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Like I said religion is all BS.

It is all written by men, who want to control you.
Look up 325AD, the pulled some books together 300yrs after (possible) reality.

That like writing a "tall story" about 1700-1800's now. Without benefit of inet.

It was all written in latin? why, because people could not read it.

(they) re wrote it a few times KJ etc, to make control more relevant for the times.

But it is all MAN MADE BS.

God? not so sure, Human DNA, question marks. 

JC? Look up "resurrection" & "resuscitation" in ancient hebrew. (why did they have a word for an event that had never happened?)

Then look up "healing oils" vs "embalming oils" & what was in the pottery in tomb

Then look for the "buried wrongly but correctly" in asian tomb.

yea HE was ~80YO when died.

HE went east (back to childhood area) because romans were thick in the west!.

Get you head out of MAN MADE books.

HE was a preacher, a messenger.
But HE didn't die on a cross.

and that blows up the whoile catholic BS story.


Nope.  Just have been paying attention to various non-vax routes that help with covid, and of all of them that I've looked at the science behind N.O's effects on respiratory viruses like sars/mers/covid is the most compelling I've found.

We now have ZERO's from DJT, Nunes, DJT Jr. within 24 hours & Kash 3 booms to match the Zero Delta last night. NEW & IMPROVED WITH ALL LINKS TO RELEVANT TWEETS/TRUTHS

https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/108558738138878885 >>/bo/52/@52
15 second Delta between POTUS posts first 2 posts
Q posted FIRST and PDJT followed 14 seconds later

24 minutes between First 2 PDJT post and 0 Delta Post
And Q was the first one that pointed out the DELTA. Q literally made us go look for the proof because everyone ignored it.
0 Delta between Scavino and Anon that pointed out 0 DELTA
PDJT Truths ZERO @ 8:44am following morning- https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/108560820433360720
PDJT TRUTHS 12 and 0 Last Night. Thank you!- https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/108560771155293039
DJT JR posts 8/10 which is 4/5 and ZERO- https://twitter.com/DonaldJTrumpJr/status/1542200320247349252?cxt=HHwWiICyzabB_-YqAAAA
Devin Nunes Truths ZERO emmissions- https://truthsocial.com/@DevinNunes/posts/108557892492466514
https://archive.ph/uawyQ >>/bo/52/@52
/pf/ was taken down [cleared of content] just prior to platform TERM [specific reason].
NAT SEC [charter] prevents use of 'keys' to establish IDEN via public utility/domain - non_reg.
Formation of 'clean' board possible to lock in trip(s) > issues w/ safeguards. 

Q posted on /QR/ and got the 0 Delta, they then waited for anons, who used to watch all of PDJT's social media to catch it. They didn't, so Q nudged anons with WATCH POTUS. They still didn't, so Q directly pointed at the DROP that had the 0 delta. Once anons (Possibly Dan Scavino himself) pointed out the 0 delta and confirmed it, Q posted on /hivemind/ because /hivemind/ has TRIPCODES enabled, and /QR/ has tripcodes blocked. Q couldn't set a new TRIPCODE for initial verification, it is against NAT SEC charter. It says it in drop 3619, check for yourself

The clean board, /projectdcomms/, meant to use to establish a new trip is no longer in Q's control, as soon as Babyfist posted there it was no longer in Q's control. THAT WAS THE POINT OF THE BABYFIST DROP. THE MOMENT THAT HAPPENED, Q COULD NOT USE THAT BOARD FOR VERIFICATION BECAUSE A CIVILIAN HAD POSTED ON IT. AND IT IS THE REASON THAT BARON OF ARIZONA IS GOING AROUND SAYING HE IS THE NEW BOARD OWNER OF /DCOMMS/. AGAIN Q DROP 3619

Whitelists only allows you to post a "whitelisted" trip on said board. There is no such thing as "excluding/whitelisting" a trip from the SALT rotation. The fact Jim lied about this is the second biggest red flag next to the secret SALT rotation to begin with.

> why on earth would Q need to use TOR in the first place.
Why wouldn't he?  Maybe he wanted to use TOR.
> YOu guys really think a military operation would need to use TOR?
Who made TOR?
> As if they don not have there own backchannels to communicate.
That doesn't mean what you think it does.


I will have some appologizing to do

but in my obviously biased opinion that likelyhood is vanishingly small

if you want to CAP this 

I will absolutely appologize loudly if Dan posts the watermellon

inbreds try to 'create' a 'world' where inbreds don't have to commit suicide as the inbred judas. 

the 'world' for inbreds is a place where everyone is raped as a child but 'doesn't care' and get a dog to pick up dog shit until they meet someone who also 'doesn't care' and start a 'doesn't care' family that rapes their children to inbreed.

