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.الحياة عامله زي الخيارة، يوم في إيدك و يوم في طيزك

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في الثريد ده كل واحد هيبتدع طرق جديدة تخرجنا من الوحدة والروتين الممل اللي عايشين فيه خاصة الانونز اللي عايشين لوحدهم
> جاتلي فكرة امبارح اسأل على اساتذة بتدي دروس خصوصية لثانوية عامة وانا اساسا في تالتة كلية بس عشان اىجع افتكر ايام حلوة واجيب لنفسي فرص جديدة اتواصل فيها مع اولاد من سني او اصغر بحيث تبقى فيه بيئة مناسبة انشئ فيها صداقات جديدة وبفكر اجيب كتاب رياضة مثلا واخد درس عند مدرس رياضة وهتبقى حاجة مسلية وجديدة وبتضيع وقت

شير يا انونز خليها سنة مختلفة

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... خلينا نبدأ ب إن ف العادى أنا مش انسان منعزل او إنطوائى او مغرور... ، بالعكس انا شايف نفسى ناجح ف حياتى عموما و تنافسى لدرجة بعيدة ، نبدأ بالكلية...
ال mindset بتاعت الناس أللى عندى ف الكلية بس ، عندى ال community ده قايم ع الطبقية بمنتهى الإمانة أنا ف سنة ٣ و لسه لحد دلوقتي معنديش صحاب ف الكلية... هما حتى محدش ادانى فرصة اصاحبه عشان يحكمو عليا... بس الناس هناك رفضينك أصلا كونك مختلف عنهم ، الموضوع ده كان مأثر فيا لدرجة انى كان فيه محاولة انتحار السنة إللي فاتت 💔 ، قولت مش مشكلة اركز انا عندى صحاب كتير أصلا فى كل حتة تانية و ده يعكس كلامى اللى فوق انى مش شخص تقيل ع حد.. المهم قولت أركز فى انى أعمل career و ابدا شغل. و مزاكرة online الحمد إشتغلت ف ٣ شركات و بالنسبة لحد صغير الناس كانت بتنبهر بيا كون حد صغير ف السن ده و عنده ال experience و ال mindset ديه و محدش بلا استثناء مقاليش " بص يا أبنى انت هتبقى حاجة كبيرة ف المستقبل" اخر شغل لسه سايبة امبارح سايبة و أنا top achiever , man of the month سيبه و أنا جايلى ترقية بعد ٣ أسابيع شغل بس بسبب الكلية و ان فيها حضور
النهارده رجعت للخرا الكلية قاعد لوحدى ف المحاضرات ، أهلى بيدفعو فلوس كتير ع الكلية و الكلية مفيهاش بنشات محترمة و القاعة شغالة ع مروحة واحدة ، رجعت تانى للدكاترة أللى بتقرا ال slides و مفيش knowledge base محترمة تقدر تخليك مؤهل إنك تتخرج تشتغل حاجة محترمة ، راجع من غير صحاب بعد ما كان كل الناس فى مبنى الشركة حرفيا المبنى كلها عارفنى. و أنا بكره اكون لوحدى ف مكان أصلا و ده غير عادتي
كل أللى طالبه نصايح إزاى أعدى الفترة دي حاسس انى عاوز أعمل ف نفسى حاجة ؟🙂🙂

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هستخدم ثريد الاولد فاجز البضان اللي ملهوش لازمة دة علشان اسأل، هو مواقع البورن بتتحجب يا انون؟ المواقع مبتشتغلش كويس نهائي وكل شوية تفصل مني وسعات ال HTML بس هي الي بتظهر
لازم استخدم في بي ان علشان يشتغل عادي دلوقتي

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Because we're going no where like this i think we have to bring back "forbidden content" . 
i wanted to delete the folder just before the crisis happened but i think that has to wait for now.
انا للأسف مضطر استحمل الخول اللي هيسأل على أمي تاني
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my whitey habibi 

IQ is irrelevant.
Intelligence is much more related to environmental factors. Studies looking for genetic links to intelligence have largely failed. The closest they've come is a very weak statement, like "These 5 genes (at once) are associated with +2 IQ points". i.e IQ is a myth, it does not measure intelligence

There's no such a thing as a genetically inferior "Race", race is a sociological classification.  race is a societal construct, not a biological one. There are culturally inferior races but not genetically inferior races.

The idea that intelligence is MAINLY related to genetics is pseudoscienctific

> but anon, phenotype is not sociology.
Grouping based on a culture's traditional interpretation of phenotype is sociological.

watch this to get a better insight into what I am talking about https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyVghncmfCibQ1kgPyQEuRfb2V8qQHP_B&app=desktop

Now my argument goes:
> The higher the level of education, the higher the IQ and vice versa
> Countries/groups with shit cultures, with/or suffer from corrupt politics and governments, bad economics, bad environments and bad sociological factors tend to have low IQ results (because people living under these conditions tend to lose interest in education or don't receive good education at all)
> Countries/groups living under good sociological conditions and in good environments, living with good culture, and living under noncorrupt politics i.e don't suffer from corrupt politics tend to receive good education, thus score high on IQ tests.
> Therefore; Good education is the result of non corrupt governments and politics
> Therefore; if a group receives good education/have any interest in education (culture and sociology play a role in the interest) will score high on IQ tests
> Therefore; IQ is related to politics, culture, environment, and sociology, not genetics. (pic related)

And again, Asians score higher than the whites on IQ tests; therefore your claim about being genetically superior falls apart. Beat it whitey, you're not superior. (ofc I am speaking as if IQ is even an accurate measurement of intelligence)

Intelligence is just so complex to be quantified into numbers or measured, IQ is a myth. 

85 IQ (average IQ of Egyptians) is not = low intelligence, it's = low level of education (which is the result of corrupt politics, governments, and leaders). And non-interest in education is the result of sociological and cultural factors.

IQ doesn't explain how a bunch of supposedly "low intelligent" half naked men could build something so complex as The Pyramids Of Giza with primitive tools?

It doesn't explain how The Greeks could build something like The Colossus Of Rhodes when they're supposed to be of "below average intelligence i.e low intelligence" because they have an average IQ of 95? (OH, Greece has an average IQ of 95 {pic related} i.e below average/low, and that proves that the whites are not actually genetically superior or intelligent {according to your idea that IQ is an accurate measurement of intelligence} since they have the tendency to score below the average on IQ tests. Now back to the main point)

I'll continue in a different reply

The Ancient Egyptians and Greeks built lots of huge decently engineered structures and a lot of other clever shit as well. imo their levels of intelligence could surpass modern levels of intelligence.
The Egyptians and The Greeks invented mathematics, logic, and lots of different approaches to philosophy that r easily equivalent to many things we have today.

these niggas are considered of below average intelligence based on controversial uncredible modern means of intelligence measurement when they're actually not. Therefore; Modern means of Intelligence measurement (IQ) are not accurate.

How are they of below average intelligence when they were able to do all of this with primitive shit? 

Sociological factors, culture, environment, politics, and access to education play the main role in intelligence, not genetics (pic related)
IQ fails to measure things like creativity intelligence, curiosity intelligence, and social intelligence, etc..
IQ is irrelevant, IQ is ahistorical. Period.
/pol/ believes in pseudoscience https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_racism

oh and btw, that map you posted is the world distribution of INDIGENOUS people. GG WP

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