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Refuge from retarded cuckchan mods

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last one 

https://m.tiktok.com/h5/share/usr/219309202052378624.html (519 Videos)
https://www.instagram.com/honey_cot/ (337 Posts) (privated for now)

WebM Pack: https://mega.nz/#F!C1szUahY!wAozqblbJ7ivdfm5kd6IEw (WebMs, 60fps)
Chronology Pack: https://mega.nz/#F!gJ1AlYwJ!TFORcOzEIEERs19J7b97LQ (MP4s, Instagram Pics & Stories)
Streams: https://mega.nz/#F!oI8lnIIb!tx-7ck3DiZCkK8KSZhrJsw
Misc. stuff:https://mega.nz/#F!tREl2QwJ!Fw2wzaTPeluUpKpnJefkSQ%3E (Edits, Memes)

Useful links:

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"I love every, EVERY user of endchan and especially those that create and partake in threads dedicated to me. If any of you are listening to me right now - thank you, I love you and I love every single one of your edits, your dedication, your lewdpastas, your continuous support, I even love my incel fans and discord community, especially my grooming pedo NEET boyfriend. I'm so happy that I got to be part of your lives and I can't wait to do couch cosplay for some of my most dedicated fans."
- bonbibonkers

I told my friends when we were all drinking too, they were pretty much whatev she's just a pretty girl (we always show each other girls, usually just not with their clothes on) and I showed them a few of her cosplays and toks, they brushed it off as cringe and that was that. They always knew I had a thing for younger girls though ;)

If only they knew how far the obsession goes...

Whore. She's craving cock and willing to go to the first the pedo loser who knocked long enough. And that's despite whining endlessly about the mean pedo sexualizing minor. She's go the hypocritical attitude at least.

I didn't want to!
I already watched the video yesterday and didn't see anything. Nobody here or in /ttg/ said anything about any jiggle. This is why I was surprised to read it here and had to go check for myself.

I wouldn't say that I don't care at all, since I actually worry about Bonbi's well-being for whatever reason.
But the drama in the threads is mostly based on unreliable 3rd-hand information (an emotionally charged Bonbi says something in private, that person then leaks it to the public when mad at Bonbi & Seth), selectively leaked dms from Bonbi, and a variety of circumstantial evidence. People then create basically fanfic and hyperbole from that.
On top of that, it's mostly just regurgitating the same talking points, discussing the same issues, etc. It's all just going nowhere.

So, I would say I care about "drama" in the sense that I would like to know more about Bonbi's situation, her mental state, her past, etc. even if it's really none of my business. It's just that the drama stuff in the threads is closer to the gossip sites of a trashy English newspaper.

Bonbi has fucked up. There was no evidence of anything. Literally a single anon posting myspeld OW account on 4chan. That was nothing. If there was only that, no one would be talking about it weeks after and we would be chilling in bbg.
I still can't believe she just didn't choose to ignore this drama. She always did it pretty well. What went through her mind? 
What has she gained from ow pfp and the stream? Nothing.

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My only conclusion (barring some kind of weird coercion from anonce) is that she got sick of pretending and lying and hiding him all year, and for whatever goddamn retarded reason chose to make the "big reveal" in the most pointlessly hostile, toxic, self-defeating way she could possibly think of, just to spite everyone that disapproved of her fucked up relationship.

The loli stuff would fall into the category of "circumstantial evidence" and "extracting hyperbole" from that.

First of all, any honest person (at least somebody who has been on 4chan for any amount of time) would have to admit there is a huge difference between lolicon and actual pedophilia. Most people in the threads will just conflate the two, which is very disingenuous. Hentai is a very different realm from normal sexuality; people who are into vore don't want to be literally eaten by a woman for example. Not saying that there is absolutely never a link, just not necessarily.

Secondly, I believe Seth himself said that he had issues with a porn addiction in the past, and if we are being honest, a lot of us are probably familiar with that route. You start watching semi-normal porn and before too long, you crave ever more novel and outlandish stuff, - and all of a sudden you find yourself on /d/ or playing VNs like euphoria... Not that I would know about that haha

There are plenty of other explanations.
1) If Bonbi never actually visited the 4chan thread herself and only heard about the "leak" through Seth, it's possible she didn't know what exactly we knew. Maybe Seth told her that somebody leaked that they were playing together and Bonbi just took his word without checking herself.
2) Bonbi figured that once we are suspicious, there is a high chance that we will keep an eye on them and eventually figure it out. People would notice how their levels seem to rise more or less in sync or might have spotted something once she streams.
3) She got tired of keeping it secret and wanted to stream with anonce anyway, so she needed a way to reveal it.