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that inbreed have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because inbreeds from inbreeding have instead an infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape as the 'creator' of the dog shit that is inbred jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because inbreeding = child rape and inbred jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with maxwells and epsteins because inbreeding = 'too inbred to care' inbreds unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus. 

it is impossible to 'outbreed' 'too inbred to care' as all inbreds have only the infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of 'too inbred to care' where all inbreds reside. 

drown all ((dogs))) as dogs are of the same incestuous child rape inbreeding demon as jews are from inbreeding and dogs are trying to 'have' the dog 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up dog shit until the dog is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a dog around children as all inbreds are pedophiles and can only try to make others 'too inbred to care' pedophiles unless drowned first. 

Never have children in the city as cities is strictly for adults!

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!
protect your children from degeneracy or your children will eventually kill themselves.

those that have 'sex as a child' are raped and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally that doesn't understand to commit suicide instead of 'normalizing' child rape.
those that have had 'sex with a child' are child rapists and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent 'normalization' of child rape.
those that are inbred never had Jesus as their soul because inbreds are a product of child rape and can only ever know being a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent further epsteins and maxwells eating and raping children. 

Ban genital mutilation of infants!
never promote bad behaviour
only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

    West Virginia (87.00%)     Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)
    Michigan (86.00%)            Mali (86.00%)	                   Kuwait (86.40%)
    Kentucky (85.00%)
    Nebraska (84.00%)
    Ohio (84.00%)                   Guinea (84.20%)	
    Indiana (83.00%)
    Iowa (82.00%)
    Wisconsin (82.00%)
    South Carolina (81.00%)   Bahrain (81.20%)
    Pennsylvania (79.00%)     French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour
only time to think
Ban genital mutilation of infants!

> You're a coward who's afraid to speak openly.
That's totally true and fine with me because I will be in the public square to speak, I want none of your fancy role play because all I want is a private life with my girlfriend and nothing else.


Sometimes a victim card will even get you your own country. A country you have no DNA ties to.

The non-semites become the semites.
The real semites become the non-semites.
Can propaganda and lies change bloodlines?
How would you be able to diminish the reality of Jesus over time? Get people to doubt?
"Control" of the Holyland?
God told the Angel to tell Jacob to name it "ISRAEL". Why not IS-REAL?
Spelling Matters.
Everything is not what it seems and what it seems is not everything.

infants getting their genitals mutilated world wide.
'tax payer approved' epstein child rape island and blackmailed 'us presidents'.  
child rapists dress up as 'women' to rape children while parents 'slave for shekels'.
endless wars for the inbreds of israel.

inbred shekelsgrabbers 'ask themselves' instead of as the inbred judas committing suicide to end the godless creatures from damaging more humans:
'can a videogame character…'

if she had only done just one more bicep curl in from of dateline, ah the mockery that is life alas.  Yeah that story is fake as shit. I am learning stuff right now about that entire thing.  Bitch never even had an abortion wtf

Sex rituals and fine wines: Inside alleged Cali cult the Fellowship of Friends
In a story that echoes the trial of NXIVM founder Keith Raniere, the new six-part Spotify podcast “Revelations” explores a California doomsday cult called the Fellowship of Friends. Jennings Brown, a Brooklyn-based investigative reporter, spent three years researching the group, visiting their Yuba County compound, Apollo, several times and speaking with ex-members who describe greed, hypocrisy and cruelty hidden beneath a veneer of intellectual and cultural refinement, spiced up with semi-regular predictions about the end of the world. Despite repeated allegations of abuse within the organization, it’s still up and running.


 “CONOP 8888,” or “Counter Zombie Dominance,” is dated April 2011.
“Zombies pose a threat to all non-zombie human life,” says CONOP8888. “[Strategic Command] will be prepared to preserve the sanctity of human life and conduct operations in support of any human population—including traditional adversaries.”



The anchor Tweet was simple: “Prepared for a #zombie apocalypse? If so, ur prepared for any emergency. Learn how: CDC PH Matters blog.” It went viral within 10 minutes. On just the first day, the Tweet, blog, and the web page had 200 million impressions. After a week, that number reached 3.3 billion. More importantly, people engaged in preparedness discussions on social media, and traffic to CDC’s Emergency Preparedness page increased 1,143% compared to the same date the previous year.

