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Depopulation is the only way. 
Man is divine in that we overpower nature. 
Domestication of humans is obviously the only outcome, it's what we do. 
90% of the cattle are pie filler and dog food, they were just taking up space and are a gross deficit. The social amenities to keep them secure and docile cost more than what they produce. 
You know what pig farmers do when the piggery goes bust?
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The niggers need some mass depopulation
But try to guess why depopulation is always only about people of european origin
There's been an active effort to 'depopulate' Nigeria for years with a 1% decrease in the birth rate per year for a bit.
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it's a coencidence that all the parts contributing to depopulation (feminism, faggotry, mass migration) are also claimed to be part of jewish identity
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The american usa government uses depopulation to keep their vassal nations (europe) under control, and to turn their vassals into copies of usa, full of niggers and mutts  >>/23/
The jews use depopulation to genocide the original people of europe in the specific, on a religious basis  >>/553/
The british anglojews of the Fabian Society and other rotting leftovers of the british empire, are still trying to use depopulation to create their world government of orwellian+huxley slavery  >>/210/

Europe is the most targeted from all 3 sides, getting genocided from multiple directions at once
The nations of Europe are getting genocided by the united states government, by the anti-germanic, slavic or mediterranea jews, by the faggy anglojews
Japan is indirectly getting hit too by the depopulation agenda, mostly from being an occupied nation by usa, the same as the germanic, slavic or mediterranea nations
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1) women are healtly fertile between 18-35 years (18 for social convention, biologically it's from 14 years)
2) women start to gradually lose fertility from 35 years, and are almost infertile by 40 years
3) to maintain a stable population, in normal settings, each woman should aim to have at least 3 kids (anything less than 3 kids each woman, means loss of population between generations)
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Also generally, kids born from younger mothers are more healthy and with less defects than childs born from older mothers (where "young" is meant as younger than 35 years, and "old" is older than 35 years)
> We find that offspring born to mothers younger than age 25 or older than 35 have worse outcomes with respect to mortality, self-rated health, height, obesity, and the number of diagnosed conditions than those born to mothers aged 25–34. 

yooo bosss


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