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(179.9 KB, 980x532)
Maybe next time the focus should be on exterminating the satanic witches instead
just for a change of pace
see how the fags will devolve next with a male skewed population instead of a female skewed population
thumbnail of get a load of this.png
thumbnail of get a load of this.png
get a load of this png
(827.55 KB, 1211x1121)
So get a load of this.
The anglos are scared shitless of germany and russia allying together, because, the anglos say, together germany and russia are too powerfull and unstoppable.  >>/211/  >>/627/  >>/629/
The jews are scared of the roman empire and germany to ally together, because, the jews say, together rome and germany are too powerful.  >>/1404/
All I'm getting out of this is that the anglojews  >>/556/ really hate the germans.

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