Emiru doesn't like... mp4
(21.45 MB, 1020x574 h264)
Wrong reasoning. I already said this back when the last Twitch stream ended the way it did and Bonbi and Emiru were still friendly to each other afterward: Anyone who didn't like Seth before this was hastily booted, and we're talking about exchanges that happened in private discord servers and direct messages. But Emiru publicly says she hates him right in the middle of a Twitch stream and everything stays ok? That is the one and only thing that didn't add up, not that she was "defending" Seth "left and right" and suddenly changed her tune, because that's not the case. She was always avoiding the topic as much as she could, and handling it delicately when that wasn't possible. So the Twitch thing could easily have been a play to make it look like Emiru knows what he is and hates him for it, while in actuality that's not true.
On the other hand: A week or two before the latest twitch stream, Emiru said for the first time that she outright didn't like Seth. So it's possible she was just getting tired of it all and finally snapped, but picked a particularly bad (or good, depending on your point of view) time and place to do it. Additionally, we know that after the first Twitch stream almost a year ago she was shown everything known about Seth's interests and the circumstances of how he got to Bonbi at the time, and seemed to be concerned.