/fit/ - Fitness, Health, & Feels

We're all gonna make it.

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Hello to anyone who might still be lurking on this board. Seeing as /fit/ is essentially dead here I thought I might take over and give it a go, so here I am.

I'm thinking of cutting the catalog size down quite a bit to ensure more interaction between users rather than having posts spread across many threads. Probably like 25 threads at most. Maybe even 10, or less. 

I'm also making a captcha necessary per post. I feel that the non-botnet captcha here is not a big deal in terms of posting. If anyone reads this and feels otherwise feel free to let me know in this thread.

You may also email me at [email protected]. 

I think my job now is to:

1. Clean up the board a little bit
2. Compile data and images from threads currently on the catalog and try to put them into a more comprehensive sticky thread
3. shill this board to see if I can attract users.

In addition to this I think a cyclical "talk" thread may be a good idea.

I'm pretty sure nobody is here anyway, but if you are give me some feedback and stick around, hopefully we can get something good going here.
Greetings, /fit/izens, and welcome to /fit/. Do you even lift? If not, please read the rules first: https://endchan.xyz/fit/rules.html and you too can have a natty physique, and get all the grills like me.

Basic info on proven, effective exercise routines, diet, losing or gaining weight and supplements: http://simplesciencefitness.com/


Library of exercises and proper form: http://exrx.net/Exercise.html

Sleep Guide: http://pastebin.com/3dddYgvq (The information under "Best Sleeping Positions" is questionable)

You're gonna make it.

Lastly, to the person that saged this thread immediately after it was posted; Jeff I know it's you. Your deadlift form is whack. Le cookies are ready, bitch. Jeff pls go.
In an effort to be the change I want to see (and mostly to archive shit) I'm gonna use this thread to post /fit/ related resources occasionally. Feel free to contribute, or don't. I train like an autist and get in to some pretty retarded shit, so some of it is going to be "out there," so to speak.
How do we revive /fit/?

My Pal from Boardwalk Empire talks losing weight, directing other actors, fake writers, her Podcast "Who's Dat Phat Girl , and especially what the "regular" doody is for healthy folks!

Watch & Subscribe 



⤴️HERE ⤴️
what do you think about this?
i've moved a lot in the past two or three years and have gotten used to bodyweight fitness-maintenance, most efficient being the following exercises 

> decline, diamond pushups
> decline planks
> squats
> two chair, legs forward dips

i'll try out basic chair dips and maybe ?situps? and report back
/fit/ness dick in your mouth lmao
==Analyzing sports science for the layman.==
Full posts to come, I plan on making original oekaki diagrams this time around. Hope people enjoy it.
[spoiler]rip 76/fit/[/spoiler]
how was your day kings? hit any new PRs? how was gym too?
> shamelessly copying from the old /SIG/ pastebin...

/SIG/ Self Improvement General.
How have you improved yourself this week/month/year? Lifting isn't life, a well-balanced human being is productive, has hobbies, pushes him/herself to succeed, is charismatic, and strives to live the best life they can. Share your successes, failures, methods, and everything in between.
The sticky is divided like so:
> Recommended Readings.
> Some tips to get your life back on track.
> Study and Career.
> To-do list habit.rpg (If you’re TOTALLY Lost. Start with this one)
> Focus and meditation
> Finance
Basic Recommendations:
> Have a productivity Framework that is flexible. A mindset that gets you going.
> Use a calendar, like google calendar. Hours and shit for things YOU WILL DO.
> Learn to focus.
> Meditate.
> Do routines for things you should do periodically/daily, this should cover daily things or weekly  chores such as laundry, cleaning, shopping.
> Identify and Eliminate conflicts within yourself.
> Focus on identifying the time wasters in your life and eliminate them.
> Focus on the essentials. If you try to do everything at once you’ll burnout. Little by little.
> This is a good ‘sticky’ for self-development
> This one is a good blog for resources of this kind. I’ve seen annons give good feedback.
> If you think there is material that should be added (Or taken off). Please say so.
> There is no central authority for the /SIG/, everyone could copy, modify and upload the info here in a latter post.
> To future curators of the /SIG/. Stray away from PUA, and avoid Fedora stuff please.
> If you try monetizing with this, I’ll cut you.
> I’m looking to expand the ‘how to focus’ Area. If you believe you can help out/have tips. Please share.
——————recommended readings
Material reading can be tricky. There will be trash here and there as we're not /lit/.
But we have to trust others.
Image related has a detailed list that an Annon provided on a thread a while back. If you got time to kill, click on the image, and read the descriptions
As time goes, the /SIG/ has had a couple of books recommended. I’ve done my best to try to get talks of the authors of such books so you can get a ‘piece’ before you commit.
Google a bit about the book, if you think you can get something out of it, watch the talk.
In my opinion, try getting the books “for free”.
If you read it and get something out of it, consider paying for the book.
> Michael Mauboussin, "The Success Equation”
> Quiet: The power of Introverts
> The Brain That Changes Itself - Norman Doidge
> Antifragile - Nassim Taleb
> One Small Step Can Change Your Life: The Kaizen Way - Robert Maurer
> Mentally Tough - James E. Loehr & Peter J. McLaughlin
> Practicing the Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle
>  http://pastebin.com/x7BbYimv
Reading material needs to be added/edited
The Way of The Seal
The Code of the Warrior - Rick Fields
The Story of Civilization - Will Durant
The Story of Philosophy - WIll Durant
Starship Troopers - Robert Heinlein 1959 (actually has a lot of really powerful character building stuff in there)
Bravo Two Zero - Andy McNab
Immediate Action - ^
Seven Troop - ^
Also, Project Gutenberg has Thousands of free books.
You could do lot worse than browsing their top 100
———————Life under your control
> Freedom is having control of your life
You should at least have 3 hobbies/activities.
-One that will pay the bills, gets food on your table
-One that will keep you in shape. (lower you faggot)
-One that you're passionate about and might be able to develop into a career.
If you're into lifting, taki

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