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whorbi webm
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Whorbiwhorkers sees something on her screen visibly gets turned on like the slut she is and "has to leave".
She's craving that pedo-cock like nothing else
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bonbiexist... webm
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goddamn I love bonbi so much. pretty much the only reason I'm still sticking around is that just looking at this bundle of cute diminshes the heaps of sadness inside me, purple eyed gothbi especially had that effect. but then I remember she'll never be mine, she'll never even know I exist and the sad flows back inevitable and ovewhelming like an ocean tide
Bonbibonkers isn't real, anon.
Enjoy your headccanon for what it is, but don't make the error of mistaking it for the person behind the mask.
perhaps not fully and all the time but I am aware there's a distinction between bonbi and maddie and in the end it is bonbi that I'm in love with, which in some respects perhaps even worse considering it's all in my head
> "I'm only seventeen" doesn't have the same ring to it, does it?
May 17th, homies.
somebody posted this in /ttg/ it is true? because i remember devil town was referred in one of the leaks as as ˇserver for a seventeen year old cosplayer"
I really don't think so. Bonbi would have slipped up by now, over and over again. The chance of her not constantly somehow giving it away in streams or stories is basically 0.

If Black knew that she is actually 17, why would he not have said so at this point?
We know that he basically hates Bonbi now, so why would he still keep it secret if he knew?
If she were older than she said, somebody would have leaked it.
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hurt webm
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I go back and forth between abject despair and groundless optimism. One moment I feel like everything is awful and will only get worse, in the next that no matter how shitty things might look now that it will be fine in the end.
The only thing you can be certain of is the sweet embrace of DEATH! Many run from it like the fools they are, but in time they all pray for it....
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What color will bonbi's hair be the next time we see her? Do you think she chose the color this time or let Seth choose again?
Oddly enough, I was once a member of a Discord (not Bonbi related) where a chick posted pics with her hair dyed red after one of the other members said he liked redheads. She then insisted the two events were not related at all...
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1573850672... webm
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Stupid cuckolds, stop watching this whore. she is useless, more is unnecessary, let him meet and fuck who she wants, she's ugly and redneck which lives among marshes. Seth needs the money, and she needs your donations. Stop watching her streams and not donate her money. Let Seth provide her, find a job.
I don't see it. I think she still looks good, though I prefered the black hair and she looks cuter in the tok when she is wearing no makeup. But always cute.
I couldn't disagree more. No matter what you might think of her as a person, she is still cute.
I don't know what it is. If she really isn't that good at makeup or if she so desperately tries to look older that it comes off as cheap...

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