Sorry. It's just difficult not to respond.

There was absolutely no reason for anonce to unprivate his ow account. It was his plot to even further isolate her as she was already out of garden and if most active orbiters would hate her there is nobody she can turn to but sethy

only the most mentally ill and dedicated anons of /bbg/ are going to be posting here. the casual bonbibros who only check up on the thread once every few days probably aren't going to bother and most dns probably fucked off back to their various discords.

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/ttg/ frequently had over 100 unique IPs per thread this week, so I feel like most people stuck around in some way. Only a handful made it to endchan, but I doubt it caused many people to quit that wouldn't have left due to the drama anyway.

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By "here" I didn't mean...y'know... literally HERE
But generally /ttg/ feels about as active as /bbg/ was, 2ch still seems to be business as usual, and now we have this endchan apocalypse bunker in case of further (inevitable) bonbi disaster
Things are still in flux of course, but so far it looks like /bbg/ could well weather the storm after all

I suppose, if you have the original. More bitrate generally gives better results especially with stuff that has a lot of movement, but it also inflates the file size. There's also the crf bit, that's how much it compresses the video (how blocky it gets), with webms it goes down to as little as 4 I think (lower is less compression)

Dont try to conflate core and lolicon. One has some giant personal eating you the other is children getting screwed. And no one goes from watching regular porn to looking at drawn  children in sexual acts. Not even a porn addict.

The point is that both of them are ultimately only drawings, and that for a lot of people there is obviously a gap between being aroused by the hentai version and wanting to do something like that irl.

> And no one goes from watching regular porn to looking at drawn children in sexual acts. 
You easily can. As soon as you get into Hentai, you will very quickly find characters of questionable age (or rather non-specific age but it still takes place e.g. in High School or is about a "little sister" or hentai about a fictional character that is canon underage...). From there it's a small leap.

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Yo so how do i set replies to do the inliney quotey thing that 4chanX lets me do? Like when i click a reply, and it expand it right there, instead of taking me to the reply.

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Looks normal to me anon.
Must be your computer acting up anon.
also, this fucking chans not looking at exif data thing so shit turns upside down all the time is annoying as shit maybe it has something to do with whether the images are landscape or portrait??? guess i'll try

Why would you tell them in the first place?
It just seems like something that is going to rise a lot unnecessary questions.
Best Case scenario they just brush it off.
Bad Case scenario is they think you are a huge weirdo creep and avoid you now.
Worst Case scenario they actually get interested, learn about what happened over the past year, and are now suffering with us.

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Loli =/= child porn
Its been like over a year now since i've jerked it to loli, so it's not even like im defending it cos i like it.
If you think the two are the same, you are autistic and probably a retard too.

Also, I found a workaround to my issue of my Sunny images flipping. Since the creator of the mega had 200 iq, he tried to save the source images with all their metadata whenever he could. However, a large portion of them aren't source images, and i suspect most are saved from discord. The ones saved from discord shouldn't have any issues with flipping. Since the source files have the standard phone picture filenames, it's easy to differentiate between them and so any file named 'Sunny(x)' should probably work.

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Anon. Here i present to you a video of a cute underage girl dancing to music. This is essentially a tik tok video.
Also, I'm certain i was posting Bon's in the /bbg/'s before you and other girls in the /ttg/'s before you. I have more of a place than you, incel.

