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Di ladang hijau tumbuhlah ganja,
Di bawah sinar mentari yang bersinar cerah.
Daunnya yang hijau, menggoda mata,
Namun dalam kebijakan, ia terlarang, sebuah pertanyaan besar.

Dalam kerinduan akan kenyamanan dan ketenangan,
Ganja datang sebagai teman, memberi solusi dengan sederhana.
Menghilangkan beban, meredakan ketegangan,
Tapi hukum berkata tak, dalam keheningan yang menggema.
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ya emang legal kan? Buat medis, bukan rekreasi
lu klo udah ngerasa pen nabrakin diri ke kereta di rel rute Palmerah - kebayoran. Coba aja ke psikiater. Antara lu di kasih THC atau ya bentuk obat antidepressan lainnya

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Aku mau curhat wan, tolong dengerin baek-baek ya wan.


a. Circle Jerk

Aku bosen nongkrong di reddit (r/indonesia) karena secara keseluruhan baik dari reddit general maupun sub reddit lokal masih banyak budaya circlejerk-nya. Kek apa ya wan, aku suka sih sebenernya lihat orang-orang beragumen di internet. Tapi kurang puas aja kalo di reddit tuh gak bisa sebrutal dan setranspran di 4chan. Kita cuma membaca dan mendengar argumen yang cuma pengen kita dengar aja, sedangkan argumen orang yang mungkin sedikit "berbeda"sama kita cenderung jatuh kena downvote. Kesannya "this is bad" vs "this is good". Terus masalahnya kita gak bisa ngatur batasan pemberian downvote/upvote sih, aku pribadi kalo main reddit kalopun argumen orang itu salah (nah benar atau salah salahnya opini seseorang gak bisa ditentukan lewat satu sudut pandang aja) gak pernah aku kasih downvote, orang yang aku kasih downvote cuma orang yang diskusinya udah kelewat batas/troll. But then again, setiap orang punya hak yang setara untuk hal itu aku gak bisa menuntut banyak. Cuman yang jadi masalah, ketika seseorang udah kena downvote/upvote orang lain jadi ikut-ikutan tanpa tahu isi diskusinya apa atau poin yang orang tersebut sampaikan apa (aku pernah kayak gini).

2. Karma Whore

Serius wan, aku juga dulu sempat ada di fase yang pengen banget mendapat validasi dari orang. Jadi sering aja gitu mikir keras, gimana supaya agar komentar kita atau postingan kita bisa di-upvote banyak orang. Hal buruknya, aku jadi jarang komen. Atau berusaha setengah mampus muter-muter cari celah buat bisa "panen" up vote. Seneng aja gitu wan kalo lihat jejak postingan akunku banyak up vote nya.

2. Kaskus

a. IU Busuk, Sepi, Junker, troll.

Ah bingung wan, kenapa forum terbesar di Indonesia bisa jadi sampah kayak gini. Masa-masa keemasan kaskus mungkin udah reda, sekarang udah hampir gak pernah buka lagi tuh situs. Aku pernah coba bikin akun lagi, dan main kesitu. Tapi aku sama sekali gak mendapat euphoria kesenangan itu, belum lagi kualitas usernya masih sedikit jamet. Sorry sih wan, mungkin ini cuma opini pribadiku aja. Aku sendiri udah mulai kurang suka kalo lihat diskusi yang non-english, kurang apa ya wan? Rasanya ketika argumen kalian dibalut menggunakan bahasa inggris semuanya jadi terlihat lebih bernilai. Itu yang bikin aku kurang betah lihat kolom komentar kaskus, karena mayoritas style typing nya mirip seperti kolom komentar sosmed kebanyakan (tanda baca banyak yang salah, one liner, terkesan gak kasih effort kalo komentar). 

