Thank you for your kind words. This edit took 4 days, sometimes going for 18 hours straight.
People overlook the streams when it comes to editing. Of course, it's hard to sit through hour long ramblings of a teenage girl, but there really is some gold hidden in those streams.
The lulu shot at the ending was complete coincidence. My initial intention was to make an ending with very fast cuts, but I was already so sick of this edit when I got there, that I just tried the lulu dance and it just fitted the beat very well.
I'm burned out on bonbi at the moment and think that most of the iconic shots from her tiktoks and streams have been used to death, so all my creative drive is gone again. I want to do another edit set to a crazy aphex twin track, but I will wait until she has released more tiktoks. This edit was inspired by her recent tiktok of all the cosplays she's going to do in the future. I really enjoyed her defiant feisty attitude towards the doxxing and wanted to capture the spirit in this edit. I also said some shitty things about her and her family and I know this sounds cringe, but I felt so bad about it afterwards that I had to make up for it somehow. I know, it's simping, but I just had to do it for my conscience.
I actully think that bonbi is in a good place overall. Her family seems to be alright. Not perfect, of course, but I think she has a good extended family situation going on. Seth is probably not a sociopath, and from what I can tell with the limited interactions I had on discord, she has a core group of online friends, who take care of her and she is also smart enough to shield herself from all the other insane people who want to be her friend. So yeah, I think all of this turned out to be better than I initially thought.
I know this may sound weird, but bonbi really triggered a protective instinct in me, which made me psychoanalyze her and her family and see something that probably aren't there and were just projections on my part. I stumbled upon all of this during a very dark time of my life and editing was part of my way out of hole that I was stuck in. Bonbi gave me the kind happiness and joy, that I haven't felt in a long time. I changed so much over the last couple of months of editing and I feel that I finally can move on from this.
Thank you Bonbi for being who you are and I hope you have a nice life.