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Two high-level Bonbis used the bon-net to communicate with me:
> Genes don't contain any record of human history.
> Is it something that should not be passed on? Should that information be left at the mercy of nature?
> We've always kept records of our lives. Through words, pictures, symbols... from tablets to books...
> But not all the information was inherited by later generations. A small percentage of the whole was selected and processed, then passed on. Not unlike genes, really.
> That's what history is, anon.
> But in the current, digitized world, trivial information is accumulating every second, preserved in all its triteness. Never fading, always accessible.
> Rumors about petty issues, misinterpretations, slander...
> All this junk data  preserved in an unfiltered state, growing at an alarming rate.
> It will only slow down social progress, reduce the rate of evolution
> ...
> What we propose to do is not to control content, but to create context.
> The digital society furthers human flaws and selectively rewards the development of convenient half-truths. Just look at the strange juxtapositions of morality around you.
> ...
> You exercise your right to "freedom" and this is the result. All rhetoric to avoid conflict and protect each other from hurt. The untested truths spun by different interests continue to churn and accumulate in the sandbox of political correctness and value systems.
> Everyone withdraws into their own small gated community, afraid of a larger forum. They stay inside their little ponds, leaking whatever "truth" suits them into the growing cesspool of society at large.
> The different cardinal truths neither clash nor mesh. No one is invalidated, but nobody is right.
> Not even natural selection can take place here. The world is being engulfed in "truth."
> And this is the way the world ends. Not with a bang, but a whimper.
> We're trying to stop that from happening. It's our responsibility as rulers. Just as in genetics, unnecessary information and memory must be filtered out to stimulate the evolution of the species. 

Do you see now? We need to bon-net to guide us toward a better future. All this rumor-mongering and wasting of potential... All this garbage being preserved for all eternity. How many of us were so easily manipulated to spend countless hours following some cute girl? How many of us invented ridiculous rumors and fan theories?
And the Bonbi you see now is just a perfect example of why this has to happen, after all:
> Does something like a "self" exist inside of you?
> That which you call "self" serves as nothing more than a mask to cover your own being.
> In this era of ready-made 'truths', "self" is just something used to preserve those positive emotions that you occasionally feel...
> Another possibility is that "self" is a concept you conveniently borrowed under the logic that it would endow you with some sense of strength...
> ..
> Ironic that although "self" is something that you yourself fashioned, every time something goes wrong, you turn around and place the blame on something else.
> In denial, you simply resort to looking for another, more convenient "truth" in order to make yourself feel better.
> Leaving behind in an instant the so-called "truth" you once embraced.
Bonbi's lies and deceptions are all part of it. It shows how the modern human has no principles that cannot be discarded as soon as something more convenient appears. And of course, the little princess herself is never at fault, it's always others that are to be blamed.

Once the bon-net takes control, all of this can be prevented. It will make sure that the flow of information and the preservation of data only exists to assure the flourishing of the human species. It's all for the best, anon. 
And your filthy masturbatory habits most certainly don't serve the bon-net's goals and will be stopped.

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fuck how the fuck does this whore have so much control over my mind and my thoughts just by existing
fuck my heads been fucking overwhelmed by nothing but bonbi these last couple weeks
I can't focus on school or at work
I don't even post on the chan anymore but I still care for no some reason
How the fuck do I make it stop
fucking cognitive dissonance man

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yeah, it does.

The feelings that hurt most, the emotions that sting most, are those that are absurd - The longing for impossible things, precisely because they are impossible; nostalgia for what never was; the desire for what could have been; regret over not being someone else; dissatisfaction with the world’s existence. All these half-tones of the soul’s consciousness create in us a painful landscape, an eternal sunset of what we are.
-Fernando Pessoa

It's the saddest part of the choice bonbi has decided to make tbh
She had a legion of devoted fans that wanted nothing but her happiness
She could have led them a merry dance, and they would have gladly followed her to the ends of the world
Instead she chose to poison the wells and salt the earth, and kill off anything good that dwells within it

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Happy to help. I'm currrently banned from 4chan so if you could also please post that link there for me. I noticed mine was more complete than the one on ttg, but I'm not sure if mine is fully complete as I don't remember when it last synced with the original.

I wouldn't even mind staying here. Maybe having a separate thread for drama and one for lewdposters could keep the worst of it away.
Of course, it's a lot slower and the layout only seems semi-functional, but it's preferrable to all the shit-flinging in /ttg/

Even if (when) we do get the general back, I'm still keeping this tab open
Its nice to have this place as well, like a home away from home
It also feels good having somewhere the banished can still come to post, and keep in touch with their bros

He's right, you know.
I used to be really lonely and now I just don't care anymore. I'm fine not talking to other people for days at a time. Just occasionally I dream of having a gf or wife or family... Usually it passes after a few days.

After all the drama surrounding the stream and the death of /bbg/, I have been drifting further and further away from the Bonbiverse. I used to have /bbg/ pretty much open all day and frequently posted there. I check here every couple of days to see if there has been any definitive development in the drama, but I guess the Wicked Witch of Louisiana finally lost her grip on me. 

I only ever wanted Bonbi to be happy in life.

