/bird/ - Birdie

Anything related to Birdie / Jack / Damagedcoda6669 and his fanbase.

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al is such a fucking attention slut that harbors and clings onto jack for attention. of course he stull mentions jack in his coummnityu posts. hes a stupid retard that cant hold up internet popuarity by himself, because of how two dimensional he is + ugly ass art

why did they force birdie to drink the soy (she was soy but controversial which is HOT and makes my pussy wet) WHY SOPHIA YOU LOOK SO RETARDED I NEED FO HAVE SEX WITH AN EMOTIONALLY UNSTABLE AUTISIC WOMAN!!!

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i wish i knew what jack sees in al. this nigga's entire personality is BPD and sucking up to him and antagonizing everyone else. he doesn't amount to anything good in any capacity, beyond being a familiar moralfag face.

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I hate seeing June get into the whole Amazon-front-page femboy aesthetic, all because Jack wants the clout. Kind of ruined the character for me, a little. Also those blue gigantic nails in the  pic, huge turnoff.

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i would love the whole digital nymph vibe more if sophia was actually aware of the sociology of personal branding online, and how she got caught up on it, rather than believing this to be a problem completely unique to her. but even as it is now, i can dig it, i want to see how this gets explored. let me dream damn it.

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