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thumbnail of 1803.04683.pdf
thumbnail of 1803.04683.pdf
1803.04683 pdf
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thumbnail of High-Quality-Infrared-Led-Light-Hats-Blank.jpg
thumbnail of High-Quality-Infrared-Led-Light-Hats-Blank.jpg
High-Quality-Infrared... jpg
(222.39 KB, 750x750)
Lets talk tech rebellion.

An umbrella hides your face from street cameras and IR leds in a cap will obscure your face from night cameras. A friend of mine has one of these wired caps. I was thinking such an idea could be adapted to glasses.

In addition, latest research suggests facial recognition can be fooled using lighting projected at the face.
ive considered stuff like this before, like to hide from security cameras and things like that. pretty excellent ideas.

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