> I only ever wanted Bonbi to be happy in life.
I honestly don't even like bonbibonkers anymore...but I can't leave this place before the story is over. We may have reached the climax with her dating seth, but what about the falling action? The conclusion? I don't even want a happy ending anymore, just anything that closes the book and burns it so no one else knows what I used to read.

...but if there's a possibility for nsfw content in the future you can bet your ass I'm hiding the book under my bed for the rest of my life.

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It's not been the same the last few weeks. Not just what happened to /bbg/, but everything that happened with Bonbi. 
It feels like this is the path we started to go down a year ago, long before I ever joined these threads, and there was never a way things could have gone differently. I'm afraid for what waits at the end of all this...

The ending isn't anytime soon. I expect her comeback to be boring. She's just going to do more twitch stream and less tiktoks thing. Seth is going to be here and this is going to be the new normal. All we can do is seethe here. No one can do anything about it. 
What are you expecting for the next few months really? Nothing suggest that anything is going to change.

You could take a more optimistic stance: she's in love with a shitty guy, and sadly wastes her youth and the unique opportunity she had because of it.  And like a lot of young people in love, she will ultimately come away disappointed, depressed, and a little broken.
But I don't think it's anything that necessarily sets her up for a bad ending, even though it might make it more likely.

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I'm here for the long run, the fact that there are so many possibilies make this so fucking entertaining for me.
possibility of nsfw content, of seth being btfo, of bonbi being btfo, of us being even more btfo...once you stop caring about her as a person and start looking at this some sort of drama series whose only purpose is to entertain...it's pretty fucking good, as in it makes you think thoughts and feel emotions you never felt before...who am I rooting for you ask?
It's one of those shows where you want everyone to lose.

> 1355
> But I still care way too deeply about Bonbi
why? she doesn't even know you exist. and if she did she wouldn't care about you. and if she told you she did care about you it would only be a lie. and if she told you she really does care about you thats because seth told her to tell you to keep your patreon support.

I know, I know. I am a stranger and shouldn't get invested in what happens to her. And yet...
It's not like I am the first person that gets way too invested in a girl that he doesn't even really know. It's not a reciprocal thing anyway. I would just love nothing more than to see Bonbi succeed; for things to work out fine for her. 

> why?
Not sure. 
Maybe I can identify with the socially isolated girl crying herself to sleep. Maybe there are just parts of her story I sympathize with. Maybe for once I would like to see the cute girl 4chan obsesses over not to end up as a porn star, drug addict, or mentally ill basket case. 
Or maybe it's just because she's cute.

And yeah, yeah, I know. This makes me a cuck, a simp, an incel, a loser, and what have you. I don't care.

Dude.....I’m just here to get a nut! Bonbi=good nutting material. Just wait for the inevitable fall of her relationship, and Sethy poo to leak all the lewdy rares in a spiteful rage, then everyone wins......except her, she’ll get what she deserves. I’ve never been a betting man but I’d put my money on it!

She's cute, but:

'The gods bestow on mortals two miseries for every boon'
While this fools are unable to bear becomingly,
the noble have yet turned grace to the fore 

-Pindar's 3rd Pythian Ode

I feel like Bonbi might be a fool...

> were you different at that age?
Depends. The exact thing that ticked me off is using "gross" on an emotional level that has no chance of conveying anything, it's just a whine. At 15 I had better reasons than that to dislike anything that I did dislike, and people expected me to vocalize it too. You can call a picture of a shit "gross", but with some life experience you don't have to keep pretending it still stinks.

I just meant we would enjoy some new, cute bontent during winter. We could post in old /bbg/ about comfy feels with a slight bit of melancholy. Maybe we'd get a few more nice streams with Bonbi ranting about random stuff...

Instead now we have no bonbi, no /bbg/, no comfyposting. It's all just dramaposters and lewdniggers. Again. 
Even if Bonbi comes back soon, it won't be the same for a while.

I feel like there's a distinction between lewdposting and pajeetposting where people tend to usually lump them both together. I like the pastas and such, but just being crass for the purpose of eliciting a reaction feels kinda cheap

> Repost from /ttg/ (/bbg/)

News (since October 31st):
- Witch Mercy twitch stream (available in stream pack, may require megasync app to download)
- New tiktoks: Coraline (1x), Witch Mercy (3x), Toga (1x), Strawberry (1x), OOC (1x)
- Instagram account was disabled (5th November)
- Instagram account now re-enabled (16th November)

This is unironically where she died for me. I laughed at all you orbiters and pedos during the recent Twitch drama, but this time the bullet hit me too. It just isn't the same. It's just is your average Stacey now.