3. 9gag

a. Bukan Platform Menulis

No komen lah wan, aku pribadi emang kurang suka aja sama situs ini  karena gak ada fitur tulisan? Disana full gambar semua, mungkin emang orientasinya buat komunitas meme ya gak sih? CMIIW.

b. Section indo terkontaminasi jamet

Mereka gak ada bedannya sama user dari sosmed konvensional, beneran wan tiap hari perasaan sering aja ada orang yang upload gambar bokep. Meme-nya juga akhir-akhir ini banyak yang repost, secreenshot politik. Gak asiklah wan.


Dimana tempat nongkrong yang asik di internet? Selain 4chan dan FSSchan aku gak pernah buka situs lain lagi. Masalahnya di 4chan aku sendiri masih menyadari kalo kemampuanku berbahasa inggris masih rendah, jadi gak bisa selalu ikut diskusi karena adanya barrier bahasa itu. Aku pengennya ada situs macam 4chan versi indo kayak gini, karena di sini aku gak pake akun wan, aku seneng aja kalo bisa numpahin seluruh isi pemikiran ku ke sini tanpa takut ada intimidasi dari orang lain. Di sini kita semua anonim, suka gak suk ya bakal aku balesin komentar kalian. Aku gak malu terlihat bodoh, rapuh, miskin, nolep dll. Jadi ya, silahkan kalian juga kalo mau komentar atau kalo mau curhat tinggal bantai-bantai aja, toh orang lain gak bisa nge-trace komentar kalian sebelumnya.
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Contoh reddit r/cokin wan, tuh komunitas user-nya pada pake bahasa Inggris gunanya selain buat membantu user dari negara lain ikut diskusi, juga nge filter user goblok macam awan buat betah di sana. Mangkanya pake English biar orang goblok di luar gak ikut posting di sini blokkk

> Kaskus
halah lu ngebandinginnya dengan r*ddit dengan pola pikir barat, opini tergoblok yang pernah gw liat
> tanda baca banyak yang salah
ini apa lagi, hal sepele kek gini dipermasalahin, guoblok
kaskus diskusinya bagus dan ga terpengaruh pola pikir barat, jadi kearifan lokalnya lebih terjaga
bandingin dengan r*ddit yang kalo ada apa" konsultasi ke ideologi barat kek otaknya ga bisa dipake buat mikir, bisanya jiplak barat, tolol

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yaelah, lu telat bros bales postingan gue nya :v
sekarang gue pake distro lubuntu (xfce). sejauh ini lancar-lancar aja, bahkan jauh lebih ringan dari window 8.1, yang mana buat main game pake lutris juga gak lagi patah-patah. Bangke emang baru kenal linux dia paruh pertengahan 2021. Kalo bisa rekomendasiin distro yang paling ringan lagi dong bross, di rumah ada notebook jadul nganggur, niatnya mau gue instalin linux aja.

gak terlalu banyak sih, soalnya linux mint itu sendiri turunan ubuntu. Tapi beberapa hal yang paling gua notice, 1. linux mint itu gak ada snap package managernya (yang terkenal paling buruk seantero raya), 2. UI dan DE nya, ubuntu defaultnya itu gnome (DE window gemuk) sedangkan LM itu XFCE, Cinammon ama Mate(?) (Tergantung apa yang u download di web mereka), 3. Linux mint itu LTS mulu, sedangkan ubuntu ada versi non-LTS nya ada yang LTS. Itu aja sih

However, kalo di linux itu sendiri gak terlalu banyak perbedaan antara distro turunan dan intro, mereka itu 11/12 aja sebenarnya. Kayak artix ama arch yang bedanya cuman di init systemnya doang, Debian dengan ubuntu dll.

