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GOLDSBORO, N.C. (WNCN) — Wayne County authorities said there was an active shooter situation underway Sunday night at a hospital in Goldsboro.

The incident was reported at 8:17 p.m. at Wayne UNC Health Care at 2700 Wayne Memorial Drive, according to Joel Gillie, spokesman for Wayne County.

Goldsboro police and the Wayne County Sheriff’s Office are at the scene, Gillie said.

Gillie said at 9:10 p.m. that the incident was still underway.

Derek Burress, a county commissioner is neighboring Greene County, released a short statement on Twitter at 9:02 p.m. about the incident.

“Our thoughts and prayers go out to those who were impacted by the Wayne Memorial Hospital incident,” the statement said along with a file photo of the hospital.

There were no other details available.


I don't get it…"FBI lied about recusal" meaning? They lied about why Sessions needed to recuse himself? Doesn't make sense - Sessions recused himself because of he didn't mention at the confirmation hearing that he met with the Russian ambassador.


‘The man who bought London’: Qatar billionaire behind Prince Charles scandal

Former PM of Qatar was one of Time’s ‘most influential people’ and named in both Panama and Pandora Papers

From 2000 until 2013, al-Thani oversaw a series of high-profile investments in corporate Britain that included Harrods, the Shard (which is owned 95% by Qatar), London’s Olympic Village and Park Lane’s InterContinental hotel.

According to the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, it was revealed that al-Thani used offshore companies to manage his superyacht moored in Mallorca, Al Mirqab, which is estimated to be worth $300m.

Qatar’s investment in Barclays during the financial crisis in 2008, when al-Thani was prime minister, became the centre of a criminal trial over the controversial services deal struck between the lender and the small Gulf state. Three former Barclays executives were accused of devising fraudulent advisory services agreements to disguise payments worth £322m to Qatar.


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Just about everything we were taught is a lie.
I want ALL of (You) to soak on that one thought for awhile.
What if every sci-fy movie that [THEY] made was based in reality?
(You) have more than (YOU) know.
(You) know more than (YOU) know.
I was sent to Earth to help (You) realize, and know the TRUTHS
God Our Eternal Heavenly Father told others document everything
Jesus Christ came here to teach, and tell us the Truths who is who
I am just a small voice in a Grand Eternal Adventure we all call life
Many of us were chosen by Heavenly Father, and Jesus Christ, along with President Kennedy, President Trump, and Vice President Kennedy Jr. along with 10's of thousands more around the world.
President John F. Kennedy, President Donald J. Trump, (Yes) Vice President John F. Kennedy Jr. have ALL given their whole lifes existence to investigate , document, track, find, and prosecute those that committed crimes against children, and humanity, and to secure evidence of who is who, and the Crimes against Humanity,  and Our Beautiful Children that [THEY] committed EVIL SICK SATANIC SACRIFICING With. Also with those that are Luciferian Satanic Jesuit Nazi Traitors that committed Subversive Treasonous Sick Wicked Acts against Humanity, and Countries Worldwide.
(You) are about to learn Truths that will shock your current reality
Jesus Christ, and Heavenly Father are in full control.
Lucifer, and his minions days are short.
[THEY] have nowhere to run or hide
Stock up on the basics, please know utilities will be operating
(You) are Free Sovereign Beautiful Children of God Our Father
A Beautiful New Heaven & Earth is under reconstruction right now
Pray, and Love Thy Neighbors as thyself
This is the calm before the storm.
The Truth Storm
[THEY] never thought she would lose.
President John F. Kennedy warned us about secret societies.
President Donald J. Trump took control during his Presidency, and found out everything, and caught them ALL RED_RED_HANDED.
Vice President John F. Kennedy Jr. together decades ago with Trump , and their Special Forces Q Team put theirs lives at risk so all of U.S. can have our Children & Countries back, and live a life of Love, Truth, Light, Liberty, and Happiness for this upcoming next Thousand Years
Where We Go One We Go ALL
Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming
I will add more Truths, and Information as times passes
Everything has meaning
Do not panic
Everything will be okay
Remember these days
The World is WATCHING
The World is CONNECTED
Love is the Answer
[THEY] LIE_STEAL_CHEAT & have done this THOUSANDS of Years
e[Y]e of Horus
Horus [P]riory of Sion
PBB = Project Blue Beam
PLG = Project Looking Glass
e[Y]e of Ra
Clowns in America
Hold the Line
CONFIRM KEYSTONE = Pi, Eta, Zeta & Epsilon Hereculis
Flash Dir_

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In order to rid jurisprudence of subversive 9'th circuit ruling we are compelled to pretend to accept the legitimacy of the SCOTUS, where compromised traitors overrule  seditious colleagues courthouse kayfabe. 