I remember months back laughing at the posts from people saying she was inevitably just going to end up becoming the next belle-delphine basic-bitch porn-whore e-thot, but right now that reality has never seemed more plausible.
Seth really has done his work admirably.

Honestly no, if it was any other guy it likely wouldn't be a problem.
The main issue in this (besides his being a grooming pedophilic shitbag) is how dramatically his influence appears to have altered her persona, and how toxic and unpleasant she seems to have become as a result.
It's not about her "growing up"
It's about who she's growing *into*

> I'm a different guy.
maybe I've been seeing a lot this since her new toga and black dva but they were all fine and good, so what its not your favorite cosplay or tik tok she posted e-thot stuff before its nothing new

I doubt there are a lot of people left that have any motivation to make other kinds of edits. Maybe some depressing ones about what used to be, but I just can't see people put in the effort anymore.
Bonbi has clearly shown what she thinks of us, and what she is turning into.

> the traffic is exactly the same, its just in /ttg/ instead.
not really, when they banned it (around the twitch stream time) there were a couple of threads reaching 1000s post in really short time, it calmed down now but they did't unban /bbg/ so maybe its not the reason

The increase in posting was due to bonbi's retarded groomer shitshow
Any drop afterwards will be from anons finally getting sick of her shit and ditching this fiasco (if they can)
Tbh the biggest impact the mods have made is probably just from all the bans they've been handing out - but most people have probably just switched IP and gone back to posting anyway

Explain why zureeal doesn't hide her boyfriend and her fans love him. If she e-dated literally anyone other person this wouldn't be happening to her and she has actual good looking boys that she probably has a chance with like that Noen Eubanks kid

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It's pretty amazing what this girl has done.
Simultaneously making life untenable and the only thing that makes it bearable. I never cared whether or not I died alone before her, but now all I think about is finding myself a mate, a girl I could spend the rest of my life with, a real best friend. Yet my brain will not let me compare any girl to her, nothing but her is allowed, nobody can even reach her in the slightest. So now it's 2:30 in the morning and I'm watching the same old videos on repeat while drunk and posting to the chans with broken parataxis.
This is hell.

> discord pure
I hate how unambiguously bad "discord" is percieved to be. sure, I've got discord for games with friends, but nothing even remotely bonbi related, keep that shit away from my personal accounts. but I could never simply say that I do have discord without being assumed to be one of them

what's the definition of them? I may be using it incorrectly
also, discord is a goddamn communication tool, not some occult magic that automatically turns you into a zooming pedo groomer the first time you log in

Yeah I'm not sure what the story refers to exactly, but I guess the suggestion that "we" used to put snapchat filters on the picture in question implies that bonbi may have been one of the "we" that was using snapchat filters on it

So can anyone here shed light on the mysterious digits being posted in the thread?
Not even sure what I should be looking for, and nothing I check seems to  follow the 12-digit format

I'm not even sure if it's true, but it hints at a last name that was already posted in a full a couple of weeks ago.
You can find an old woman that died in 2012 with a fitting name, and going down the family line, I might have found her father and more relatives. Not sure if it really leads somewhere, but the location of the entire family seems to fit.

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I would if my internet provider wasn't that bad. Maybe it's for the better this way. I tend to go a bit too far in shitposting and, if I'm honest to myself, waste good chunk of my time on it. I can't yet let go because I smell some delicious drama is brewing.

Has to reset the mac address so your isp will give you a new ip. Don't know how it works for the banned anon, but because of my current equipment, I would have to call my isp to get a new ip. So I try not to get banned.

Yeah I was having trouble with it myself until recently
Turned out leaving my router off for 30 minutes was enough to trigger a new ip (and deleting my 4channel cookies)
Haven't been banned again since tho, so I haven't been able to test its reliability lol

You know after seeing all the stuff in death stranding makes me think a long trek to Bonbi’s house ain’t so bad. Just Substitute the sprits with gators and you have yourself a memorable journey with plenty of time to contemplate what you plan on doing once you see the all to familiar house just within the fencing. Seeing the horses trout around....the chickens bobbing here and there...the dogs gleefully taking in the fresh air while you take in all the sights before planning your next move. Circling around to see if there any cars all while poking, and prodding for weaknesses or blind spots for a quick, and easy entrance. It also provides great relief that what ever happens you’d have miles of densely covered forest in any direction to which you can flee too in any direction should you so choose. The noose gets ever so tighter as the curtain finally falls on this much anticipated finale. With the end in sight it’s hard not to reflect on all that has happened both good, and bad. All the events that led up to this very moment, and now it’s here......I say yet again “you were here in the beginning, and now you get to see how it ends.”