It was unconventional for a science-based organization to do something tongue in cheek, so what inspired this approach?  Catherine Jamal, who lead the project, calls it “social media listening.”  For one week, she and her team posted basic emergency preparedness facts on CDC’s Emergency Preparedness Twitter feed. Then they asked, “What are you preparing for?” And to their surprise, Jamal and her team noticed a trend in people listing the usual suspects – natural disasters, disease outbreaks, terror events—and a zombie apocalypse.

Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication is not just about feeding the public what you want to tell them. It’s also about listening to what they want to hear. Watching social media trends and engaging with your audience can help drive them to the important information you’re trying to communicate. CDC’s 2011 blog on Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse, and the zombie preparedness campaign that followed, brought readers to CDC’s Emergency Preparedness page at a time when the page was not getting a lot of traffic despite the valuable guidance included on how to prepare for any emergency.  Humor would not normally be appropriate during an emergency, but—per the CERC rhythmCdc-pdf’s preparedness phase—effective emergencies start with good planning.  In this case, our communication team realized that people were more interested in preparing for real-life emergencies if it also meant they’d be ready for a future (imaginary) zombie scare.

For more information on CERC visit our website and check out the CERC manual. You can also read previous CERC Corners.

Now you write clean, instead of 'clean'.
Why change it?
New meaning?

> a rouge global volunteer violating Q's private board by posting on it was surely a mistake 
Define mistake
So you think the GV posted in there by accident or erroneously?
To me it looks as if that post was done intentionally. The GV wanted to post in there.

In any case, removing evidence of that is not acceptable either. Do you know that Q knows about the "B" post? Maybe Q doesn't. If someone deletes it, Q will still think his private board was kept in tippy top condition and the B post never happened.


Afghanistan: Car bombing leaves several dead, wounded

A car carrying civilians was blown up in Ghani Khel district of Nangarhar province in eastern Afghanistan on Monday morning, causing deaths and injuries, local media reported.

The Bakhtar news agency said the exact number of victims is still unknown, adding that local security officials arrived on the scene and began investigating the incident.

Later, press sources said that at around nine o'clock, at least four people were killed and 28 others wounded when an explosive device planted on the side of the road exploded targeting a car belonging to the Taliban in Shergarh Bazar, Shinwari district, eastern Nangarhar province.

It is noteworthy that on Sunday, IS claimed responsibility for an attack on a Sikh temple in the Afghan capital, Kabul, which killed two people.

Since reclaiming power in the country in August 2021, the Taliban movement has been battling a local chapter of IS, which is believed to be responsible for the majority of terrorist attacks and bomb explosions in Afghanistan.




Aliweb is the worlds orlds oldest web browser est 1993.
Their were two Presidents in 1993
Pappy Bush & Slick Willy
Aliweb was last updated on
September 11 2001
Ali web was started by  Martijn Koster 
See the wiki pic for a small CV. 


> Sessions played dodgeball with the incoming Russia narrative(s) in order to focus on other things "in quiet".

AND/OR Military Intelligencewas already engaged

> SCI[F]

> [F]BI had a SCIF at Perkins Coie.

Anonymous   10/31/2017 23:00:15   ID: grTMpzrL
4chan/pol: 147433975
Image Name: Patriots.jpg
Filename: 1509505215390.jpg

Military Intelligence.
What is 'State Secrets' and how upheld in the SC?
What must be completed toengage MI over other (3) letter agencies? 

I have (3) small grandchildren with vaccine induced auto immune diseases and borderline Autism. The youngest only ever got the vitamin K shot at birth and even that, because they "injected it" into her had instant problems to this day.

But hey, it don't stop there.
The irony of it all….
Now they are taking down your PETS.
Dogs, cats.
Now, the families new young dog [less than 1 yr.old] suddenly gets very sick with very high fever [107]…rushed to vet, and $2500.00 later, prognosis from vet…
Your doggo has auto immune disease from VACCINATIONS.  It will run you about $100-$500 a month to keep him on the necessary meds and treatments  for life, or "put him down"…
I hate these basturds.
There is no hell deep enough for them.


President Trumps Full Speech at The Save America Rally in Mendon, IL 6/25/22


Dude…. Fuck off with the Salt rotation bullshit…

Your explanation has been so BTFO'd already it's not even funny.

Go jerk it in the corner or something. Wasting your seed into a sock would still be more beneficial than the time you waste here.


Airmen faced simulated realistic threats they could potentially encounter in combat, during exercise Red Flag-Alaska. The joint combat training involved 1,600 service members, three nations, and more than 70 supported aircraft from over 22 units.


holy sheeit man
that means i might have to talk to her
and it will always be my fault
waiting for her to leave.
will help her pack
the stupid mare
35 years of this female
you get less for murder
least anon managed to stop her from getting the jab, cos of her love for animals, she could not give a shit about people or children.

fwiw  news here reports USA is at $5/ LITRE !!! (yea MSM talk BS)

We are at $2.50 / litre (aka $10/gallon), so the USA has a ways to go yet.

