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KaRa of the Pleiades: You Are System Busters

I am KaRa. I come at this time as the Pleiadian Emissary to this planet, to this collective consciousness of man. I am here to follow up on your earlier discussion as ‘system busters.’

And what makes you system busters? You already know, each one of you, deep within you, that you already are that. You know that you are here for a reason. You know that you are here for a purpose. A mission, and a fulfillment of promise. A promise given long, long ago. And here you are now as those system busters to bust yet another system wide open, as you have done many times before, in many different systems, different galaxies, different planets, perhaps even different universes. But here you are, at the culmination of this particular system.

This system that is no longer functioning, no longer working for the benefit of collective consciousness of man. It cannot. It has fulfilled its purpose, this illusion. This third-dimensional illusion, that you are still finding yourself in at times, has fulfilled its purpose. It is no longer needed.

You must come to understand and realize that, that you are both a part of this illusion, and not a part of this illusion. You are a part of it as much as you want to be. But you also can be separate from it as much as you want to be as well. For it does not hold you unless you let it hold you to it.

Now you all know that you have been lied to for eons of time here within this illusion. But deep down within you, you all knew the deeper truths, and that one day these truths would be revealed, as they are now being revealed. Because those within the shadows can no longer be within the shadows. They are bringing the truth forward, even though they don’t want to do that. But they are finding they must bring forth the truth. And they are doing it in very much ridiculous ways, just enough for those that are yet unawakened to begin to awaken. To begin to awaken to what we call, and many of you call, ‘the nonsense’ that is doing on. For it is indeed that. But know that it has a purpose. All of this.
he Columbia Bugle 🇺🇸
 Joins Tucker Carlson To React To The January 6th Committee Hearing Tonight

"My view is it's important to keep in mind what the stakes are. The stakes are the repurposing & reconfiguration of the National Security Apparatus against the American people."

Kim Kardashian advocated for Eli Torres, dad to Texas shooting victim
"Eli Torres is an inmate at a federal prison in Kentucky for a gang-related drug-trafficking offense"
What a coincidence for Kim.K. 

What percentage of the Uvalde,Texas population was or is incarcerated?
What percentage are known gang members, foreign or domestic?
Was the shooting a gang turf war spillover?
"We are just after the truth" Q post earlier
Journalism’s First Obligation Is to Tell the Truth
JA is a Journalist
3312: "We have the source" 0/1 04/11 links to JA on clock
1195: MS-13 and JA plus June ETA
jury Convicts Seven MS-13 Members and Associates of Sex Trafficking a Minor yesterday
> Checking in because TS reset password link is broke. Please fix reset password link. 
8 Kun is not responsible for TS.
I suggest if you are having issues with TS, you direct you query here:

10/28/2017 to 06/24/2022 was 1700 days but I believe there is more to this story. Consider Q said 2 days ahead of schedule. What happened 2 days earlier? The story of the Ravens which confirms Revelation 11.3. There were two witnesses when Jesus was crucified. Ravens landed on the cross of one of the mockers and plucked out his eyes. Symbolically this actually means giving one new spiritual eyes. The prophecy of Pol stated that the Ravens will starve as they did appear to one of us up close and did not pluck out his eyes. Why? Because this one was already testifying about God's Kingdom come and demonstrating real proofs (#000000 zero point energy of the Camel vs the rich man) when he asked the Raven's "Is my testimony true?" the Ravens leaned forward and down with direct eye contact and began squawking as if they had something to say about it all. This one comes in the Spirit of Elijah and John the Baptist, yet discourses not considered.
/Our/ Girl

Give this woman's salon a five star review. The kikes are bombing her salon reviews, because she exposed them. Search for 'Jenny Rose Luxury Hair' on Google Reviews.


Kike jannies on 4chan have deleted the first 4 threads:

It works like that because of projection / mirroring.

That's what people do when they are mentally ill.

That's why we are called the "crazy ones"

It 's a mirror.

Logic gets one out of it.

Ur a con artist, and so see everyone here as a con artist.
I'm good with Apocalypse type shit happening, honestly. It's already happening anyway. Normies are gonna know what they fucking did by the time it's over. That's a tall order on it's face, never mind in practice, but so be it.
Yup. Still maddening it has to come to that though.
Hillary Clinton used an illegal email server. Transferred classified information to and from it. Got caught faking information on Donald Trump to smear him. Robbed Haiti of *millions$ and she gets book deals.

Donald Trump saved the country, lowered gas prices, made us energy independent replenished the military, strengthened our borders and now he's going to prison.

…let's just sit back and make memes.
I believe, from tallking to police in informal setting, if you shoot a home invader or a business invader and that person is black and you are white, in the present atmosphere of 'correctness' (hatred of whites) You ,the white American shooter will be arrested.
Probably your fault too if the invader is antifa or bLM white.
all to make way for their 'New' world
None of these are confirmed Q drops you stupid shill.
There is only one with a zero delta, yet you included a bunch of non zero deltas.
To spread false narrative 'trip code compromised'.
> Q said we were on a ship… and asked to tidy the ship… this was 8kun. 

Perhaps, although that was in October of 2020. "a 'starter' new social-networking platform" does not describe 8kun. Would anyone familiar with Twitter, Facebook, etc. refer to 8kun as a 'social-networking platform'?

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