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More of the Russian yachts seized recently:

Lena - Gennady Timchenko, $55 million
Lady M - Alexey Mordaschov, $71 million
Amore Vero - Igor Sechin, $120 million


And this:


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Bue, ya me puse las pilas así que abro el thread que prometimos ayer. Empecemos desde cero.

Antes, un disclaimer: No, no existe una fórmula mágica para hacerse rico en el mercado de acciones, y nadie te puede garantizar eso. Este es un mercado muy volátil y para ganar dinero que valga la pena se tiene que dedicar tiempo y dinero que la mayoría de los mortales no tenemos, así que no me culpen después si no se hicieron ricos. Ni yo lo soy, y cualquiera que les prometa volverse ricos a través del mercado de acciones simplemente los quiere estafar. Son un buen ingreso extra, pero ni de chiste tienen que ser la base de tu economía.

Ya con eso aclarado, procedo. Voy a tratar de ser lo más práctico posible y después metanle a las preguntas. Voy a asumir que ya tienen idea de lo que está pasando, y si no, no tengan miedo de preguntar, que para esto estamos.

Para comprar una acción es necesario un broker. Un broker es esencialmente un intermediario entre dos personas (el vendedor y el comprador de acciones) que generalmente cobra una comisión por transacción o por retiro de dinero. Esta comisión puede ser de cualquier tamaño. Yo uso AvaOptions, googleenla. 
Una vez escojás tu broker, lo primero que tenés que hacer es darle algunos datos tuyos (depende del broker, algunos sólo piden nombre y datos generales, y otros te piden hasta tu alma) y depositar tu dinero, que normalmente vas a poner por medio de una tarjeta de débito. Personalmente les recomiendo que usen sólo el 25% de lo que tienen para gastar, a menos de que vayan a participar en el mame de WallStreetBets, en cuyo caso metan 10k dólares y luego ríanse cuando les queden 5. 
Ya, tenés tu broker, tu dinero ahí... y bum. Felicidades, estás en el mercado. El método de compra específico te lo da cada broker. 
¿Qué acciones comprar? Eso es una ciencia aparte, y les voy a dejar algunos links más tarde para tener una idea base de cómo analizar el mercado. Pero por ahora, lo que yo estoy haciendo es seguir lo que sucede en WallStreetBets, y si quieren pueden unirse ahí. En Reddit me encuentran como u/JellyGrimm si quieren chatear un rato.

Y eso es todo. El thread está oficialmente abierto para preguntas. Voy a comer algo y cuando vuelva voy a estar contestando.
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REVEALED: Glassy-eyed Paul Pelosi is finally seen in his MUGSHOT one month after DUI arrest despite Nancy's team trying to keep it under wraps

my mom is doing the bs ritual countless times a day - attack me (3) and then use some symbolism to say now whoever she lies to be representing would now be following me (2, yellow, 12, purple, 7, white, whatever).

this is a lie.
obviously, as it´s going on for years now and still noone is actually behaving free. all the things making the world a better place, you cunts do kind of unwillingly and by mistake.
it´s masons acting mason roles. it´s not saving anyone, not a single soul, it´s not "turning around" anyone, not s single one.
all it does is annoy me on a daily basis. all it is is you all attacking me. all that it is is breaking down the only bridge there is. it´s not about the wheather, or saving souls who are dead already, not about saving or turning around the heavens, not about deamons, not about anything you cunts lie about.
the sole purpose of you doing it is the only thing it actually does: it attacks me and gives ma a hard time so I cannot help you change the world (by advice and by my timeline magic creating G wise) and for that I will not save but punish you.

the ukraine is not a corrupted shithole bc of deamons. you did not fuck kids bc the devil made you do so. and you sure as fuck do not attack me bc whomever would control you. it´s you all and your free will to do it.

ever thought about why my mom would have to attack me all day long bc of the devil and deamons and other made up bs, but was allowed to use "now saved" symbolism countless times a day? does not make much sense? well, it´s a lie.

ever thought about why coincidentially you would have to do more attacking ritual stuff when it´s at a time it actually hurts me the most (like making my studies at university way harder, not that I would even care.)
ever thought about why you would have to attack and annoy and ridicule me when my feet has been hurting for weeks? 
it´s all fake. I told you so many times. still you just do it while twisting the tiniest and most irrelevant things I do or say into some bs, like me agreeing to an apppointment at 3pm would mean "yeah, sure, go ahead and try to break me", this is utterly ridiculous, and you know it, you all know it.