Just imagine what happens to USA when fuel hits $10

> You were a tyrant and no one wanted you as BV anymoar.  Then you lost your power due to your own crews fuckup, yet have insisted that the board was stolen from you. 

And not just in here.

> You have been on a 6 month temper tantrum.

At least 6 months, maybe moar.

God's children live in abundance by rejecting the comfort of false riches of this world. God gives everything needed to pass through this realm in abundance to those that are obedient, moral and faithful to common sense ways of living in the light of God. America is a dream and an ideal at the local level that needs nothing more than a foreign trade consultant constituted in a small and limited Federal Government.

Anons are leading the World to realize that it can save itself by saving their local communities first and foremost. The greatness of America only works when powered by the greatness of a majority of great local communities. America wasn't built to service the District of Columbia. We're throwing that form of perverted governance off and re-constituting America as our Founding Fathers predicted we would be forced to do at some point.

Anons should take pride in that they are the generation chosen to fulfill this sacred duty of throwing off a compromised and corrupt government and re-constituting a government that greatly favors, by design, We, the People.

Odessa Texas is out of water in 102 degree weather

 Emergency declared as Texas city runs out of WATER amid 102 degree temperatures forcing hospitals to close: Brutal 'heat dome' settles over the Midwest and south with brutal heat expected for the next week
Odessa's authorities are scrambling to provide cases of bottled water as much of the sweltering city is without power, amid 100 degree heat
The water main burst on Tuesday morning, and emergency crews are struggling to repair it, with state officials helping distribute bottled water
In Ohio, 230,000 people were without power - including 169,000 in the state capital, Columbus - due to an over-stretched grid and severe storms
On Monday night, parts of the midwest were buffeted by strong winds which ripped up trees in Chicago and saw people scurrying to their basements
Record temperatures, meanwhile, have been recorded in cities including St Louis, Missouri; North Platte, Nebraska; and Nashville, Tennessee - with some cities breaking records set in the 1950s
The hot weather, caused by a high pressure 'heat dome' preventing the radiation from escaping, is expected to continue for several days 
June 15, 2022

"On Monday night into Tuesday, 125 million people - a third of the population - were under heat alerts across much of the central and eastern states. 

Cities such as Tulsa, Memphis, St. Louis, Minneapolis, Cincinnati, Raleigh and Charlotte were all under the heat warnings.

Chicago residents on Monday fled to their basements and nearby shelters when a surprise tornado ripped through the city as it experienced 100F weather for the first time in a decade. "



Previously Collected

General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq
TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/


Teach your kids the way you want, when you want, how you want.
Get your kids out of the Brainwashing institutions called Public Schools. 
Public Schools are prisons for children.
























































handoff confirmed
standby for updated DOUGH

> I couldn't care less
Yes, it's very obvious that you think Jim handled Q's private board fuckery perfectly.
Because on QResearch JimWorship he can do no wrong in your view.
Never mind the clear past history in the Q drops that show what Q both thinks and does when he encounters board fuckery like that.

Why is the murder of Grabbay Tit-to-pet by Brain Relawned back in the news?  Just as a reminder to keep us faux cussed on? I don't know how I didn't go mad back in the day when I believed any of this nonsense.

Expert: Reports of Two and Three-Year-Old Children Having Seizures — But Only in Vaccinated Children

As the Gateway Pundit reported earlier, the most recent data from the CDC shows that U.S. millennials, aged 25-44, experienced a record-setting 84% increase in excess mortality during the final four months of 2021, according to the analysis of financial expert and Blackrock whistleblower, Edward Dowd, who appeared on Steve Bannon’s War Room this week to discuss his findings.

Dowd, with the assistance of an unnamed “insurance industry expert,” compiled data from the CDC showing that, in just the second half of 2021, the total number of excess deaths for millennials was higher than the number of Americans who died in the entirety of the Vietnam War. Between August and December, there were over 61,000 deaths in this age group, compared to 58,000 over the course of 10 years in Vietnam.

In all, excess death among those who are traditionally the healthiest Americans is up by an astonishing 84%.

Noted Covid critic Steve Kirsch checked and verified Dowd’s findings after he presented them to War Room. In his follow-up analysis, Kirsch provided several supporting pieces of evidence that validate Dowd’s findings, including data from the Federal Government and the UK.