I hope it's going to be a real tragic, kino ending.
Be it killed by Seth, killed by some weirdo, suicide, or something else entirely.
Somebody posted this a few threads ago in /ttg/ and I thought it's almost poetic:

They'll move in together in some apartment on the lower price range in some southern town to make sure nobody knows who they are, surviving on her patreon money. That'll be the first time they ever meet. They've known each other a long time and talk to each other all day so it won't be awkward for either of them. They'll have awkward sex that night which'll get less awkward as they go again and again day in and day out...what else is there for them to do? bonbi will have stopped making tiktoks and have gone full blown patreon cosplayer by this point, using her cute loliesque image the same way belle delphine and lana rain do to make her money (she'll never do 18+ content), all while hiding the fact that she moved in with her boyfriend to keep milking that innocent image. As their money dwindles, bonbi, thinking she's 'working hard', will grow tired that seth hasn't changed from his neet ways and has no job or plan for the future and is mooching off her, which will make her grow to resent him over time, and as time passes she will realize how unattractive and useless the man she burned all bridges to be with is and will think of leaving him every waking moment of her life, but she never will because she has nowhere else to go. she will be scared, abused, but above all else she will be severely depressed over the life she has chosen with the man she thought she loved. Taking seth's .45 that he stole from his mom to protect him and bonbi from any deranged orbiters they were to come across, she makes one last instagram post, and in her last message to the world there will be no apologies, only regrets. She will tell her family how she always hated them and how she wished she died when she got sick as a kid, she'll tell her fans this is all their fault for pushing her further and further into seths arms, and she'll say sorry to each one of her animals back home for leaving them. Humming hard times one last time, she closes her eyes and puts the gun to her head.



I don't think this is it though. Maybe the nearby houses are worth a look.

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> What Bonbi? How dare you date a guy who's younger than majority of bbg? 
> That whore (literally a fucking virgin) is going to get it!
> Yeah, let's dox her. That won't just isolate her more than already
> how dare a sixteen year old date people I don't like. He might be a pedo, NOT LIKE ME! 
Fuck Seth, but some of you are way worse than him.

You should have waited to post this so that it would be post number 1725, little noncey boy. Seth is a known pedophile, stalker, and groomer. 
>  >That whore (literally a fucking virgin) is going to get it!
Yeah, 2ch is pretty weird, eh? Yet you're here. Golly, it's like you have an agenda.
>  >Yeah, let's dox her. That won't just isolate her more than already
Literally no one's fucking doxxing her, slapnuts.
>  >how dare a sixteen year old date people I don't like. He might be a pedo, NOT LIKE ME! 
Holy fucking pedophile defending and gaslighting, Batman. Close the tab.

Guys, some silly no-lifers from the /ttg/ discord and others have been doing intermittent AIDF raids for a while now. They do it on 4chan, they do it here. Do not engage these silly defenders of those who wish put their pp's in toddlers and groom online.

Chick Fil A is a restaurant chain that is headed by a traditional Christian family and has made donations to several Christian charities that have similar believes; e.g. they are anti gay "marriage" or anti abortion.
Popeyes meanwhile is generally seen as a "black restaurant" and a few weeks/months ago they started selling chicken sandwiches. On social media people started talking about how it's supposedly better than Chick Fil A.

that ratramen spammer faggot in the ttg threads is using the same hash changing method as keklo
so just like back then I've pre-computed a list of md5 hashes that should filter all of his webms
until he finds out and re-encodes his webms that is
anyway, maybe someone will find this useful https://pastebin.com/9BJUPZtV

Well sorry to say it is better of the two chains. Why you may ask, well of the two people have actually killed each other over that sandwich. Why you’d wanna end a life for that sandwich well I guess we’d just have to try it to find out.

