for Bonbi? Maybe Bonbi could've had good, albeit long-distance online friends. Knowing who they are, I think they could've encouraged her to get a real job, help her find something she's good at to make a career out of besides sex work, and maybe she could've paid for college being responsible with her patreon bucks. Maybe she could've made real friends in her community and live a normal life with healthy relationships.

I was 18 and just starting college when this whole bonbi arc started on /wsg/. Since then I've graduated, got a great job, got in a much better physical shape, had a girlfriend, traveled abroad, and i have a pretty tight-knit band of real life friends. My biggest regrets in life are of course regarding my ex-gf, but leaking this petty discord shit is otherwise up there behind that. 
I failed to protect her smile. I'm sorry bonbi.

That drama was over 5 years ago, there have been plenty of Groomers since then who deserve more blame. Just look at the Telegram groups and Discord servers where they literally discuss tactics and what to post in DMs to help here 'get comfy' with being a whore.

I don't think that server was any secret, Perci talked about it pretty openly that it was just a closed community.

> except for maybe speedy who had some controversies later
According to your /wsg/ post that is flashdrive, wasn't he German? What did he do?

> is not a one-man effort.
So who else was involved?

> I failed to protect her smile.
What the other anon said, this was years ago and pretty negligible.

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