I thought about kind of testing you, to see if there are still people left who wish to attack me or follow orders to do so. and I hope that I would be able to offer you being saved by death.
well, no need for testing at all, it´s so obvious you cunts to not follow me and it is so obvious that I can not even offer you to be freed or saved when you die.

so now this it what it is: MASONS WILL NOT BE SAVED, NOT NOT, NOT EVER. I do not even allow you to be saved when you die, not even than will you come home, bc I will punish you all. I will end you all to end evil and save the future. get rek´d. enjoy eternal suffering.
if you are a mason (remember, for me you all are masons, no matter what the fuck you call yourselves) you are dead already and will never be alive again. not ever.

(it´s kind of ridiculous bc you all know me anyway, but will now go for a smoke and jump 3 times on left leg and then 3 times on right leg.)

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Este tabloide es completamente libre de temas. Aquí se puede discutir todo lo referente a la realidad nacional, desde arte y entretenimiento hasta historia y política actual.

Este tabloide promueve la difusión del arte nacional y su diversidad cultural.

Este tabloide promueve la libertad de ideas y opiniones y la apertura al debate de las mismas.

Las únicas reglas del tabloide son:

- No spam de ningún tipo
- Mantener y respetar el anonimato ajeno y propio
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MG show 
The guys rock the show withKaren Kingstonin the first hour with MAJOR exposure of pharmakia, 

Karen explains a lot of illegal things done by FDA, Pfizer and Bointech that created a deadly gene editing technology inCominaty and how anyone injected will die from it, not maybe die, but will die. It weaponizes the immune sysyem to kill people. She also explains the slide that Cominaty does not exist, which it does, and she explains the whole process Pfizer & Biontech used to get it approved by FDA. And how they try to hide Pfizers involvement and financial sharing of both companies. Another financial recipient is an NIAIH(?) scientist & Moderna created mRNA , that receives royalty from ALL MRNA drugs. There is also batches at an army base.  

This video is not only frightening but the companies prodcing Cominaty intentionallyused three snake venom to use your own immune system to kill “human disease”. Yes we are the disease, they want to kill.

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> And something has been after me. 
> I can’t explain it. 
> It is out of my realm of understanding. 
> I’m so lost right now. 
> I’ve been lost for two years. 
> Trying to figure out how my devices can be hacked. 
> And I can have audibles in my home. 
> But, barely. 
> Like barely audibles coming into my home you know saying things. 
> And they’re directional. 
> I mean it’s barely audible. 
> It’s not something in my head. 
> It’s barely audible. 
> It’s a noise. 
> It’s a sound.
> And I said over and over and I know they can hear me. 
> Because they can hear me and they’ll respond.

Consistent with Nicholas Cruz interview and Buffalo shooter's diary.
Voice-to-Skull or interdimensionals?
Until we run this down we do not understand the phenomenon of mass shootings.


I have tested positive for COVID-19 and am experiencing mild symptoms. I plan to work remotely while isolating according to CDC guidelines, and look forward to when I can safely return to the office and the road.


Midnight Rider Channel 🇺🇸, [12.06.22 11:18]
[ Photo ]
Mark the Date — 12 June in the Year of Our Lord 2022: The Singularity is coming much sooner than forecasted — because this information is being withheld from the public — in Government Labs and Tech Oligarch’s private research facilities experiments are ongoing that are impossible to walk back: FACT

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Ok I was a Q doubter but now the identity has been confirmed as real to me, Q is real. Cassidy Hutchinson was not a Democrat plant she was a Trump plant and she sabotaged the shit of of the Jan 6 committee. She also did not lie, she was probably told tat information with a wink and a nod so she is protected from blowback.


BREAKING HEADLINES, [01.07.22 11:27]
North Dakota Gives Green Light to Bill Gates' Farmland Purchase

READ: https://breakingheadlines.news/DGROVA


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