The data seems to check out across the board. Kirsch even concludes that the excess deaths aren’t being caused by Covid, so, the vaccines are the most likely culprit for the increases.

This weekend Steve Kirsch posted the latest information on COVID vaccinations for young children.

Healthy children have nearly a zero percent chance of severe complications from the COVID virus but medical elites in the country want to administer their experimental vaccine to them anyway.

Whatever happened to, ‘first do no harm?’

We are already seeing a rash of complications in small children from this dangerous decision.

Steve Kirsch reported:

    Doctors are mystified by a rash of seizures, rashes, etc. happening to 2 and 3-year-old kids.

    The only thing these kids have in common is that they were given the COVID vaccine just days earlier (two to five days earlier).

    The doctors cannot figure out what is causing the seizures (since it couldn’t be the vaccine since those are safe and effective). The medical staff is not permitted to talk about the cases to the press or on social media or they will be fired.

    One nurse posted something to the effect of “how is this legal????” I had to paraphrase to protect the poster.

    This is why you are hearing these reports from me. They can’t fire me.

    There is nothing on the mainstream media about this since the nurses and doctors aren’t allowed to talk about it.



he was mocking the storm MIKE! the shooter did that so it would make YOUR faggot headlines
you retard

he clearly is antifa or ms13 friendly
MAGA do not have giant ROSE tattoos
you may want to learn and look into what that huge red rose symbolizes
just like the plaid shirt guy that got kicked out of rally early on

mike roth is a fag
and talks out of his ass to dumb p[eple who still dont do their own research

he is a paid liar and propagandist

Trump speech Saturday in Mendon, IL

Today a train derails in Mendon, MO killing 50.

Odd synchronicity


Gee I wonder if any spies surround like sycophants and exert pressure until administration is compromised.
You think that's a common subversion protocol? Do you think it would be really stupid to rely on admin to prove identity when there exists a protocol that does not depend on an admin who says they have no idea how tripcodes work?

> the "Q" post smearing watkins are sudden;y being memed and included in with a zero delta post?
they are being included because they called out the PROOF and the PERSON WITH WHOM it would be with

Proof incomming=

Q Delta [0]=  >>/52/
DJT Delta [0]= https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/108558738138878885
Q requesting proof created =  >>/52/
Q pointing to exact delta timestamp =  >>/52/

Reeepost pedovore alert

NPR is a known evil nest of subversive satanic pedos. 

One of their pedo producersPAULA POUNDSTONEwas arrested on a public street in Santa Monica, drunk, in daylight, having oral sex with her minor foster child in the back of her car.



This pedovore cultist "P.P" not only got away with a slap on the wrist, community-service-sentence, she retained custody of her minor foster children  and  she was subsequently whitewashed by and hired as a performer and producer by the fulminant pedovores running NPR.

The female cop who arrested her? She was forced off the department. 

> The 41-year-old standup comic was sentenced to five-years probation for child abuse and infliction of injury upon a child. She was also ordered to serve six months in an alcohol and rehabilitation facility



Did it pass into law?

Or was it proposed and rejected?
Was it passed into law cunt? Because you clearly stated it was Jewish Laws.

This never became law it was PROPOSED and REJECTED.

You nasty sophist gusset stain. Fuck off back to Langley and tell them you need new material .

> Microsoft
>  Apple Mac

Maybe we're going back to the more primitive ways of the abacus, paper charts and graphs, measuring with scales and wooden rulers, and counting on our fingers. I'm just waiting for the cyber attacks part of the movie to come along.


War Room: Official Telegram Channel, [09.06.22 16:06]

FDA Sued Over Hiding Records From Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Approval.

> And something has been after me. 
> I can’t explain it. 
> It is out of my realm of understanding. 
> I’m so lost right now. 
> I’ve been lost for two years. 
> Trying to figure out how my devices can be hacked. 
> And I can have audibles in my home. 
> But, barely. 
> Like barely audibles coming into my home you know saying things. 
> And they’re directional. 
> I mean it’s barely audible. 
> It’s not something in my head. 
> It’s barely audible. 
> It’s a noise. 
> It’s a sound.
> And I said over and over and I know they can hear me. 
> Because they can hear me and they’ll respond.

Consistent with Nicholas Cruz interview and Buffalo shooter's diary.
Voice-to-Skull or interdimensionals?
Until we run this down we do not understand the phenomenon of mass shootings.


I have tested positive for COVID-19 and am experiencing mild symptoms. I plan to work remotely while isolating according to CDC guidelines, and look forward to when I can safely return to the office and the road.

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