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thumbnail of stupid bots 2.jpg
thumbnail of stupid bots 2.jpg
stupid bots 2 jpg
(133.95 KB, 989x578)
The following dumps are very similar in theme, but to differentiete them.
Manipulation dump: the theory used as basis by hostile agents to subvert and deceive entire societies, and the employers of the agents, and the mass medias used to manipulate  >>/50/
Surveillance dump: the practical gathering of informations and spying done by hostile agents to keep societies subdued  >>/1191/
Glownigger dump: the practical infiltration and manipulation of societies done by hostile agents  >>/13/
I'll be away for some time, so to avoid any sudden mass slide (it should be unlikely to happen anyway) I've pinned all the dumps of some value, regular thread making is still enabled as usual.

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thumbnail of 1695279541302613.jpg
1695279541302613 jpg
(95.01 KB, 1013x537)
Dump anything about the planned discouragement of natality, about the mass migration to fill the artificially created low natality, and counters to both
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