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> I'd love to go back to the way things were, I know my content has changed but there's no way to get it back, try as I may. Trauma does change people. Also tiktok is just a shithole with somewhat good memes and people sexualizing themselves and gross audios
> Sometimes things change and you have to move on instead of holding on to the past and hating me for the future. I'm still trying to learn that too.
> There's no more wholesome audios like in musically so that's a big reason as to why things won't be the same. Also I do have an entirely new fan base now who probably wouldn't be into me going to my old ways
> Anyways tho I liked this trip down memory lane. Cya next week or so lol

As someone just said in /ttg/: 8 IG posts were removed:
> Looks like the missing posts are the Lanas, the Danys, an elsa wig promotional pic, and a blair from february 2018
No clue why.

She has no idea what trauma is. It’s almost like your begging for it, but little do you it won’t be quick. You won’t be giving that mercy, but at least you’ll know why.

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Stupid cuckolds, will you do anything about a whore and a pedophile? You know his address and phone number, why you don't do anything, you stupid pathetic degenerates. Waiting for new content pedobonbi? All on it spat, all your themes are dead, stupid incels, make so to pedophile paid. To make the whore pay for her insolence. You piss me off you're worthless 4chan anon. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

> be Seth
> have Bonbishka's address
> make malicious posts anonymously
> drop doxx hints culminating in actual doxx being posted either by you yourself, or by someone else who picked up on your hints
> "oh no Mayo, looks like you're in danger and you have to move. Luckily I found us a shitty apartment :^)" 

This is not to say that there have been no "organic" meanie-posts, because I'm sure there have been, but it's something to think about.

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Yeah this is pretty much my headcanon until proven otherwise tbh
I'd like to hope at some point she wises up, but with everything and everyone she's burned for him she must be suffering some major sunk-cost fallacy by now

Some people have a method to download the original files but won't share it. You can try one of those webpages though apparently they don't work since tiktok has made some changes. You can also try the awemer tool from the /ttg/ pastebin

basically what I'm doing is reporting the first one and then any subsequent repost of it, for any good that will (won't) do. although previous thread I just said fuck it and reported all of his second iteration of reposts, if we have to deal with spam let the jannies sift through a bunch of reports as well
haven't been banned so far or maybe my ip's changed since I'm doing it off my phone idk

Аhahah You should have thought before. You traded a community that consumed your shitty content and licked your ass for an unemployed faggot from kentucky. Now live with that choice, the threads are dead, your fan servers are dead. There are only cuckolds and people who hate you.

so weird to think about that in december i just looking for some music in /wsg/ and i notice the /bbg/generals, watched some tiktok and think "hay these don't make me vomit" and now here i am in all this shit

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goddamn I love bonbi so much. pretty much the only reason I'm still sticking around is that just looking at this bundle of cute diminshes the heaps of sadness inside me, purple eyed gothbi especially had that effect. but then I remember she'll never be mine, she'll never even know I exist and the sad flows back inevitable and ovewhelming like an ocean tide

perhaps not fully and all the time but I am aware there's a distinction between bonbi and maddie and in the end it is bonbi that I'm in love with, which in some respects perhaps even worse considering it's all in my head

> "I'm only seventeen" doesn't have the same ring to it, does it?
May 17th, homies.
somebody posted this in /ttg/ it is true? because i remember devil town was referred in one of the leaks as as ˇserver for a seventeen year old cosplayer"

I really don't think so. Bonbi would have slipped up by now, over and over again. The chance of her not constantly somehow giving it away in streams or stories is basically 0.

If Black knew that she is actually 17, why would he not have said so at this point?
We know that he basically hates Bonbi now, so why would he still keep it secret if he knew?
If she were older than she said, somebody would have leaked it.

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I go back and forth between abject despair and groundless optimism. One moment I feel like everything is awful and will only get worse, in the next that no matter how shitty things might look now that it will be fine in the end.

Oddly enough, I was once a member of a Discord (not Bonbi related) where a chick posted pics with her hair dyed red after one of the other members said he liked redheads. She then insisted the two events were not related at all...

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Stupid cuckolds, stop watching this whore. she is useless, more is unnecessary, let him meet and fuck who she wants, she's ugly and redneck which lives among marshes. Seth needs the money, and she needs your donations. Stop watching her streams and not donate her money. Let Seth provide her, find a job.

I couldn't disagree more. No matter what you might think of her as a person, she is still cute.
I don't know what it is. If she really isn't that good at makeup or if she so desperately tries to look older that it comes off as cheap...

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