I'm glad and quite shock lu bisa main game di linux, seriously making games run di linux itu susah banget bahkan di distro yang mayan banyak penggunanya (a.k.a ubuntu). However, speaking of windows, windows sekarang udah gak berat lagi kok, ane pake chrome  dengan berton-ton tab masih lancar. Kalo game.... karena laptop ane kentang (i3 Mobile (Laptop), 4GB of ram, use HDD) cuman game ringan kayak helltaker, omori, oneshot, deltarune dkk yang bisa dijalankan dengan lancar

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Jadi apakah awan awan di sini ada yang bermain anonchat?
The place is literally filled with horny girls, are you perhaps too autistic to even talk to girls in anon mask?
> be me
> met a girl in anon
> she said i was different than the rest she met there
> my birthday come
> she gave presents
> even give money for food sometimes.

is this how life of an alpha manipulative male feels like? I am fond of it ngl
any experiences awan?
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lo sendiri daya tariknya apa coba
sok inggris dengan pola pikir inggris, sok sains itu ga menarik
terus juga postingan lo dikit" menghina, asik dimananya coba
ga pernah ngaca
> buat mancing atensi para cowok SIMP-ing
bukan tolol, cewek itu suka dipuji, pengen dipuji, pengen dikagumi, karena mungkin mereka minder, "aku cukup cantik ga ya"
memahami wanita aja ga bisa

lu keknya mengharapkan wanita karir
kalo suami kerja, istri kerja, yang mendidik anak siapa?
wanita karir buat apa, biar lu ga usah kerja?
istri yg baik itu yg penurut, yg pintar suka membantah, kalo udah membantah suami, rumah tangga kandas
tl;dr: wanita karir, pintar, strong-independent woman itu wanita durhaka yg menginginkan suami sebagai kacung yg bisa mereka suruh", dan itu yg elu inginkan, dengan kata lain elu cuckold yg ga punya harga diri
mau aja jadi kacungnya wanita

nah, kalo yg lu cari ini wanita karir, terus ngapain nyari di anon?
kalo lu punya karir pasti di circle tempat lu kerja ada wanita kan disitu, nah ajak nikah noh
di anon itu kek club, one night stand, cinta satu malam, yg bener aja lu nyari istri ditempat begituan

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namanya juga doktrin wan.

>  hey anon! bisa-bisanya kamu percaya doktrin lain selain doktrin yang saya percaya!

ada juga doktrin mengenai "the big brother" membelah bulan.

>  be "the big brother"
>  membelah bulan
>  tidak ada catatan apapun di dunia
>  tfw

padahal di indonesia ada sriwijaya, majapahit. ada juga orang inka, orang maori dll. di indonesia ada tulisan yang ditulis di atas batu. tapi tidak ada catatan tentang membelah bulan. tidak di indonesia dan tidak di dunia. padahal kan harusnya bisa diobservasi. orang israel missile aja bisa dilihat masa membelah bulan enggak.

telan aja wan, namanya juga doktrin.

> 2022
> Still using nonsense anti-islamic narratives to disprove Islam
Cokin/kafirs like you should kill yourself, you're beyond salvation.

> Allegation

Anti-Islamists claim that the sum of inheritance doesn’t add up to a whole number, when inheritance is divided using division as prescribed in the Quran. Allegations then use this logic to say that this proves that the Quran is wrong, its maths is wrong, it was authored by some human who didn’t know maths, and it definitely is not from some God, etc.

> What Quran Says

The verses of the Holy Qur’an on inheritance state:

4:12 Allah commands you concerning your children: a male shall have as much as the share of two females; but if there be females only, numbering more than two, then they shall have two-thirds of what the deceased leaves; and if there be one, she shall have the half. And his parents shall have each of them a sixth of the inheritance, if he have a child; but if he have no child and his parents be his heirs, then his mother shall have a third; and if he have brothers and sisters, then his mother shall have a sixth, after the payment of any bequests he may have bequeathed or of debt. Your fathers and your children, you know not which of them is nearest to you in benefit. This fixing of portions is from Allah. Surely, Allah is All- Knowing, Wise.

