Not here to start shit, I just want to ensure we have clear understanding so everyone can be happy and understand what is allowed and what is not.
First of all, from the Endchan site-wide rules, stating "Loli is ok" clearly defines all loli hentai as safe to be posted.
It says nothing about "erotic-cute" (which is highly subjective imo), or specific types of such content not being allowed. My point is, if we're going to have rules, just please be consistent and ensure there is a clear understanding.
Secondly, there are already two boards in existence (for some time) on Endchan that have not seemed to have issues, >>>/loli/ and >>>/lolicon/ and I'm sure loli hentai gets posted randomly throughout other boards on here.
That being said, please read below before commenting on anything above.
Essentially from what I gather, according to Wikipedia, it seems like it shouldn't be an issue as long as it is clearly fictional. However I'm not a lawyer.
So, first please don't quote me as I'm not a lawyer or anything. You mentioned Wikipedia, so that's what I'm using.
From my personal understanding, loli hentai is legal in the US as long as it is clearly fictional (see below).
So there shouldn't be issues.
> Fictional child nudity and erotica is protected as artwork under freedom of expression
> USA - Blue (Real cp is illegal)
If it was purple, then there'd be an issue.
> These (blue) legislations generally allow fictional child pornography, but may still prohibit it under certain circumstances, such as when the material is judged too "realistic" or if the experiences of a real child were in any way used for manufacture.
So all in all, I don't see any issues with loli hentai being posted here in terms of legality (USA), it shouldn't matter if they're having intercourse, or what is showing, or not, as long as it's clearly fictional.
Many other sites hosting that content have not had issues (besides community debates on removing it or not due to it being taboo, but not legal issues unless there is actual cp being posted alongside which would definitely be an issue). Don't quote me, this is just what I gather.
It seems like we should be okay with loli hentai though, would appreciate the admin word on saying it's cleared if it's agreed upon. There'd also be no need to change any of the rules on the front page.
Any questions let me know. Thanks.