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I didn't know someone reposted my issues on there, but I just used another option to make the thumbnails (GD instead of imagemagic). Seems to have issues with videos so I'll be giving a try to what you linked.

Honestly I'm just trying to figure out what the fuck I'm even doing beyond the very basics for now, so I can actually do something middle/long term that isn't just slapping a premade program on a server. But I have limited time to get anything done and the only computer I can spare to test this on for now is a fucking optiplex tower with a dual core from 2007 and 3gb of ram.
Upside is that if whatever I try work on it, It'll work on anything.

If anyone else noticed the old booru is giving 503 errors, I hope someone else is scrapping the pictures because I'm not sure I'm doing it properly on my end
No can do, that one's out of his hands. Those kinds of booru are hosted on a free domain, all run by the ones behind gelbooru (from my understanding) but it's been completely abandoned for years. It's finally starting to fall apart from lack of maintenance.
You're basically asking the admin of a facebook meme page to fix up the facebook servers
post pics
> Total Molly Death
shit taste
thanks for the follow up, if you're not too strapped for cash you could always get one of these bad boys.
I run headless virtual machine and game servers like Stardew valley and Starbound on one with a similar model and all you may wanna do is replace the storage drive, copying it over with clonezilla.
Or maybe less work with this slightly less compact model with higher initial storage.

I have experience manually setting up Apache servers for owncloud and nextcloud sometimes with symbolic links to trick them into saving and loading the cloud files on an external USB drive if you need some help. Just point me towards the software you're trying to set up.
thumbnail of output.webm
thumbnail of output.webm
output webm
(676.19 KB, 1280x720 vp9)
"Sir I... don't quite know what to make of it. Sometimes when I'm in my chair I don't see memories. I see something else. Something akin to a forest. The trees are like a wall with crude paint on them, or poles jutting from the ground. Sometimes I see something but I don't know who it is, and he..."
On the outskirts of the quaint little town of Amherst, Ohio, nestled among whispering trees and winding lanes, dwells a rickety old house down a forgotten neighbourhood. In that house's basement, lurks the King of the Emmy community. With jet black hair and beady eyes, he eagerly pulls the strings on every happening that takes place within. His need to control, to dominate, to gain the approval of his Molly tulpa, manifests itself in the infiltration and creation of niche offshoots to populate with his sychophants and groomed children. Waiting in the wings for Dominic to stumble and relinquish the rights to the comic for a small fee, and ready to fight and exclude those who would oppose him, the fate of the Emmy fanbase hangs in a tender balance
Reich casually threw the shrunken Rusty into the air, playfully catching him before tossing him upwards again, often letting him fall onto his big, hairy belly, even prodding him into his belly button, then pulling him and occasionally some fluff out to start all over again as Rusty clung on for dear life. The screams of terror from the impudent little foreigner give him great satisfaction. After entertaining himself for ten minutes or so, he then pulled his pants down, revealing a thick, circumsised cock, a depressingly ever present reminder of the Zionist occupation of his great nation and race, and lowered Rusty to it, the tiny screams of 'NON! NON, JE VOUS EN SUPPLIE, NON!' as his little arms and legs waved furiously aroused him greatly.

Rusty screamed even louder as the horrific cock rushed forwards and smacked into him with some force, dazing him slightly. He threw his trembling hands against the mutilated, smegma coated penis tip and pushed back with all his might, but there was never a hope in hell of resisting what was to come next.
His curly hair slid in first, tickling Reich's slit tortuously before his head slipped inside, the loud screams suddenly muffled. Reich's nostrils flared as his chest rose and fell rapidly with pain and pleasure. Slowly, Rusty was pushed fully into his cock. He could feel him struggling inside as his knob twitched and tingled with every movement, making him grunt in satisfaction. He touched the little bulge and watched it wriggle in response to the contact and smirked. He then spent a few minutes carefully prodding and squeezing Rusty down to the base of the shaft and into his scrotum. He then started stroking his cock, focusing on what he must be feeling right now. He also thought about how angry Rusty had made him over the years, mocking and challenging him in both the threads and the Discords, disrespecting his beautiful Aryan tombot waifu, and simply the fact he was one of those awful, arrogant eur*peans who undeservedly looked down upon his great nation. This was righteous payback, years in the making.

He sat down, clicked the /pol/ thumbnail and quickly made a thinly veiled Nandroid thread, the third one today. He began edging while bumping the thread endlessly with images of Yukio accompanied by long, poorly punctuated bile against both trans and biological women as the feeling of naughty, forbidden tickles from Rusty desperately trying to escape his new, foul smelling prison intensified.
After an hour or so, he didn't keep track, he then quickened his masterbation, turned on by the idea of Rusty being shaken to and fro by the rapid movements ,and, as his balls slowly retracted towards his torso in anticipation of the climax, how crushingly claustrophobic it must be in there. After a few minutes of great pleasure, his cock shuddered and shot thick ropes over the cheap carpet in front of his computer. He moaned loudly in the dim trailer, thinking he could hear noises coming from his sweaty sack. He sat back down, shrinking dick in hand, and started fingering his balls, eagerly searching for the aspiring writer and landlord within. He found him, curled in the fetal position, his tiny form trembling delightfully against his mass.

He snorted, lightly patting his drained balls, feeling the vibrations of more muffled, high pitched screaming from his nuts in such a satisfying way. He decided Rusty would remain there for a few days, to think about what he had done, blatantly disrespecting an Aryan Warrior like he had for so many years.

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