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thumbnail of Christ the king.jpg
thumbnail of Christ the king.jpg
Christ the king jpg
(355.65 KB, 720x892)

thumbnail of Disputation of Holy Sacrament.jpg
thumbnail of Disputation of Holy Sacrament.jpg
Disputation of Holy... jpg
(2.1 MB, 2500x1802)
The current most controversial dumps on the board, according to shill reactions, are: depopulation dump, christianity(holy) dump

Remember what is the aim of the porn spammers, their aim is to pollute your mind with trash images, to fill a person with so much mental trash the person becomes trash himself.
To defend against mental trash, the best way is to have control over what you let inside your mind, and in turn, to willingly fill your mind instead with everything beautiful and good there is in the world, that way you will eventually become beautiful and good too, and the beauty will push away the trash, not letting any room for trash to enter again.
Said the same in a christian context, the aim of the demons is to tempt, by filling a person with evil throughts, as to corrupt the creatures of God which were created to strive to be good. The demons take advantage of the emptiness in the human lives, and the demons fill that human emptiness with any corruption and abomination, never truly resolving human emptiness because there is no substance in evil, evil can't truly fill anything, but only God in its holy and infinite nature can fulfill human emptiness and also chase away all evil, because God and the goodness which comes from God are the only true substances of reality.

So if you see someone doing the works of the devil, dump lots of good and sacred stuff on them, if they are human they may be cured and freed from their evil, since they are the most miserable creatures to exist by serving the devil, if instead they are not human they may just be chased away by the glory of God.
The devils are made of falsity and malice, the devils fear nothing more than truth and benevolence, because truth and benevolence go completely counter to the demons existence.

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