4:13 And you shall have half of that which your wives leave, if they have no child; but if they have a child, then you shall have a fourth of that which they leave, after the payment of any bequests they may have bequeathed or of debt. And they shall have a fourth of that which you leave, if you have no child; but if you have a child, then they shall have an eighth of that which you leave, after the payment of any bequests you may have bequeathed or of debt. And if there be a man or a woman whose heritage is to be divided and he or she has neither parent nor child, and he or she has a brother or a sister, then each one of them shall have a sixth. But if they be more than that, then they shall be equal sharers in one-third, after the payment of any bequests which may have been bequeathed or of debt, without prejudice to the debt. This is an injunction from Allah, and Allah is All-Knowing, Forbearing.

4:177 They ask thee for instructions. Say, Allah gives you His instructions concerning ‘Kalalah’: If a man dies leaving no child and he has a sister, then she shall have half of what he leaves; and he shall inherit her if she has no child. But if there be two sisters, then they shall have two-thirds of what he leaves. And if the heirs be brethren — both men and women — then the male shall have as much as the portion of two females. Allah explains this to you lest you go astray, and Allah knows all things well.


> Explanation

Under the commentary of verse 4:13, a brief portion explains what the divisions constitute:

It may incidentally be noted here that heirs are divided into two main groups:

Dhawu’l-Fara’id (sharer) i.e. persons to whom Islam allots a fixed and definite share (1/2, ¼, 1/8, 2/3, 1/3, or 1/6) in the estate of a deceased person.
‘Asabat (residuary) i.e. the heirs who receive the residue after the Dhawu’l Fara’id have received their allotted shares.
It is, however, not necessary that a member of the first group should always remain a Dhu’l Farida (sharer). In certain cases, he may be both a Dhu’l Farida (sharer) and an ‘Asaba (residuary) and in other cases he may be simply an ‘Asaba (residuary).

The Dhawu’l-Fara’id (sharers) are 12 in number, four males and eight females.

The males are:

Paternal grandfather
Half-brother on the maternal side.
The females are:

Son’s daughter
Full sister
Half-sister on paternal side
Half-sister on maternal side
Grandmother whether paternal or maternal.
The ‘Asabat (residuaries) are of four kinds:

Ascendants of the deceased i.e. father, paternal grandfather, etc.
Descendants of the deceased i.e. son, son’s son, etc.
Descendants of the father of the deceased i.e. full brother, brother’s son, etc.
Descendants of the grandfather i.e. full paternal uncle, paternal uncle’s son, etc.
[Larger Edition of the Commentary of the Qur’an, Volume 2, pp. 504-505, under verse 4:13]

The objections raised are specifically against the Sharers (Dhawu’l Fara’id), which constitutes the fractional portions. Anti-Islamists claim that these don’t add up to a whole number, but they are not meant to necessarily round up to a whole number. There are residue amounts left over which are considered as well, thus no matter what the case may be, regardless of whether there are fractional portions left over or not, the divisions happen according to the amounts which are left, debts and strangers are paid off first, then the remaining portion is divided among family members, some inheriting at one stage of division, then others get remaining portions of the division. If anyone wishes to consult this matter further they are invited to read the book “Algebra of Mohammed Ben Musa” edited and translated by Frederic Rosen, 1831, specifically the latter portion of the book starting from the chapter entitled “On Legacies”. To give some background, this book was written by the famous Al-Khawarizmi, who invented the modern algebra by utilizing it for the shares of inheritance. Thus, the problem with those trying to grasp the numbers in Islamic inheritance “not adding up” is due to a lack of mathematics on their part and their ignorance of algebra. Algebra was named because of Al-Khawarizmi (Al-Jabr), so anyone who wishes to learn how inheritances were computed should look to the father of modern algebra before they raise further objections.

> Summary

The allegations against the Quran that its maths is wrong when dividing inheritance is due to lack of knowledge of how inheritance works and lack of knowledge of maths on the part of those who raise this objection. A simple reading on how the system of inheritance in Islam works and what’s the maths behind it would alleviate any doubts on this subject.

Jangankan membelah bulan wan. si "Big Brother" bikin agama aja gaada catatannya di negeri manapun. suku nya suku quraish gaada catatannya di dokumen penjelajah roma, persia, yunani dll. kota mekkah pun gaada. fictional semua wan.

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