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Rusty have ideas but not the times or resources to go through with them, Jumbo have no ideas but he live in his moms basement and get handout money.
Too bad they hate each other, they'd have made a good team.
> "Rusty is notorious for getting angry at literally anyone in the fandom" 
> show the time he left because the dollar store Mexican got mad at him for not hating porn
Show the rest of the conversation please, it's hilarious
Funny thing is I would've stopped posting in these parts a long time ago if you weren't playing the weird games with me that you do to try and push me out. Especially reichs. I mainly stay just to remind you that you can't make me do anything I don't want to do, and you're stuck in these places seething about people better than you
so now TWO sites, this and to log peoples IPs. Guy has enough blackmail on people to be his own government agency
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Cope harder fatty, nobody wants a generic, uninspired am*rican accent. Stick with your coalburner OC and let the true Avery appreciators come forth

Sexy + French + tombot = diamonds
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Ok ok, new backstory for Avery: Avery and her 'batch' of sisters were originally built and trained by Sterling with the intention of being exported to a Francophone country, hence the accent, but an administrative error leads to her instead being sent to the American market, where her new owners and young Anon like her 'defective' funny accent and behaviour and decide to keep her. The little bit of established lore she already has, like tomboyification, hair and freckles, grooming underage Anon and dating him etc, carries on as normal.
Although multi-lingual like all Nandroids, Avery is versed in and has preference for French and Belgian dialects, cuisine and figures of speech, though 11+ years of living in America has noticably influenced her in all those categories.
This opens up new avenues of Avery lore and content, actually makes her somewhat unique as a Nandroid, and can also explain personality wise why she's more laid back and 'loose' than her refined, uptight Anglosphere peers

Of course, this is all pointless because true Avery is dead (2020-2022 RIP) and everyone has moved on.
> rusty is still failing miserably at making a booru run
lmao even
total jumbo victory yet again
Error while creating thumbnail: Resizing image with command convert -auto-orient -strip png:"/tmp/phpvUNHTo[0]" -thumbnail 192x192 -background "#000000" -flatten -quality 75 jpg:"data/thumbs/00/00d72fcda652ce1e62c4310e7145a845" 2>&1, returns 1, outputting convert: unable to open image 'png:/tmp/phpvUNHTo[0]': No such file or directory @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/3571.
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convert: no images defined `jpg:data/thumbs/00/00d72fcda652ce1e62c4310e7145a845' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3362.
And he's still not getting what the actual problem is
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um jpg
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Franny, do you know where the twins are? It's almost dinner time and I haven't seen them since they came home from school.

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